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A UILabel subclass that supports directional content insets and simplifies styling.


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StyleableLable is a simple UILabel subclass that supports corner radius and directional content insets with AutoLayout out-of-the-box.



StyleableLabel is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'StyleableLabel'


StyleableLabel can be installed through Carthage by adding this line to your Cartfile:

github "MrAsterisco/StyleableLabel"

Then follow the usual procedure to include StyleableLabel.framework in your target(s).

Swift Package Manager

To install RxFireAuth in your project, add this repository as dependency using Xcode or add the following in your Package.swift file:

.package(url: "")

Example Project

This library includes a sample project that lets you play around with a StyleableLabel. The example project uses Combine and runs on iOS 13.4 or later. The main view controller leverages AutoLayout to automatically resize a table view header based on the StyleableLabel content and directional insets. You can play around with the values and see them reflected into the label immediately.

To see it in action, follow these steps:

  • Download this repository.
  • Run pod install inside the Example folder.
  • Open StyleableLabel.xcworkspace, build and run.

Optionally, to see how it works with Right-to-Left languages, refer to this guide.


StyleableLabel is a subclass of UILabel, meaning that you can replace your existing labels with it.


StyleableLabel offers two ways to set content insets:

  • directionalEdgeInsets: set a content inset based on the system layout direction (iOS 11 or later).
  • edgeInsets: set a fixed content inset.

These two properties are interchangeable: if you set a value in either of them, the other will always return the same value. StyleableLabel will make the appropriate conversions when passing from directionalEdgeInsets to edgeInsets.

StyleableLabel also provides immediate access to the underlying CALayer's cornerRadius property. This can also be set in the Interface Builder.


StyleableLabel targets iOS 9.0 or later. To use directional content insets, iOS 11 or later is required.


All contributions to expand the library are welcome. Fork the repo, make the changes you want, and open a Pull Request.

If you make changes to the codebase, I am not enforcing a coding style, but I may ask you to make changes based on how the rest of the library is made.


This library is under active development. Even if most of the APIs are pretty straightforward, they may change in the future; but you don't have to worry about that, because releases will follow Semanting Versioning 2.0.0.


StyleableLabel is distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.


A UILabel subclass that supports directional content insets and simplifies styling.







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