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Custom Miner Configuration (advanced)

MrPlusGH edited this page Dec 21, 2019 · 8 revisions

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Using Miner Custom Configuration (advanced)

This is located at the bottom of the Configuration tab all changes to configuration are referred to as rules. Rules can be enabled/disabled individually after being added to the NPlus software

Rules criteria

  • Algorithm is not pool dependant and can apply a specific code across any pool using selected algorithm
  • Pool is where you can select what pool the new rule applies to. This box can be left empty for globally applying to all selected pools.
  • Miner Defines the specific miner you want to use custom command additions on such as defining threads to use or other strings the miner supports [Note: please see individual miner program github or dev page to find supported commands]
  • Coin,Include Coins,Exclude Coins Coin can be used to include or exclude a coin from being mined on pools that support coin selection.

Rules are applied in the following order of priority. Highest priority wins. Only one rule can apply at a time.

    1 - "Algorithm, , , ",
    2 - "Algorithm, Pool, , ",
    3 - "Algorithm, , Miner, ",
    4 - "Algorithm, Pool, Miner, ",
    5 - "Algorithm, Pool, , Coin"
    6 - "Algorithm, , , Coin"
    7 - "Algorithm, Pool, Miner, Coin"

Rules Action

  • Custom Password Additions is where you can apply specific code to a pool using their supported additional string (d=X,sd=X, also currency selection c=X)
  • Custom Command Additions is where you insert the miners supported code strings for additional commands such as gpu min and max temperature, threads to use ETC [Note: please see individual miner program github or dev page to find supported commands]

These can be used in any combination with the only Mandatory field being Algorithm. Leaving a box blank reverts that section to the softwares predefined default. By using multiple boxes we can define things such as : pool x can mine coin y using x threads at z difficulty.

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