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Utility Commands

MrBlobman edited this page May 14, 2017 · 5 revisions

This page is for server administrators.

Starting with version 2.0.0, NBTProxy supports a couple of NBT query commands. In order to enabled these you must first go into your config.yml and change the paths to true for the commands you wish to enable.

If you are just checking things out you can skip down to Examples.

To enable everything your config.yml should look like this:

    item: true
    block: true
    entity: true
    file: true
    item: true
    block: true
    entity: true
    file: true

Command Structure

The command looks like /nbt <query_type> <query_target> [nbt_data | path] all of which are explained below. See:

Query Type

The query type can be one of:

  1. get or read - To take a look at the NBT tag that is on the target. Enabled for specific targets in the read section from the config.yml.
  2. set or write - To completely overwrite the NBT tag on the target. Enabled for specific targets in the write section from the config.yml.
  3. add - To add to the existing NBT tag on the target. This will overwrite tags with the same name. Enabled for specific targets in the write section from the config.yml.

Query Target

The query target can be one of:

  1. item - uses the item in the caller's main hand as the target. As such, it can only be executed by players in-game and not from console. Enabled in the item section from the config.yml.
  2. block - uses the block that the caller is looking at as the target. As such, it can only be executed by players in-game and not from console. The block must be a tile entity, such as a furnace, or the caller will get a message saying that the block doesn't have any NBT associated with it. Enabled in the block section from the config.yml.
  3. entity - uses entities within 5 blocks in all three directions as the target. As such, it can only be executed by players in-game and not from console. Enabled in the entity section from the config.yml. If this becomes an issue and a better selection method is required please open an issue or a PM on spigot.
  4. player - requires an additional argument <name> that is the name of the player to target. This can be executed from in-game or console and is enabled in the entity section from the config.yml.
  5. file - requires an additional argument <path> that is the path from the server jar to the file to target. It is too dangerous to let lose in-game so this command can only be executed by console. It is enabled in the file section from the config.yml.

NBT Data

The set, write, and add commands all require an additional <nbt_data> argument which specifies the compound tag to write (or append) to the target. This format is the same as the regular NBT one may see when executing vanilla commands. Some examples on this can be found at


The get and read commands can take an optional path which specifies which tag in particular the caller wants. For example if the caller looks at a furnace and executes /nbt read block the output may look like this:

  'BurnTime': 0s,
  'CookTime': 0s,
  'CookTimeTotal': 0s,
  'id': "minecraft:furnace",
  'Lock': "",
  'x': 12,
  'y': 70,
  'z': 96

But maybe the caller just wanted to find out what item was in the furnace so instead they could execute /nbt read block Items.0 to get an output like this:


The path specifies how to get from the top level tag (the target's tag) to the data that the caller wants. Each time the path must enter a compound tag (described with { ... }) or a list tag (described with [ ... ]) the path needs a dot (.).

The path elements are then just tag names separated by dots that lead to the desired data.


Ex 1. Reading the level.dat:

  • From console execute /nbt read file world/level.dat with read.file enabled in the config.yml
  'Data': {
    'allowCommands': 0b,
    'BorderCenterX': 0.0d,
    'BorderCenterZ': 0.0d,
    'BorderDamagePerBlock': 0.2d,
    'BorderSafeZone': 5.0d,
    'BorderSize': 6.0E7d,
    'BorderSizeLerpTarget': 6.0E7d,
    'BorderSizeLerpTime': 0L,
    'BorderWarningBlocks': 5.0d,
    'BorderWarningTime': 15.0d,
    'clearWeatherTime': 0,
    'DataVersion': 819,
    'DayTime': 84000L,
    'Difficulty': 1b,
    'DifficultyLocked': 0b,
    'DimensionData': {
    'GameRules': {
      'commandBlockOutput': "true",
      'disableElytraMovementCheck': "false",
      'doDaylightCycle': "true",
      'doEntityDrops': "true",
      'doFireTick': "true",
      'doMobLoot': "true",
      'doMobSpawning': "true",
      'doTileDrops': "true",
      'doWeatherCycle': "true",
      'keepInventory': "false",
      'logAdminCommands': "true",
      'maxEntityCramming': "24",
      'mobGriefing': "true",
      'naturalRegeneration': "true",
      'randomTickSpeed': "3",
      'reducedDebugInfo': "false",
      'sendCommandFeedback': "true",
      'showDeathMessages': "true",
      'spawnRadius': "10",
      'spectatorsGenerateChunks': "true"
    'GameType': 0,
    'generatorName': "default",
    'generatorOptions': "",
    'generatorVersion': 1,
    'hardcore': 0b,
    'initialized': 1b,
    'LastPlayed': 1479357928691L,
    'LevelName': "world",
    'MapFeatures': 1b,
    'raining': 0b,
    'rainTime': 140417,
    'RandomSeed': 6444133902814818117L,
    'SizeOnDisk': 0L,
    'SpawnX': 16,
    'SpawnY': 64,
    'SpawnZ': 100,
    'thundering': 0b,
    'thunderTime': 88549,
    'Time': 84000L,
    'Version': {
      'Id': 819,
      'Name': "1.11",
      'Snapshot': 0b
    'version': 19133

Ex 2. Getting just the seed from the level.dat:

  • From console execute /nbt read file world/level.dat Data.RandomSeed with read.file enabled in the config.yml

Ex 3. Setting the color of the leather helmet you are holding:

  • Hold a leather helmet and execute /nbt add item {display:{color:16711935}} with write.item enabled in the config.yml
  • This should change the color to magenta (FF00FF in hex converted to decimal)
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