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MrKleeblatt edited this page Oct 8, 2022 · 10 revisions

Welcome to KleeBuild wiki

Please note that every time you run one of the commands there has to be a kleebuild.yml configuration file in your project directory. If there is no, kleebuild will create one.

kleebuild <subcommand>

Available commands

  • init
  • build
  • clean
  • run


This version of kleebuild only supports Linux.

To install kleebuild you need to clone this repository. If you don't have git installed, just download it as a zip and place it anywhere you want. Just make sure to remember in which directory you downloaded or cloned the repo!

git clone

After that you just need to make bash script to run this small deno script. Cd to a directory that is on your PATH variable, create a file called kleebuild and paste the following inside:

deno run -A /YOUR_PATH_TO_KLEEBUILD/kleebuild.ts "$@"

You can now initialize a new project inside a new directory with kleebuild init.
Please make sure that you DO NOT open the project in CLion with "open as project" option because this will lead to unexpected behaviour. Just open the directory, then open compile_commands.json in CLion and click on "Load Compilation Database Project"

ALWAYS make sure that you right click on src directory, Mark Directory as and Project Sources and Headers

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