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theroggio edited this page Nov 27, 2017 · 3 revisions

PorchettaSocial Website

As you can see our website allows you to log in on three different social newtork, you can log out whenever you want and retire our authorization to post with your account. Log in buttons are connected with API Moduls throught a websocket, that's the channel where all the authentication procedure happens (to know more about how authentication works look oAuth ).

Checkboxes allow users to decide on which social they want to publish; they need to be logged in or it will be requested. They need to select at leas one social to post on.

Choose File button is an input form of type file which accepts images. Images are read as binary file and sent to Main Server with Http request (POST), here the binary file can be incapsulated into messages to the API Moduls.

The Text area below is a textarea form, its content is a String sent to Main Server and used in messages for API Moduls.

Post with Porchetta button is the real http POST request, which send the content of text area and the image choosen.

Reset button allow you to erase easily every information in text area or upload image to restart from the beginning.
