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File metadata and controls

186 lines (168 loc) · 7.68 KB


The "Better Bash Library": A set of functions to assist with creating well-written and reliable Bash scripts. The functions are documented in-line within bblib.bash, and a simple example that uses it is in example.bash.


Add this to the top of your Bash script:

source <(wget -qO-

Alternately, clone this repo locally and use source with the full path to bblib.bash.

Once bblib.bash is sourced in your script, you may refer to any of its supplied functions and/or replace them with your own.

General Info

  • This library will automatically source any shell script that is named ${0}.conf (Example: yourscript.conf or This is the recommended way to add or replace variables and functions outside your main script.
  • This library sets the shell to exit on the first error from a command or pipe. This ensures safer execution and better debugging.
  • The library will set a trap for SIGINT and SIGTERM to allow you to kill it should a command behave undesirably.
  • It will set an additional trap that runs on exit to assist with mandatory cleanup. See the finally function for more details.

Function breakdown

  • usage
    • Description: Prints help and usage info
    • Usage: usage
    • Notes: This is just an example. You should replace this with a similar function in your sourced conf file or in your main script.
  • pprint
    • Description: Properly line-wraps text that is piped in to it. It tries to auto-detect your terminal width, which can be set manually as the first argument, and has a hard fallback of 80.
    • Usage:
      • command | pprint [options]
      • pprint [options] <<< "text"
    • Options:
      • [0-7]|[COLOR]: Prints the ASCII escape code to set color.
      • [bold]: Prints the ASCII escape code to set bold.
      • [underline]: Prints the ASCII escape code to set underline.
    • Notes: More info here:
  • inarray
    • Description: Checks to see if a string is in an array and returns the index if true.
    • Usage: inarray "${ARRAY[@]}" "SEARCHSTRING"
  • uc
    • Description: Converts text to uppercase.
    • Usage:
      • command | uc
      • uc [text]
  • lc
    • Description: Converts text to lowercase.
    • Usage:
      • command | lc
      • lc [text]
  • hr
    • Description: Prints a horizontal rule.
    • Usage:
      • hr
      • hr $CHARACTER
  • log
    • Description: Formats log messages and writes them to syslog, stderr, and a file.
    • Usage:
      • command |& log [severity]
      • log [severity] [message]
    • Aliases:
      • log_debug = log "DEBUG"
      • log_info = log "INFO"
      • log_note = log "NOTICE"
      • log_warn = log "WARN"
      • log_err = log "ERROR"
      • log_crit = log "CRITICAL"
      • log_alert = log "ALERT"
      • log_emer = log "EMERGENCY"
    • Variables:
      • LOGLEVEL: The cutoff for message severity to log (Default is INFO).
      • LOGFILE: Path to a log file to write messages to (Default is to skip file logging).
      • TRACEDEPTH: Sets how many function levels above this one to start a stack trace (Default is 1).
    • Notes:
      • This function depends on the inarray, pprint, and uc functions.
      • Logging to file requires $LOGFILE to be set.
      • The default log level is INFO if you do not define it.
      • The default severity is NOTICE if you do not define it.
      • Valid levels/severities are EMERGENCY, ALERT, CRITICAL, ERROR, WARN, NOTICE, INFO, DEBUG as per syslog. Other severities will numerically equate to NOTICE in syslog.
      • All interactive output is color-coded via pprint.
  • quit
    • Description: Logs a message and exits
    • Usage: quit [severity] [message] [exitcode]
  • argparser
    • Description: Parses flags passed on the command-line
    • Usage: argparser "$@"
    • Notes: This function is meant to be copied into your sourced conf file and modified to suit your script's needs.
  • requireuser
    • Description: Checks to see if the user running the script matches the desired username and exits on failure.
    • Usage: requireuser [user]
  • bash4check
    • Description: Checks to see if you are on Bash 4.0 or above and exits if not.
    • Usage: Place bash4check at the beginning of any function that uses Bash 4+ features.
  • finally
    • Description: A function that runs extra commands before the script exits
    • Usage: Add actions to its list by running: FINALCMDS+=("command arg arg")
  • checkpid
    • Description: Checks to see if another copy of this script is running by checking ps and maintaining a PID file.
    • Usage: checkpid
  • prunner
    • Description: Executes commands in parallel.
    • Usage:
      • prunner -t [threads] -c [command] [files...]
      • prunner [commandline] [commandline...]
      • commandline_generator | prunner
      • find . -name "*.txt" | prunner -c "gzip -v" -t 8
    • Arguments:
      • -c: Command to prepend to each job line. If you do -c gzip and pipe in to or suffix prunner with arguments, the resulting background command will be gzip $JOBLINE.
      • -t: Threads to use. Default is 8. You can alternately set the THREADS environment variable.
    • Notes: The number of jobs to run concurrently may also be set by the THREADS variable.


    • Description: Array containing commands to run on exit. Add actions to its list by running: FINALCMDS+=("command arg arg")
    • Used by: finally.
    • Default: ()
    • Description: Array containing every command that is run by the script. It is populated by a DEBUG trap.
    • Default: ()
    • Used by: log
    • Description: Set this to determine the cutoff for logging severity according to the levels in syslog.
    • Used by: log.
    • Default: 'INFO'
    • Description: Set this to have log additionally output to a file.
    • Used by: log.
    • Notes: This will capture debug output if Bash has set -x.
    • Default: unset
    • Description: The path to a file for tracking the PID of the script.
    • Used by: checkpid.
    • Default: '${0}.pid'
    • Description: Variable to set the user that is allowed to run this script.
    • Used by: requireuser.
    • Default: unset
    • Description: The name of the script that will appear in the header of all log lines.
    • Used by: log.
    • Default: "${0}"
    • Description: Integer to control the number of background jobs to allow at once.
    • Used by: prunner.
    • Default: 8
    • Description: How many function levels above log to start printing stack trace messages.
    • Default: 1
    • Used by: log


The commands that bblib.bash calls out to are listed here, in case you are on a system that does not have them:

  • cat
    • Used by: usage
  • fold
    • Used by: pprint
  • grep
    • Used by: checkpid
  • logger
    • Used by: log
  • ps
    • Used by: checkpid
  • rm
    • Used by: checkpid
  • tee
    • Used by: log
  • tr
    • Used by: uc, lc, log
  • tput
    • Used by: pprint


If you would like to extend this library, some resources for advanced usage are available here: