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I will be building a one time password authentication using React Native.

Tech Stack

  • React Native: show user a form to sign-up and sign-in.
  • Twillo: send text messages to users.
  • Firebase: store user data, including user accounts and correct one-time password codes.
  • Google Cloud Function: tiny bits of code that run one time on demand. Has access to data in Firebase.

User Flow and Approach

Basic user flow

alt text

Best Approach

alt text

Handling a New User

Cloud function #1

  1. User enters email and phone
  2. Verify phone is not in use
  3. Create a new user record in Firebase

Cloud function #2 4. User requests to log-in with phone number 5. Generate code 6. Save the code to the user's record 7. Text the code to the user

Cloud function #3 8. User enters code 9. Compare codes 10. Mark code as no longer being valid 11. Return a JWT (JSON Web Token) to user

Create a Firebase Project

Create Project here

npm install -g firebase-tools # install firebase-tools npm package globally if not done so.

npm package description here

Set up local Firebase Project

firebase login
firebase init
firebase deploy --project one-time-password-f9af0 
  • Firebase project is comprised of: Data store -> Service Client -> function #1...n

  • Service Client has direct access to cloud functions. Data Store can have access to those via Service Client.

// Make sure to get a private key before using this Service Account.
const serviceAccount = require('./service-account.json');

  credential: admin.credential.cert(serviceAccount),
  databaseURL: ""

Write Cloud Function to create a user

// index.js
const createUser = require('./create-user');
exports.createUser = functions.https.onRequest(createUser);

// create-user.js
// Create a new user account using that phone number
admin.auth().createUser({ uid: phone })
.then(user => response.send(user))
.catch(err => response.status(422).send({ error: err }));

Sign up for Twilio

npm install --save twilio@3.0.0-rc.13 # install twilio client
// twilio.js
import { ACCOUNT_SID, AUTH_TOKEN } from './twilio-keys';

const twilio = require('twilio');

module.exports = twilio.Twillo(ACCOUNT_SID, AUTH_TOKEN);

.then(userRecord => {
  const code = Math.floor((Math.random() * 8999) + 1000);

    body: `your code is + ${code}`,
    to: phone,
    from: '+19499545308'
.catch((err) => {
  response.status(422).send({ error: err });

Write Function to generate and text a user

Check out this file


Stephen Grider's React Native


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