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ILaborApi laborApi = client.LaborApi;

Class Name



List Break Types

Returns a paginated list of BreakType instances for a business.

ListBreakTypesAsync(string locationId = null, int? limit = null, string cursor = null)


Parameter Type Tags Description
locationId string Query, Optional Filter Break Types returned to only those that are associated with the
specified location.
limit int? Query, Optional Maximum number of Break Types to return per page. Can range between 1
and 200. The default is the maximum at 200.
cursor string Query, Optional Pointer to the next page of Break Type results to fetch.

Response Type


Example Usage

    ListBreakTypesResponse result = await laborApi.ListBreakTypesAsync(null, null, null);
catch (ApiException e){};

Create Break Type

Creates a new BreakType.

A BreakType is a template for creating Break objects. You must provide the following values in your request to this endpoint:

  • location_id
  • break_name
  • expected_duration
  • is_paid

You can only have 3 BreakType instances per location. If you attempt to add a 4th BreakType for a location, an INVALID_REQUEST_ERROR "Exceeded limit of 3 breaks per location." is returned.

CreateBreakTypeAsync(Models.CreateBreakTypeRequest body)


Parameter Type Tags Description
body Models.CreateBreakTypeRequest Body, Required An object containing the fields to POST for the request.

See the corresponding object definition for field details.

Response Type


Example Usage

var bodyBreakType = new BreakType.Builder(
        "Lunch Break",
var body = new CreateBreakTypeRequest.Builder(

    CreateBreakTypeResponse result = await laborApi.CreateBreakTypeAsync(body);
catch (ApiException e){};

Delete Break Type

Deletes an existing BreakType.

A BreakType can be deleted even if it is referenced from a Shift.

DeleteBreakTypeAsync(string id)


Parameter Type Tags Description
id string Template, Required UUID for the BreakType being deleted.

Response Type


Example Usage

string id = "id0";

    DeleteBreakTypeResponse result = await laborApi.DeleteBreakTypeAsync(id);
catch (ApiException e){};

Get Break Type

Returns a single BreakType specified by id.

GetBreakTypeAsync(string id)


Parameter Type Tags Description
id string Template, Required UUID for the BreakType being retrieved.

Response Type


Example Usage

string id = "id0";

    GetBreakTypeResponse result = await laborApi.GetBreakTypeAsync(id);
catch (ApiException e){};

Update Break Type

Updates an existing BreakType.

UpdateBreakTypeAsync(string id, Models.UpdateBreakTypeRequest body)


Parameter Type Tags Description
id string Template, Required UUID for the BreakType being updated.
body Models.UpdateBreakTypeRequest Body, Required An object containing the fields to POST for the request.

See the corresponding object definition for field details.

Response Type


Example Usage

string id = "id0";
var bodyBreakType = new BreakType.Builder(
var body = new UpdateBreakTypeRequest.Builder(

    UpdateBreakTypeResponse result = await laborApi.UpdateBreakTypeAsync(id, body);
catch (ApiException e){};

List Employee Wages

Returns a paginated list of EmployeeWage instances for a business.

ListEmployeeWagesAsync(string employeeId = null, int? limit = null, string cursor = null)


Parameter Type Tags Description
employeeId string Query, Optional Filter wages returned to only those that are associated with the
specified employee.
limit int? Query, Optional Maximum number of Employee Wages to return per page. Can range between
1 and 200. The default is the maximum at 200.
cursor string Query, Optional Pointer to the next page of Employee Wage results to fetch.

Response Type


Example Usage

    ListEmployeeWagesResponse result = await laborApi.ListEmployeeWagesAsync(null, null, null);
catch (ApiException e){};

Get Employee Wage

Returns a single EmployeeWage specified by id.

GetEmployeeWageAsync(string id)


Parameter Type Tags Description
id string Template, Required UUID for the EmployeeWage being retrieved.

Response Type


Example Usage

string id = "id0";

    GetEmployeeWageResponse result = await laborApi.GetEmployeeWageAsync(id);
catch (ApiException e){};

Create Shift

Creates a new Shift.

A Shift represents a complete work day for a single employee. You must provide the following values in your request to this endpoint:

  • location_id
  • employee_id
  • start_at

An attempt to create a new Shift can result in a BAD_REQUEST error when:

  • The status of the new Shift is OPEN and the employee has another shift with an OPEN status.
  • The start_at date is in the future
  • the start_at or end_at overlaps another shift for the same employee
  • If Breaks are set in the request, a break start_at must not be before the Shift.start_at. A break end_at must not be after the Shift.end_at
CreateShiftAsync(Models.CreateShiftRequest body)


Parameter Type Tags Description
body Models.CreateShiftRequest Body, Required An object containing the fields to POST for the request.

See the corresponding object definition for field details.

Response Type


Example Usage

var bodyShiftWageHourlyRate = new Money.Builder()
var bodyShiftWage = new ShiftWage.Builder()
var bodyShiftBreaks = new List<Break>();

var bodyShiftBreaks0 = new Break.Builder(
        "Tea Break",

var bodyShift = new Shift.Builder(
var body = new CreateShiftRequest.Builder(

    CreateShiftResponse result = await laborApi.CreateShiftAsync(body);
catch (ApiException e){};

Search Shifts

Returns a paginated list of Shift records for a business. The list to be returned can be filtered by:

  • Location IDs and
  • employee IDs and
  • shift status (OPEN, CLOSED) and
  • shift start and
  • shift end and
  • work day details

The list can be sorted by:

  • start_at
  • end_at
  • created_at
  • updated_at
SearchShiftsAsync(Models.SearchShiftsRequest body)


Parameter Type Tags Description
body Models.SearchShiftsRequest Body, Required An object containing the fields to POST for the request.

See the corresponding object definition for field details.

Response Type


Example Usage

var bodyQueryFilterWorkdayDateRange = new DateRange.Builder()
var bodyQueryFilterWorkday = new ShiftWorkday.Builder()
var bodyQueryFilter = new ShiftFilter.Builder()
var bodyQuery = new ShiftQuery.Builder()
var body = new SearchShiftsRequest.Builder()

    SearchShiftsResponse result = await laborApi.SearchShiftsAsync(body);
catch (ApiException e){};

Delete Shift

Deletes a Shift.

DeleteShiftAsync(string id)


Parameter Type Tags Description
id string Template, Required UUID for the Shift being deleted.

Response Type


Example Usage

string id = "id0";

    DeleteShiftResponse result = await laborApi.DeleteShiftAsync(id);
catch (ApiException e){};

Get Shift

Returns a single Shift specified by id.

GetShiftAsync(string id)


Parameter Type Tags Description
id string Template, Required UUID for the Shift being retrieved.

Response Type


Example Usage

string id = "id0";

    GetShiftResponse result = await laborApi.GetShiftAsync(id);
catch (ApiException e){};

Update Shift

Updates an existing Shift.

When adding a Break to a Shift, any earlier Breaks in the Shift have the end_at property set to a valid RFC-3339 datetime string.

When closing a Shift, all Break instances in the shift must be complete with end_at set on each Break.

UpdateShiftAsync(string id, Models.UpdateShiftRequest body)


Parameter Type Tags Description
id string Template, Required ID of the object being updated.
body Models.UpdateShiftRequest Body, Required An object containing the fields to POST for the request.

See the corresponding object definition for field details.

Response Type


Example Usage

string id = "id0";
var bodyShiftWageHourlyRate = new Money.Builder()
var bodyShiftWage = new ShiftWage.Builder()
var bodyShiftBreaks = new List<Break>();

var bodyShiftBreaks0 = new Break.Builder(
        "Tea Break",

var bodyShift = new Shift.Builder(
var body = new UpdateShiftRequest.Builder(

    UpdateShiftResponse result = await laborApi.UpdateShiftAsync(id, body);
catch (ApiException e){};

List Workweek Configs

Returns a list of WorkweekConfig instances for a business.

ListWorkweekConfigsAsync(int? limit = null, string cursor = null)


Parameter Type Tags Description
limit int? Query, Optional Maximum number of Workweek Configs to return per page.
cursor string Query, Optional Pointer to the next page of Workweek Config results to fetch.

Response Type


Example Usage

    ListWorkweekConfigsResponse result = await laborApi.ListWorkweekConfigsAsync(null, null);
catch (ApiException e){};

Update Workweek Config

Updates a WorkweekConfig.

UpdateWorkweekConfigAsync(string id, Models.UpdateWorkweekConfigRequest body)


Parameter Type Tags Description
id string Template, Required UUID for the WorkweekConfig object being updated.
body Models.UpdateWorkweekConfigRequest Body, Required An object containing the fields to POST for the request.

See the corresponding object definition for field details.

Response Type


Example Usage

string id = "id0";
var bodyWorkweekConfig = new WorkweekConfig.Builder(
var body = new UpdateWorkweekConfigRequest.Builder(

    UpdateWorkweekConfigResponse result = await laborApi.UpdateWorkweekConfigAsync(id, body);
catch (ApiException e){};