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⚠️ State of development!

This app is currently in a alpha status and there are no official builds available.
You can always build the app from this source if you want, more info can be found under building instructions.

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🏓 Open Sport Result Tracker

What does it do?

This app allows you to keep track of the results from various matches in different sports. It mostly applies to sports where you play matches and a winner is determined by the count of points.
Main examples are table tennis, beach volleyball or squash.

But why all this?

Well because you can create some interesting statistics from this data. With visualization you get an easy access to all your matches. You can quickly check how many games you played against you best friend.
If you are looking for an challenge, just check against whom you got the lowest wining rate.
Just want to check if you played more table tennis or beach volleyball this summer? Got you!

Oh, but what else does it do with all my data?

Simply nothing!
All data is stored on the device and will never be sent to any server nor any third party platform.

📱 Where to get it

The app will be available in the Play and App Store. APK's will also be attached to the releases here on github.

🔧 How to build it

Short (needs to be written properly):

  1. clone this repo
  2. npm i`
  3. ionic build
  4. npx cap run android or npx cap run ios