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JavaScript / TypeScript library for Node.JS and browsers to easily interact with Atlassian Jira API


jira.js is a powerful Node.JS / Browser module that allows you to interact with the Jira Cloud API, Jira Agile Cloud API, Jira ServiceDesk Cloud API very easily.

Usability, consistency, and performance are key focuses of jira.js, and it also has nearly 100% coverage of the Jira API. It receives new Jira features shortly after they arrive in the API.

Table of contents


Node.js 10.0.0 or newer is required.

Install with the npm:

npm install jira.js

Install with the yarn:

yarn add jira.js


You can find the documentation here.



There are several types of authentication to gain access to the Jira API. Let's take a look at a few of them below

Basic authentication allows you to log in with credentials. You can use username and password, but this login method is not supported in the online version and most standalone versions, so it's better to release API Token, read how to do it here, and use it together with email.

Username and password example:

import { Version2Client } from 'jira.js';

const client = new Version2Client({
  host: '',
  authentication: {
    basic: {
      username: 'YOUR_USERNAME',
      password: 'YOUR_PASSWORD',

Email and API Token example:

import { Version2Client } from 'jira.js';

const client = new Version2Client({
  host: '',
  authentication: {
    basic: {
      email: 'YOUR@EMAIL.ORG',
      apiToken: 'YOUR_API_TOKEN',
import { Version2Client } from 'jira.js';

const client = new Version2Client({
  host: '',
  authentication: {
    oauth: {
      consumerKey: 'your consumer key',
      consumerSecret: '-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n" + "some private key\n" + "-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----',
      accessToken: 'your access token',
      tokenSecret: 'your token secret',

Only the authorization token is currently supported. To release it, you need to read the documentation and write your own code to get the token.

Example of usage

import { Version2Client } from 'jira.js';

const client = new Version2Client({
  host: '',
  authentication: {
    oauth2: {
      accessToken: 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN',
import { Version2Client } from 'jira.js';

const client = new Version2Client({
  host: '',
  authentication: {
    jwt: {
      issuer: 'ISSUER',
      secret: 'shhhh',
      expiryTimeSeconds: 180,
import { Version2Client } from 'jira.js';

const client = new Version2Client({
  host: '',
  authentication: {
    personalAccessToken: 'secrectPAT',

Your first request and using algorithm

import { Version2Client } from 'jira.js';

const client = new Version2Client({
  host: '',
  authentication: {
    basic: {
      email: 'YOUR_EMAIL',
      apiToken: 'YOUR_API_TOKEN',

async function main() {
  const projects = await client.projects.getAllProjects();



// Expected output:
// [
//   {
//     expand: 'description,lead,issueTypes,url,projectKeys,permissions,insight',
//     self: '',
//     id: '10000',
//     key: 'TEST',
//     name: 'test',
//     avatarUrls: {
//       '48x48': '',
//       '24x24': '',
//       '16x16': '',
//       '32x32': ''
//     },
//     projectTypeKey: 'software',
//     simplified: true,
//     style: 'next-gen',
//     isPrivate: false,
//     properties: {},
//     entityId: 'e0a412bd-1510-4841-bdbc-84180db3ee3b',
//     uuid: 'e0a412bd-1510-4841-bdbc-84180db3ee3b'
//   }
// ]

The algorithm for using the library:


Available groups:

Agile Cloud API group
Version 2 Cloud REST API group
Version 3 Cloud REST API group
Service Desk Cloud API group

The name of the methods is the name of the endpoint in the group without spaces and in camelCase.

The parameters depend on the specific endpoint. For more information, see here.

Decreasing Webpack bundle size

If you use Webpack and need to reduce the size of the assembly, you can create your client with only the groups you use.

import { BaseClient } from 'jira.js';
import { Board } from 'jira.js/out/agile';
import { Groups } from 'jira.js/out/version2';
import { Issues } from 'jira.js/out/version3';

export class CustomJiraClient extends BaseClient {
  board = new Board(this);
  groups = new Groups(this);
  issues = new Issues(this);

Take a look at our other products

  • Confluence.js - confluence.js is a powerful Node.JS / Browser module that allows you to interact with the Confluence API very easily
  • Trello.js - JavaScript / TypeScript library for Node.JS and browsers to easily interact with Atlassian Trello API


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.