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Bird Bot

Version: 0.7.6

Here are the maximum uses and testbeds for Bird Bot. Note that this is a server mainly for Chinese speakers in Europe, anyone is welcome to join, but please respect the culture of the server and follow the server rules.

Discord Banner 2

The purpose of developing this bot is to avoid the use of various current e.g. MEE6, ProBot and other existing server managed robots. This allows for maximum personalisation and control of features and interfaces and avoids the introduction of too many public bots.

The bot incorporates the functionality used in several bots and has been developed with additional fun features. Therefore, the bot is currently only intended for use with a single server and there are no plans to support multiple servers at this time. Anyone can download the bot and run it on their own server. All data processing and storage is done locally.

The bot's code is deeply optimised for low-performance devices, using asynchronous handling of API responses and database operations. Therefore, for this bot working on a 10k members and 500 online voice users server, a 1 vCPU + 1GB RAM cloud server for about $5 a month is perfectly adequate for performance.

As I am a student, I am not able to devote my full attention to the development of the robot. Therefore it is expected that the code architecture will be refactored in version 1.0, until then all feature updates will use the existing architecture.

Table of Contents

Package Usage, sqlite3, PIL, logging, aiohttp, aiosqlite, os, tempfile, re, random,


  1. Make sure you have all the necessary packages.
  2. Replace all the parameters in the config.json with your own values.
  3. Run the file. If you are using a Linux server, you can use nohup python3 & to run the bot in the background.
  4. Invite the bot to your server and give it the necessary permissions.(Required permissions: bot, application command, administrator)

Function Introduction


When a user enters a specific channel, the bot creates a new channel of the corresponding type and moves the user to the new channel. Similarly, if the channel was created by the bot, the bot will delete the channel when the last user leaves the channel.

  • /check_temp_channel_records: Query the temporary voice channel records of the current server. This command is mainly used to check that the robot's mechanism of automatically deleting rooms that no longer exist every hour is working properly.


A user sends a teaming message and bot replies with an invitation link to that user's channel to make it easy for other users to quickly join the user's room. If the user is not currently on a channel, bot will prompt the user to create a new channel using Voice_Channel_Cog first.

  • /invt <title>: Create an invitation with a specified title(optional).


When a new user joins the server, the bot sends a welcome message to the user in the welcome channel.

This includes a more complex feature: creating a unique welcome image with the current server population for a user using a specified background image, specified text content, their id and avatar.

This feature contains command functions that allow the welcome message to be summoned manually by the user.

  • !testwelcome - Send the welcome message for who use this command.
  • /testwelcome <member> <member_number> - Send the welcome message for specific member with specific number.
  • For default <member> is the user who uses the command, <member_number> is the total number of people in the server.


For users who are not in the server's channel but sent a teaming message, the bot will record their id, what they sent and when they sent it. If the user resends a normal teaming message, the bot deletes their illegal teaming record for 5 minutes.

Provides commands to search for records:

  • !check_illegal_teaming or /check_illegal_teaming- Query the 20 users with the most records of illegal teaming behaviour.
  • !check_user_records <number> or /check_user_records <number> - Query all users whose number of illegal teaming behaviours is greater than <number>.
  • /check_member <member> - Query all illegal teaming records for the specified member.
  • /check_member_by_id <member_id> - Query all illegal teaming records for the specified member_id.
  • /add_illegal_record <member> <content> <time> - Manually add a record for a specified member.


Provide some convenient functions for querying related data.

  • /check_log <number=x> - Returns the last x lines of the log file. If the number of lines exceeds the limit, the bot will send a file with the log content. Provides commands to query the number of active rooms and the number of in-voice users within the current server.
  • /check_people_number - Returns the number of people in the server.
  • /check_channel_number - Returns the number of active channels in the server.
  • /where_is <member> - Returns the position of the selected member within the channel. Only visible to user.


It is designed to track and display user achievements based on their activity in the server.


  • Message Count: The bot tracks the number of messages a user sends in the server. Achievements are awarded when a user reaches certain message count thresholds.
  • Reaction Count: The bot also keeps track of the number of reactions a user adds to messages. Achievements are given when a user reaches certain reaction count thresholds.
  • Time Spent in Voice Channels: The bot monitors the amount of time a user spends in voice channels. Achievements are granted when a user reaches certain time thresholds.

It listens to message, reaction, and voice state update events to track user activity.
To view a user's achievements, use the /achievements command. Use <member> to view the achievements of a specific user. Use <date> to view the achievements of a specific month(eg. 2024-07). If no user is specified, the command will display the achievements of the user who invoked the command.
To manually increase or decrease a user's achievement progress, use the /increase_achievement and /decrease_achievement commands respectively.

These commands require the following parameters:

  • member: The member whose achievement progress to modify.
  • reactions:int: The number of reactions to add or subtract.
  • messages:int: The number of messages to add or subtract.
  • time_spent:int: The time spent on the server to add or subtract (in seconds).

member is a required parameter, while the other parameters are at least 1 optional.

Use /achievement_ranking to show the top 10 users with the every highest achievement indicators in the server. Use <date> to view the achievements ranking of a specific month(eg. 2024-07).

Use /check_achi_op to check the history of manual operation logging for the Achievement System.


The Role_Cog is a feature in the bot that allows users to assign roles to users who complete achievements. Note that in order to use this feature properly, you need to create the role manually and add the role's id to config.

/create_role_pickup <channel_id>

This command causes the bot to send a message listing all achievements with the 4 achievement type buttons on the specified channel. The user can click on the buttons to update the corresponding type of achievement role.

/create_starsign_pickup <channel_id>

This command causes the bot to send a message listing all star signs with the 12 star sign buttons on the specified channel. The user can click on the buttons to update the corresponding star sign role.

/create_mbti_pickup <channel_id>

This command causes the bot to send a message listing all MBTI identities with the 16 MBTI identity buttons on the specified channel. The user can click on the buttons to update the corresponding MBTI identity role.


The Notebook_Cog is a feature in the bot that allows administrators to manually log user events. This can be useful for tracking user behavior, recording important events, or keeping a record of specific interactions.

/log_event <member> <event>

This command allows to manually log a user event. This command can only be used on specific channels. Users who have used this command become administrators.

The command takes the following parameters:

  • member: The member whose event you want to log.
  • event: The event that you want to log for the member.

/check_member_event <member>

This command allows administrators to check the event log for a specific member.

The command takes the following parameter:

  • member: The member whose event log you want to check.


This command allows administrators to check the event log for all members in the server.

/delete_event <member> <event_serial_number>

This command allows to delete a specific event from a member's event log. This command can only be used on specific channels.

The command takes the following parameters:

  • member: The member whose event log you want to delete an event from.
  • event_serial_number: The serial number of the event you want to delete.


Backup_Cog is used to create automatic backups of the server's databases for data security. Backup_Cog creates backups at 0:00, 6:00, 12:00 and 18:00 every day. The current limit is 20 backups, and the oldest backups will be deleted if there are more than 20.


This command will manually create a backup file. Manually created backup files do not affect automatically saved backups. However, it still follows the 20 backup limit.


Config_Cog is used as a bridge to help other Cogs read settings from config.json.


Giveaway_Cog creates the Giveaway mechanism. All giveaways will be posted in the Giveaway channel.

/ga_create <reaction_req> <message_req> <timespent_req>

  • This command allows users to create Giveaway with restrictions.

  • The command parameters are as follows:

    • reaction_req Limits the achievement progress of added reactions for users participating in Giveaway. Not recommended.
    • message_req Limits the progress of the Send Message achievement for users participating in Giveaway. Not recommended.
    • timespent_req Limits the progress of the in-channel voice time (in minutes) achievement for users participating in Giveaway. Recommended].
  • An interactive form will pop up after using the command, containing the following parameters:

    • duration Giveaway duration, support mainstream time abbreviation, recommended format is abbreviation. For example: 1d/24h/60m. winners The number of prizes.
    • winners The number of prizes, BOT will draw the corresponding number of winners, default value is 1.
    • prizes The name of the prizes. Note that the number of prizes should not be included here.
    • description Giveaway description. Please include the Giveaway limitations and description of the prize here. Note that if you use a non-discord default emoticon here, please use the full emoticon code. For example, for the in-server custom emoji :064:, use <a:064:1174704124768550963> instead of :064:.
    • providers Prize provider. If left blank, the default value is a custom parameter.
  • Giveaway will be displayed in the Giveaway channel after submission. A copy of the original version is generated as an arch. in the channel where the command was sent. Any subsequent changes will not affect the archived version. The published Giveaway will be assigned a unique random ID, which will be used to identify the Giveaway.

ga_cancel <giveaway_id>

  • This command allows the user to cancel the giveaway.
  • Cancelling a giveaway immediately ends the giveaway and marks it as a giveaway, no winner will be selected if the giveaway is cancelled.
    • <giveaway_id> giveaway identification ID.

ga_end <giveaway_id>

  • This command allows user to end the giveaway early.
  • Ending a giveaway early will immediately end the raffle and mark it as a giveaway, ending a giveaway early will result in winners being selected.
    • <giveaway_id> giveaway identification ID.

ga_time_extend <giveaway_id> <time>

  • This command allows user to extend the giveaway time.
  • The command parameters are as follows:
    • <giveaway_id> giveaway identification ID.
    • <time> The time is numeric only and is expressed in minutes.

ga_participant <giveaway_id>

  • This command allows user to list all participants in the giveaway.
    • <giveaway_id> giveaway identification ID.

ga_description <giveaway_id> <description>

  • This command allows user to change the description of the giveaway.
    • <giveaway_id> giveaway identification ID.
    • <description> The new description of the giveaway.

ga_sendtowinner <giveaway_id>

  • This command allows user to send message to the winner.
    • <giveaway_id> giveaway identification ID.


Provides Dungeons & Dragons (DnD) players with a convenient way to generate random roll dice points.

  • /dnd_roll <expression> <x> - The command takes an expression as an argument, which represents the dice roll in DnD notation. For example, an expression like 3+4d6 would represent rolling four 6-sided dice and adding 3 to the result. The command parses the expression, performs the dice roll, and sends a message back to the user with the result and the details of the roll. Command /dnd_roll has an optional parameter x to specify the number of times to repeat the roll.
  • Expression 5#3+4d6 can repeat a roll of 3+4d6 for 5 times quickly. Use the expression to specify that the number before the # has a higher priority than the parameter x.


Provides a simple way to play the game in "Spy Mode" in the server. For example, a 5v5 League of Legends custom duel has a spy on each side who aims to make their opponent win without being detected.

  • /spy_mode <team_size> <spy>: Set the number of players and spies on each team. Then sign up the teams, start the game and reveal the identity of the spies at the end of the game.

Update Log

V0.7.6 - 2024-07-02

New features and improvements

  • Added achievement statistics by month to Achievement_Cog.
  • Force log files to use utf-8 encoding.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where for invitation messages with more than 256 characters, only the first 256 characters will now be sent.

V0.7.5 - 2024-06-29

New features and improvements

  • Improved performance in generating a new giveaway_id after a long period of use.

V0.7.4 - 2024-06-26

New features and improvements

  • Add 3 new commands to Giveaway_Cog:
    • /ga_participant: List all participants in the giveaway.
    • /ga_description: Change the description of the giveaway.
    • /ga_sendtowinner: Send message to the winner.
  • Changed some giveaway command permissions to now restrict to the correct channel.
  • Changed the command for creating invitations to /invt for ease of use.
  • Optimised code in Notebook_Cog, paging is now better defined.
  • Add a new Backup_Cog to backup the database.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed page numbering in illegal_team_act_cog, although this was only a problem after changing the code settings.

V0.7.3 - 2024-06-25

New features and improvements

  • Change Spymode_Cog to infinite time interaction.
  • Added new identity pickup for Role_Cog for MBTI identity and Star sign identity.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Giveaway snapshot times are now displayed correctly.

V0.7.2 - 2024-06-24

New features:

  • Added a new Role_Cog for the achievement system. The role_cog is used to assign roles to users who complete achievements.
  • More details can be found in the Role_Cog section of the Function Introduction.

V0.7.1 - 2024-06-22

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue that would cause users to be able to exit the giveaways after it had ended.

V0.7.0 - 2024-06-20

New features:

  • Added a new giveaway_cog for server-wide participable giveaways. A giveaway can now be created via the /ga_create command. For more details, check out the Giveaway_Cog section of the Function Introduction.
  • Added a new giveaway achievement giveaway_count to the achievement system, which now controls the conditions under which users can participate in giveaways.
  • Modified the check_channel_validity method, which can now be used to target other channels for validity checks.

V0.6.7 and V0.6.8 - 2024-06-17

New features:

  • Added a new command /check_temp_channel_records, which is used to query the temporary voice channel records of current server.
  • Added logging for the behaviour of the query /where_is.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue that would cause a page number error in the /check_temp_channel_records query result.
  • Modify the logic of room building, now the room will be recorded first as long as the user applies to build a room. At the same time delete room no longer delete room record instantly after deleting the room, but delete all the room records that have expired every hour.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause records in notebook_cog and illegal_team_act_cog to exceed the field length limit of the discord embed.

V0.6.6 - 2024-06-16

New features:

  • Added a history of manual operation logging for the Achievement System. The history of manual operations on the achievement system can now be viewed with the /check_achi_op.
  • Added a new command /where_is to query the user's voice channel in the server.

V0.6.5 - 2024-06-15

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue that would correctly throw an error and delete unused channels when a player quickly cancels the creation of a voice channel.
  • Empty channel categories are now correctly deleted when deleting channels.

V0.6.4 - 2024-06-14

New features:

  • New Game_Spymode_Cog feature, which provides a simple way to play the game in "Spy Mode" in the server.
  • Details can be viewed in the Game_Spymode_Cog section of the Function Introduction.

V0.6.3 - 2024-06-13

Bug fixes

  • The colour of the embed of the closed room(red) will now be displayed correctly.

V0.6.2 - 2024-06-13

New features:

  • Added a new notebook_cog for administrators to manually log user events. User events can now be logged via the /log_event command.
  • Details can be viewed in the Notebook_Cog section of the Function Introduction.

Bug fixes

  • Optimised matching for builds, now ignores messages from other bots.
  • Fixed an issue where an empty url error would occur if a user without an avatar used /invitation command.

V0.6.1 - 2024-06-12

New features:

  • Optimised the display of invitation links, now creates a nice looking embed message to display the invitation link.
  • Added a new command /invitation for creating an invitation link without sending a message using the command.

Bug fixes

  • Optimised what is returned when querying an illegal group, for users who have already left their user id will be returned.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause error text to appear in rooms after using the room_full button.

V0.6.0 - 2024-06-10

New features:

  • Added new config_cog for sharing configuration information across all cogs. Configuration information in all cogs will now be read from config.json.
  • Optimised the interface returned when querying an illegal group. Optimised performance when querying illegal groups on low performance platforms.
  • Added a command to manually record illegal team behaviours. Illegal team behaviours can now be recorded via /add_illegal_record.
  • Optimised logging of achievement progress before and after bot restarts, now the bot will log a portion of the achievement progress after restarting that could not be logged otherwise.
  • Renamed LogFileCog to CheckStatusCog, added two new commands /check_people_number and /check_channel_number to check the number of people and channels on the server.

V0.5.4 - 2024-06-08

Bug fixes

  • Optimised regular expression matching for items, now it won't ignore messages containing "aram" or messages of length 6 containing Chinese characters.
  • Fixed wrong permission override for room creation.

V0.5.3 - 2024-06-06

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue that had caused Bot to not be able to create new rooms when the number of channels reached the limit (50) for the same category in discord. Now the bot will create a new category with the same name below the current category and create a new channel there. It will delete these categories when they are empty.

New features:

  • Added a new parameter <member_number> to the /testwelcome command to specify the number of the welcome image. `/testwelcome <member_number

V0.5.2 - 2024-06-04

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that would cause the Achievement system to timeout on replies in low performance environments.
  • Optimised the /check_log command's limit on the number of characters, which would send a file when the character limit was exceeded.
  • Optimised response times for low performance servers.

V0.5.1 - 2024-06-04

New features:

  • Added a slash command /achievement_ranking to show the top 10 users with the every highest achievement indicators in the server.

V0.5.0 - 2024-06-04

New features:

  • New Achievement System, which is designed to track and display user achievements based on their activity in the server.
  • To view a user's achievements, use the /achievements command. If no user is specified, the command will display the achievements of the user who invoked the command.
  • To manually increase or decrease a user's achievement progress, use the /increase_achievement and /decrease_achievement commands respectively.

V0.4.2 - 2024-06-02

New features:

  • Provides the ability to quickly query log files from the robot side. Use the slash command /check_log x in the specific channel to query the last x lines of the log file.

V0.4.1 - 2024-06-01

New features:

  • Added the ability to query the illegal teaming records of users who have left the server. Use slash command /check_member_by_id in the specific channel to query.
  • Added the ability to repeat roll points multiple times and improved the result display format. Command /dnd_roll now has an optional parameter x to specify the number of times to repeat the roll.
  • Updated the expression for DnD to quickly repeat roll dice. For example 5#3+4d6 can repeat a roll of 3+4d6 for 5 times quickly. Use the expression to specify that the number before the # has a higher priority than the parameter x.
  • Improved the error throwing mechanism for some features.

V0.4.0 - 2024-05-31

New features:

  • Added new feature DnD_Cog. this feature provides Dungeons & Dragons (DnD) players with a convenient way to generate random roll dice points.
  • Use slash command /dnd_roll. The command takes an expression as an argument, which represents the dice roll in DnD notation. For example, an expression like 3+4d6 would represent rolling four 6-sided dice and adding 3 to the result. The command parses the expression, performs the dice roll, and sends a message back to the user with the result and the details of the roll.

V0.3.8 - 2024-05-28

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that would cause empty rooms to not be deleted correctly in some cases.

V0.3.7 - 2024-05-27

New features:

  • Refactored the method of creating and deleting temporary channels, which will now use a database to store information about temporary channels so that they can continue to be managed after the bot is restarted.
  • Optimised some code to improve readability and maintainability.

V0.3.6 - 2024-05-27

New features:

  • Add a new slash command check_member to list all illegal teaming records for the specified member.

Bug fixes

  • Asynchronous database operations were used, thus fixing a bug that would cause high-frequency private pulls from the same user to clog the database.

V0.3.5 - 2024-05-26

Bug fixes

  • In some environments it may lead to the problem that the database table is missing in the initial run
  • In some environments the welcome command does not take effect
  • Adjusted the permission setting of the private room, now it can be seen normally but cannot be joined.

V0.3.4 - 2024-05-25

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that caused the bot to reply to the same message twice when the user sent specific command.

V0.3.3 - 2024-05-25

New features:

  • Added slash command to all commands.
  • Note, please tick the application command permission for your bot and re-invite to the server to update the display and description of the slash command.

V0.3.2 - 2024-05-25

New features:

  • The structure of the code has been refactored to package each part of the function into separate cogs for tweaking and calling. Now please adjust the parameters of the response function in the corresponding cog.
  • The usage is exactly the same as before, you just need to run

V0.3.1 - 2024-05-25

New features:

  • Add CHECK_ILLEGAL_TEAMING_CHANNEL_ID to customise the channel ID for the !check_illegal_teaming and !check_user_records commands.

V0.3.0 - 2024-05-25

New features:

  • Bots will now log users' illegal teaming behaviour in the bot.db file. The record can be erased by a normal teaming within 5 minutes.
  • Use the command !check_illegal_teaming in a specific channel to query the 20 users with the most records of illegal teaming behaviour.
  • Use the command !check_user_records <number> in a specific channel to query all users whose number of illegal teaming behaviours is greater than <number>.

V0.2.5 - 2024-05-24

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that caused the bot to reply to the same message multiple times when the user sent a message with multiple matches.
  • Fixed a bug that caused a user's teaming information containing flex or rank to be incorrectly ignored.

V0.2.4 - 2024-04-19

Skipped a version number to align with the version number of the main bot.

New features:

  • Add a new slash command /testwelcome to test the welcome message.
  • Reorganised the structure of regular expressions into three matching parts.
  • Added matching words for the new regular expression.

V0.2.2 - 2024-03-31

New features:

  • Add two new parameters at the top of the code to customise the welcome message:
    • WELCOME_TEXT_1_DISTANCE - The distance between the first welcome text and the top of the picture.
    • WELCOME_TEXT_2_DISTANCE - The distance between the second welcome text and the top of the picture.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that in some environments the background image is not converted to the correct format.

V0.2.1 - 2024-03-23

New features:

  • Add a new command !testwelcome to test the welcome message.
  • Optimised the code by placing the welcome message setting parameter at the top of the code. You can now easily customise your welcome message by customising the following parameters:
    • BACKGROUND_IMAGE - The background image of the welcome picture. Note that if your background image size changes. You will also need to adjust the other parameters in turn.
    • TEXT_COLOR - The text color of the welcome picture.
    • FONT_SIZE - The text size of the welcome picture.
    • FONT_PATH - The font path of the welcome picture.
    • AVATAR_SIZE - The size of the avatar in the welcome picture.
    • WELCOME_TEXT - The welcome message text.
    • WELCOME_TEXT_PICTURE_1 - The first welcome text in picture.
    • WELCOME_TEXT_PICTURE_2 - The second welcome text in picture.
  • image

V0.2.0 - 2024-03-22

New features:

New Welcome message System
  • Add a welcome message system to send a welcome message when they join the server.
  • You can define the welcome channel ID by setting the WELCOME_CHANNEL_ID variable.
  • You can edit the background of the welcome pictures by setting the BACKGROUND_IMAGE variable.
  • You can adjust the welcome content and specific styles in the code if needed.
    • image

V0.1.3 - 2024-03-20

New features:

New Channel Dictionary System
  • Add a channel dictionary to store the channel ID which the bot will support multiple public and private channels. You can define the channel ID, the channel type and the channel name prefix in the CHANNEL_CONFIGS dictionary.

V0.1.2 - 2024-03-14

New features:

Support for multiple public and private channels
  • Just add the channel ID to the PUBLIC_CHANNEL_ID_LIST and PRIVATE_CHANNEL_ID_LIST arrays, and the bot will support multiple public and private channels.

V0.1.1 - 2024-02-29

New features:

New blacklist system
  • Added a blacklist system that allows bot to not reply to users in the blacklist.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that had caused the bot to reply to the same message multiple times when the user sent a message with multiple matches.
  • Fixed a bug that caused some special URLs to be replied incorrectly.

V0.1.0 - 2024-02-20

New features:

New log system
  • Add a new log system to record the user's operation and the robot's response. The log will be saved in the bot.log file.
  • Delete the old log system with timestamp. So the bug of the old timestamp system will be fixed.
New version control system
  • The first number of the version number will be updated when the bot is almost completely rewritten.
  • The second number of the version number will be updated when the bot is updated with large new features.
  • The third number of the version number will be updated when the bot is updated with small new features or bug fixes.

V0.0.2 - 2024-02-19

New features:

Create channels for players
  • Replace RELAX_CHANNEL_ID with the ID of the channel you want to use as the relax channel creator. When a user joins this channel, a new voice channel will be created for them. And they be moved to the new channel. Only this user has the ability to edit the channel name.
  • Added a timestamp to the detection log output by the robot. (defaults to Berlin time)

Fixed a bug where the bot would incorrectly recognise the meaning of some Chinese words.

  • 包括负向前瞻,确保[一二三四五]后面不是"分/分钟/min/个钟/小时"

V0.0.1 - 2024-02-13

A Discord bot to help manage game servers

Used to quickly create temporary voice channels for players and automatically create room invitation codes
  • Remember to replace TOKEN with your own token.
Create channels for players
  • Replace PUBLIC_CHANNEL_ID with the ID of the channel you want to use as the public channel creator. When a user joins this channel, a new voice channel will be created for them. And they be moved to the new channel. Only this user has the ability to edit the channel name.
    • image image
  • Replace PRIVATE_CHANNEL_ID with the ID of the channel you want to use as the private channel creator. When a user joins this channel, a new voice channel will be created for them. And they be moved to the new channel.
    • image image
  • When the last user leaves the channel, the empty channel will be deleted.
    • image

Create room invitation(more for Chinese User)
  • When a user sends a group message in a text channel(for example: flex 4=1/aram 2q3), the bot will automatically create a room invitation link for the user.
    • image
    • If the user is not in a voice channel, the bot will send a message to remind the user to join a voice channel.
    • image
  • Valorant Invitation Code (6 bytes long) will not be detected.
  • Some Chinese features:
    • "4缺1","2等3","二等一"等使用“等”、“缺”以及“一二三四五”中文小写数字的组合也可以被识别。