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Config Tab Details

MrPlusGH edited this page Dec 21, 2019 · 3 revisions

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Config Tab Details

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Mandatory settings

Below is the only mandatory setting for NPlusMiner. Just type your address in (1) and hit Start (21)

1 - BTC Address

    Your BTC Wallet address

Optional settings

2 - Worker name

    Name you want to see on the pool side for your rig (Not mandatory)

3 - MPH UserName

    Only used for MiningPoolHub. Your MiningPoolHub user name

4 - Interval

    This defines the NPlusMiner cycle. Default is NPlusMiner will check pools every 120 seconds or 2 minutes

5 - Location

    Preferred location for pools which supports it. Default is US if pool does not support the specified region.

6 - GPU Count

    Number of GPUs on your system. Click on "Detect GPU" (7) for NPlusMiner to detect it on its own.

7 - Disable GPU 0

    NPlusMiner will not use the first GPU found on the system. Could be used for gaming while mining.

7 - Detect GPU

    Detects the number of GPUs on the system

8 - Algorithm

    This defines the list of alforithm which NPlusMiner will actually mine. If you do not want to mine a specific algorithm, remove it from the list.
    Use the "Load default algos for selected pool" button (20) to load the default algo list for selected pools in (15)

9 - Currency

    Currency you want NPlusMiner to display

10 - Pwd Currency

    Currency you want to use at the selected pools when supported by the pool. Do not use if you do not understand.

11 - Donate

    Number of minutes of mining you will donate to developers per day. Default is 8. Minimum is 3. Setting anything lower than 3 will pick a random value from 0,3,4,5,6,7,8.

12 - Proxy

    Enter proxy address if you need to use a proxy. Leave blank if not.

13 - ActiveMinerGain%

    This defines the percent theshold for NPlusMiner to switch algo. If the best profit algo is less than x% above the current algo profit, NPlusMiner will not switch. Use to avoid high switching rate.

14 - MPH API Key

    Your MiningPoolHub API key used to fetch your balance on MPH by the Earnings Tracker.

15 - Pools

    Select the pools on which you want to mine. 

16 - Autostart

    Tells NPlusMiner to start mining after its launched. No need to press start button.

17 - Enable Tracker Log

    Will log earnings in \logs folder in csv format. Could be imported in Excel to track earnings progress.

18 - Start UI Minimized

    Minimzes the application window at start

19 - Save Config

    Self explanatory

20 - "Load default algos for selected pool"

    Will load the default algo list for selected pools in (15) into algorithm (8)

21 - Start / Stop button

    Starts or Stops NPlusMiner activities

22 - Pause / Mine button

    Pause will pause any mining activity while keeping Earning Tracker and BrainPlus jobs running. This avoids NPlusMiner learning curve when resuming mining.

23 - BTC/D

    Shows estimation of earning rate in BTC/D and mBTC/D

24 - Current mining activity

    Self explanatory

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