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Releases: MrJPGames/NDS2Hiya

Added single NDS file install

24 Jul 15:16
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This new option allows you to instead of looking for the directory a single NDS file is in you can just use a open file dialog to find the NDS file you wish to install and it will be installed onto the HiyaCFW SDNAND.

Initial release

24 Jul 14:49
Choose a tag to compare

Allows for installing DSiWare to an HiyaCFW SD card, allowing you to play them from Launcher.
Installs with save file (if save file is present in same directory as the rom and with the same name and .pub extension)
Allow for copying DSiWare to PC (with save file backup)
Block management, see how much space each title takes up and how much will be left on your DSi, this has some strange issue where titles are smaller under HiyaCFW than normal, if you know why this is please contact me!