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A modified and enhanced version of the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) for iOS


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Microsoft Authentication Library for iOS

The MSAL library for iOS gives your app the ability to connect your users through Microsoft Azure Active Directory and Microsoft Accounts, using industry standard OAuth2 and OpenID Connect.

This is a customized version of the original one provided by Microsoft and is not supported and/or endorsed by Microsoft in any way. Since I do not offer any kind of support whatsoever, if you are looking to begin working with this library, always refer to the original repository.

If you're still interested in this fork, go straight to the next paragraph.

Why this fork

The main reason why this fork is born is to fix the incompatibility between this library and the Azure B2C authentication system. However, going ahead with it I realized that I needed to directly expose to my application the refreshToken, hence I decided not to merge this fork and keep it as a separated project.

You should not use this fork, unless you are looking for the following added features:

  • Direct access to the refreshToken: even though this might sound as a security issue to someone, there are specific cases where this is needed.

If you're still reading and you really want to use this fork, you should also bear in mind these few things:

  • This library is not supported neither by Microsoft or me. I do not provide any kind of assistance in using it and I do not guarantee that it will be kept in sync with any change to the Microsoft Cloud or the original library.


Keeping in mind all of the things that you should have read before (if you didn't, please do), the preferred way to use this library is Carthage.


Just add the following to your Cartfile:

github "MrAsterisco/MSAL" "master"

If you don't have Carthage in your project, refer to this guide to learn how to install and configure it.

Once you have the MSAL library in your project, you can import it with the following line:

import MSAL

Acquiring a Token for the first time

To initiate an authentication session, you need to initialize a MSALPublicClientApplication using your Client ID and the Authority, that you can get using the Azure portal:

let application = try MSALPublicClientApplication.init(clientId: <# clientId #>, authority: <# authority #>)

The first time that your application needs to authenticate the user, make a call to the acquireToken method:

application.acquireToken(forScopes: [<# an array of scopes #>]) { (result, error) in
	if let result = result {
		let accessToken = result.accessToken
		let userIdentifier = result.user.userIdentifier()
		<# use the accessToken #>
	} else if let error = error {
		<# handle errors #>

Note: if you are using Azure B2C, you must pass the Client ID as the one of the scopes.

The acquireToken call will automatically open a SFSafariViewController with the correct Microsoft login page (or your customized portal, if you have one). Once the user has successfully completed the login procedure, the SFSafariViewController will redirect to your app using an URL-schema that you must have defined in the Azure portal. To be able to handle this redirect, your app should define the following in the Info.plist file.


Furthermore, your AppDelegate instance should pass these types of redirect URIs to the MSAL library, using the following code:

func application(_ application: UIApplication, open url: URL, sourceApplication: String?, annotation: Any) -> Bool {
	// If your app also handles other URL Types, just make a switch on url.scheme

	return true


To know if the user is logged-in, your application should store the user identifier. Do not manually cache either the accessToken or the refreshToken: this is done for you automatically by the library.

The user identifier, as the name says, stores a unique reference to the logged-in user and can be used to acquire a token at any time.

Acquiring a Token silently

When your application needs a token, you should always refer to the MSAL library to get one. However, if you already have a user identifier somewhere, you will want the app to acquire it without asking the user to login once again.

To do this, use the acquireTokenSilent method:

let user = try! application.user(forIdentifier: <# userIdentifier #>)
application.acquireTokenSilent(forScopes: [<# scopes #>], user: user, completionBlock: { (result, error) in
	if let result = result {
		let accessToken = result.accessToken
		<# use the accessToken #>
	else if let error = error {
		if ((error as NSError).code == MSALErrorCode.interactionRequired.rawValue) {
			<# handle interaction required error #>
		else {
			<# handle other errors #>

Most of the times, this call will just return the accessToken in cache. Every once in a while, that token will expire and the library will automatically refresh it using the refreshToken.

Sometimes, the Microsoft Authentication system might require to show the login window once again, for various reasons (this won't happen often and should not affect your user experience in any way): when this happens, the MSALErrorCode.interactionRequired will be thrown.

Getting the refresh token

Note: do not mess around with the refreshToken, if you don't know what you're doing. You should always consider it just like a password.

Using the user identifier that you have previously cached, you can gather the associated refreshToken with the following code:

let refreshToken = try! application.refreshToken(forUserIdentifier: <# userIdentifier #>)

Logging out

To logout a user, use the remove method on the MSALPublicClientApplication.

try application.remove(user)

Of course, you should also erase your application cache, to make sure that the next time the interactive login window will be triggered.

Help and Support

The guide above is the most detailed tutorial on how to integrate and use the MSAL library that I could find. I have extended the Microsoft tutorial (which lacks of most of the precious information that you'll need while working with MSAL) with my personal experience.

Anyway, I do not provide any kind of commercial or free support for this library. If you have problems and you want to discuss them with me, open an issue in this repository: I usually answer within a few hours, a day top.

If you have issues not directly related to this fork, please always refer to the original version of the library provided by Microsoft.


If you want to contribute and improve the MSAL library, refer to the original repository by Microsoft.

Anyway, if you think that your changes are more related to my version, feel free to fork this repository and, eventually, do a pull request.


A modified and enhanced version of the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) for iOS







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