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Thomas Roder edited this page Dec 11, 2023 · 10 revisions

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Welcome to the Scoary2 wiki!

Scoary2 associates orthogenes (e.g. generated using OrthoFinder or Roary to traits. It reports a list of genes sorted by strength of association per trait. The results can be explored interactively with a simple, static HTML/JS app.

bioRxiv Docker Image Version (latest semver) DOI


The Scoary2 preprint is now available on bioRxiv. Click here) to see it!

Roder, T. et al. Scoary2: Rapid association of phenotypic multi-omics data with microbial pan-genomes. BioRxiv (2023) doi:10.1101/2023.04.19.537353.

Overview of the algorithm

algorithm flowchart

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