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This project is a web app that uses the TVmaze API to retrieve data and display a list of items on the screen. It also enables people to like and comment on the broadcast. JavaScript, API, Bootstrap, HTML, and CSS3 were used to create this site.


Repository files navigation

TV Shows

TV Shows

This project is a web app that uses the TVmaze API to retrieve data and display a list of items on the screen. It also enables people to like and comment on the broadcast. JavaScript, API, Bootstrap, HTML, and CSS3 were used to create this site.

Here is a desktop preview

Screen Shot 2021-12-08 at 6 16 50 PM

Built With

  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Frameworks - No Frameworks Used
  • Tools used - Git(version control), WebHint(linting tool), Stylelint(style linting), ESLint(Javascript linting).
  • And setup the project using Webpack

Live Demo

Live Demo Link

Getting Started

To use this project you need to clone the repository to your local machine, and open the folder then run index.html file which is the main file of the project.

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


To work on this project locally you need to have Node.js installed in your machine.


To setup this project first you should have to clone the repository and the go to the projects directory and run npm install command to install the needed dependency. After that run npm start command to run the project from local server to http://localhost:8080/.


You have to have Node.js installed before working on this project.


You can start using Awesome Book by cloning the repository.


👤 Mihreteab Misganaw Aride

👤 Khusiima Luke Masaba

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This project is a web app that uses the TVmaze API to retrieve data and display a list of items on the screen. It also enables people to like and comment on the broadcast. JavaScript, API, Bootstrap, HTML, and CSS3 were used to create this site.






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