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Releases: MrTwinkles47/Stepmania-Stream-Tools-MrTwinkles

SMRequests v1.72

21 May 03:06
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What's new with SMRequests?

We've started a new SMRequests Discord server!

Join the Discord server for updates and announcements. It's also a good place to go if you need help or discovered a weird bug.

Hosted service is now up to 20 active users!


All documentation has or is in the process of moving to the repository's wiki.
A great place to start, if you are new to SMR is here, or, if you are upgrading from a previous version, here.

1.71HF3->1.72 CHANGELOG


  • NEW WIKI FOR DOCUMENTATION - go check it out!
  • Project OutFox 4.13+ is not supported
  • !whitelist and !banuser commands need to be updated in your chatbot. Grab the new commands.
  • USB Profile support (Thanks, @xancara !)
  • StepMania profile information is now configured in config.php instead of in scrape stats.bat
  • Broadcaster is now immune to all cool downs, request restrictions, and bans
  • Request board length moved to URL parameter


  • USB Profile support (Thanks, @xancara !)
    • Can run any combination of local and USB profiles
    • Like with local profiles, it is expected to have a single profile per broadcaster.
    • Not intended to be used with public machines where the USB profiles will change every session
  • Song scraper shows progress and time remaining
  • !rancomcafecursed official support. Grab the command here!
  • New ASCII art welcome messages in client scripts (Welcome to the 90's!)
  • Request board length moved to URL parameter: length=
    • [URL]/show_requests.php?...&length=[#]
    • Default value is 10.
  • Project Outfox chart hashing implemented for future support


  • StepMania profile information is now configured in config.php instead of scrape stats.bat
  • GITGUD changed to a random song with a maximum score below your average score from your top 10% of played songs
  • Broadcaster is now immune to all cool downs, request restrictions, and bans
  • Songlist BPM range shows values as seen in the game #38
  • Keep [bracketed] tags in song titles (ITL 2022)
  • Most config variables (targetURL, security key, etc.) are validated before use
  • Removed non -auto run type for stats scraper--will always run continuously
  • cURL data compression to reduce bandwidth and speed up client->server connections
  • cURL security key moved to http header
  • Removed non-cli support for client scrapers
  • Purge client log files after 6 months


  • UTF-8 adjustments to support Project Outfox 4.12's UTF-8 encoding improvements
  • !requestid bug #33
  • Negative radar values (why?)
  • File Not Found issue when scraping songs if Windows file names had special, non-UTF-8 compliant characters
  • Song scraper ending stats now work!
  • All cURL executions are now 2x faster due to @MrTwinkles47 earlier incompetence
  • Stats data to upload in chunks to avoid server response errors
  • Song scraper won't clean up if no songs were scraped
  • Offline mode random command fallback requirement changed from 10->100 minimum results
  • Banner image discovery improvements
  • Clean up server config.php, removing unused Docker variables
  • Minor memory leaks plugged
  • Other minor bugfixes, comments, and error messages

SMRequests v1.71HF3

07 Jan 17:38
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  1. fix the difficulty/steps-type ribbon on the request board not showing when the broadcaster has set a steps-type limit
  2. fix broken !bansong command
  3. fix broken !unplayed command if a steps-type or difficulty was used

SMRequests v1.71

19 Nov 01:40
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  • If you get a message that "your scripts are out of date," you need to download the latest version.
  • Due to changes to the database and scrapers, your songs database will be rebuilt. You may see a bunch of "Changes detected in [song]..." messages on your next song scrape.
  • Bot command parameters have changed! Some commands need to updated to utilize new features. See the chatbot_other folder for details.


Ban songs from random commands

  • Banning songs with !bansong & !bansongid commands can now have 3 states:
    • Not banned (default): No restrictions on requesting
    • Banned completely: Song cannot be requested
    • Banned from random: Song cannot be randomly requested (!top, !random, !gitgud, etc.), but can still be requested directly by a user.
  • Append #random to the !bansong & !bansongid bot commands to ban a song only from random commands.
  • The behavior of the "ban" button on the admin request board has not changed and will ban a song completely.
  • Note: chatbot commands need to be updated to support this.

Steps-type and difficulty usage for random commands

  • Random commands now respect the '#stepstype' or '#difficulty' tags.
  • For example, you can now request a random !top #doubles song or a !gitgud #single #basic song.
  • Note: chatbot commands need to be updated to support this.

Toggle requests message

  • Toggling requests ON will show any broadcaster limits enabled.

End Screen Scroll

  • New credits-type scroll screen to show the sessions requested songs, who requested them, and what scores were obtained.

New !commands

  • !unplayed -- New command that picks a random song that has not been played
  • !randomfearmix official support


  • Random command number parameter feature removed. No more !gitgud 3.
  • Transliteration added to song metadata cleaning to improve search results
  • Initial support for OutFox's step hashing feature
  • Request type images on the request board are no longer hardcoded
  • Toggle request messages have changed to a random message
  • Request board mark-offs will now only mark the oldest request as complete. The previous behavior was to mark all requests of the song as complete.
  • Whitelisted uses are no longer able to request a recently requested song
  • stats.php - judgement url parameter removed. Judgement type is pulled from the config file.
  • stats.php - specify session length (in hours) with &session=# url parameter (default value is 6 hours).
  • Pack name formating changes
  • !random command image renamed from d205.png to random.png


  • Random errors with quotation marks in notedata
  • Extra backslashes in sm/ssc files
  • -nan(ind) error from Project OutFox Alpha v4.9.9
  • Correct UTf-8 charset set on db connection
  • Oops, forgot about 'ESP'
  • #stepstype/#difficulty logic reworked
  • "Too many songs on the request board" function respects the "maxRequests" configuration setting
  • Code cleanup/optimizations for show_requests.php, get_updates.php, and scripts.js

SMRequests v1.70

11 Aug 20:16
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  • Version control on the client scrapers is now enforced! If you get a message that "your scripts are out of date," you need to download the latest version.
  • The config.php file has changed! Compare your existing config.php file to the new config.example.php, input your existing settings, remove your old config.php file, and rename config.example.php to config.php.
  • AdditonalSongsFolder is no longer pulled from StepMania's Preferences.ini. Specify the folder (relative to the php scripts) in config.php.
  • The max number of requests per command variable was moved to the config.php file (server-side).


  • client scrapers will compare version on server and instruct users to update if out of date
  • client scrapers check that the required PHP extensions are enabled and that config.php exits on startup
  • stats scraping major speed improvements (x100) by using high score timestamps
  • stats scraping should be better at dealing with invalid UTF-8 lines
  • duplicate last-played records are corrected them as they come up
  • better song scraper JSON error troubleshooting
  • banner uploading will now search for images with 'banner' or 'ban' in the filename or fall back to the first image
  • new banners will be updated if the file exists on the server instead of skipped
  • to make it easier to upgrade, config.php is renamed to config.example.php
  • user must now input the AdditonalSongsFolder directory string into the config.php. No longer retrieves the directory from Preferences.ini
  • moved the max number of requests per command setting variable to server config.php
  • !gitgud improvements to only include songs that you have scored higher than 50% more than once
  • !theusual requirements reduced from 10 to 5 unique song requests
  • artist will now show with song requests with duplicate song titles in the same pack
  • songlist.php updates for hosts
  • "weeb" and "miku" random command assets added. Thanks, @xancara !
  • request status endpoint to show on stream whether requests are on/off
  • updated READMEs


  • Various typos in READMEs
  • Corrected line ending cleaning in logging
  • Fixed errors with quotation marks in song descriptions
  • $packsIgnore non-array values
  • AdditonalSongsFolder discovery re-worked
  • JSON encoding errors from song cache files
  • cURL http response error handling
  • Error in song cache scraping if the last chunk is empty
  • Stats.XML encoding error loop
  • Banner uploading checks for POST request method
  • Requests disabled message showing slashes
  • Rounding on timeouts for un-whitelisted requestors
  • Pre/double escaped characters from song cache files
  • Clean-up of random \'s in song cache files

Release before future version control

10 Jul 20:30
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Merge pull request #22 from MrTwinkles47/beta
