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IBDASH - Interference Based DAG Application Scheduling for Multi-Access Edge Computing

A link to the paper can be found here

The framework of IBDASH can be divided into two parts: Orchestrator and Client. Orchestrator is where all the orchestrator started. When the orchestrator receives an application request (in DAG form), it starts orchestrating the task allocation based on the pre-profiled data of each client that joins the edge computing network, and then initiates the start of the application. On the clients' sides, each client is aware of the task allocation of the application and they perform the jobs assigned to them by the orchestrator individually and pass the intermediate results to the next task in the DAGs. The communication between clients is in a P2P manner. In the network, each node can act as an orchestrator as well as an client.

Getting Started

$sudo apt-get update


To replicate the results shown in the paper, the steps listed below need to be followed to get the correct environment setup.

We used python 3.7.2 on both clients' and orchestrator side. To install python 3.7.2, do the following steps

First, install the required packages needed for building python

$sudo apt-get install build-essential checkinstall
$sudo apt-get install libreadline-gplv2-dev libncursesw5-dev libssl-dev libsqlite3-dev tk-dev libgdbm-dev libc6-dev libbz2-dev libffi-dev liblzma-dev libopenblas-dev

Then, download python 3.7.2 and install it.

$sudo wget
$tar xzvf Python-3.7.2.tgz
$sudo ./configure
$sudo make altinstall

Once it is successfully installed, then install the required packages

$python3.7 -m pip install --upgrade pip
$python3.7 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Notice that in one of the sample testing applications (video analytics), MXNET is needed. To install MXNET on arm based architecture, you can download the prebuild whl from mxnet(arm64), then install it with

python3.7 -m pip install mxnet_xxx.whl

Now, we have set up the client side, download and the edge_list.json(the IP addresses contained in this file should be adjusted to the devices in the network, the last device should always refer to the orchestrator), then starts and the client should start listening to the request from the orchestrator.

On the orchestrator side, I used conda to manage packages. The list of requirements can be found in orchestrator_requirements.txt. You can recreate the environment by doing

$conda create -n <your_env> --file orchestrator_requirements.txt

The orchestrator takes in 6 arguments

  • --app (e.g. lightgbm. Four applications are support, lightgbm, mapreduce, video_app and matrix, user can provide their own DAG form application by following the app_config.json in the profile_data section)
  • --mc (e.g. Ed_mc_vid.xlsx. This file store the profile data of the devices in the network)
  • --pf (Probability of failure threshold, Default to 0.25)
  • --rd (Maximum replication degree, Default to 3)
  • --jp (Joint optimization parameter, Default to 0.5)
  • --sch (Orchestration scheme, default to IBDASH )

An sample execution command is

python --app mapreduce --mc ED_mc_map.xlsx --sch ibdash


This work is accept at the 41st International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS 2022), if you find our work is helpful, please cite our work as

  author={Li, Xiang and Abdallah, Mustafa and Suryavansh, Shikhar and Chiang, Mung and Kim, Kwang Taik and Bagchi, Saurabh},
  booktitle={2022 41st International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS)}, 
  title={DAG-based Task Orchestration for Edge Computing}, 




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