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Integrate Framework

Philipp Schürmann edited this page Sep 23, 2015 · 1 revision

Maven Dependencies

Add the following dependendy to your Maven pom.xml to use the core module of the framework.


Ideally you should add another integration module, e.g. for the Spring Framework.


Note: Until the release of the first stable version InteractiveData cannot deploy to Maven Central. Use one of the following ways to access artifacts of snapshot versions.

Snapshot Repository

Snapshots are deployed to OSSRH Snapshot Repository. Add the snapshot repository to your maven project by adding the following to your pom.xml:

        <name>OSSRH snapshot repository</name>

Install to local repository

Alternatively you can download the source and install the current version to your local maven repository. Run the following commands:

git clone
cd InteractiveData
mvn clean install

This will clone this repository to a local folder and install the artifacts to your local maven repository.

Spring Boot Starter

Interactive Data has a starter template for an easy start with Spring Boot. This will also auto configure everything for direct start. Add the following dependency to your Spring Boot Project.


To start a new project from scatch use to initzialize a Spring Boot project.