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Table to KG entity linking benchmark evaluation scalability, data dynamism, and KG generalizability.

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Table to KG Entity Linking Benchmark

Table to KG entity linking benchmark evaluation scalability, data dynamism, and KG generality.

Before setting up this benchmark, make sure you have at least 1.5T disk space available.


Before executing the benchmark, the table corpora must be downloaded and processed, Wikidata and DBpedia must be downloaded, and a Neo4J instance must be setup and populated with the two knowledge graphs. All of this is wrapped in a single Docker file setup.dockerfile. Before setting up the experiments, open to decide on which datasets to setup and to be included when executing the experiments. To start setting up the experiments, run the following commands.

docker build -t tab2kg_setup -f setup.dockerfile .
docker run --rm -v ${PWD}/setup:/home -v ${PWD}/benchmarks:/benchmarks -v ${PWD}/baselines:/baselines tab2kg_setup

This will setup the entire benchmark. Keep in mind this is a very slow process, as there is a lot of data to be processed!

Enter the directory setup/existence/, build the Docker image and run a container to perform existence checking of ground truth entities in KG files, the Virtuoso instance, and the keyword lookup service by running the following set of commands.

docker build -t existence .
docker network inspect kg-lookup-network >/dev/null 2>&1 || docker network create kg-lookup-network
docker run --rm --name vos_existence -d \
           --network kg-lookup-network \
           -v ${PWD}/../../kg-lookup/database:/database \
           -v ${PWD}/../../kg-lookup/import:/import \
           -t -p 1111:1111 -p 8890:8890 -i openlink/virtuoso-opensource-7:7
docker run --rm --network kg-lookup-network -v ${PWD}:/home \
                -v ${PWD}/../../benchmarks/:/benchmarks \
                -v ${PWD}/../tough_tables/dbpedia/:/dbpedia_16 \
                -v ${PWD}/../kg/dbpedia/:/dbpedia_22 \
                -v ${PWD}/../tough_tables/wikidata/:/wikidata \
                --name existence_checking existence
docker stop vos_existence

The container will also remove ground truth entities that do not exist in the KG files.

Running Benchmark

First, open to select which datasets to use in the experiments. Make sure to not include a dataset that wasn't included when setting up the setup.

Executing the benchmark is simple. Similar to setting up the benchmark, run the following commands to start the entire benchmark pipeline.


All the results are now stored in the results/ folder.

To clean up all docker images, container, networks, etc., run the script.

Evaluating the Results

To evaluate the results, run the following command:

docker run --rm -v ${PWD}/results/:/results -v ${PWD}/benchmarks/:/benchmarks -v ${PWD}/measure/:/measure amancevice/pandas:slim-2.2.2 python /measure/

This will generate CSV files for different measurement metrics, including precision, recall, F1-score, and runtime. These CSV can then be used to generate plots.

Resources Summary

We summarize the corpora used in this benchmark and their golden standard.

  • WebDataCommons
    • Web HTML tables
    • Contains ambiguities
    • Large scale suitable for scalability evaluation (233 million tables)
  • HardTables
    • Noisy, contains spelling errors and ambiguities
  • Tough Tables
    • Complement to SemTab tables
    • Contains more noise
    • Ensures human annotators can resolve ambiguities
  • WikiTables
    • Large corpus of clean Wikipedia tables
    • There is no noise
    • Entity cells are annotated with their corresponding Wikipedia page which can be used to construct ground truth using DBpedia and Wikidata
  • tFood
    • Domain-specific corpus about food
    • Links to Wikidata

Dataset Analysis

Below is listed the average dimensions and number of entities in the datasets used in this repository. There is also a plot that shows the type distribution of the knowledge graph entities involved in the tabular datasets. This helps us understand the domains of the table entities.

To run the analysis process, run the following commands. But first, make sure you set the ownership of the files in setup to yourself.

sudo chown ${USER} setup/
sudo chown ${USER} setup/**/

You can now build the image and start analyzing the datasets.

docker build -f analyze.dockerfile -t tab2kg_analysis .
docker run --rm -v ${PWD}/plots/:/plots -v ${PWD}/benchmarks:/home/benchmarks -v ${PWD}/setup:/home/setup tab2kg_analysis

The plots are then saved in plots/ as PDF files.

You can check for ground truth existence by running ./ in the setup/ directory. This script will check how many of the ground truth entities in each dataset exist in the KG dumps, Virtuoso instance, and Lucene indexes in the KG lookup service.

Dataset Type Distributions

Below are plots of type distributions of the entities within the datasets used in this benchmark.

SemTab HardTables


SemTab BioDivTab


SemTab tFood - Table as entity


SemTab tFood - Row as entity


Tough Tables


Tough Tables




WikiTables 2013

DBpedia Wikidata

WikiTables 2019

DBpedia Wikidata


Table to KG entity linking benchmark evaluation scalability, data dynamism, and KG generalizability.



