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Bootstrap 4 theme for one-page microsites

What’s included

Within the Bootstrap theme you’ll find the following directories and files, grouping common resources and providing both compiled and minified distribution files, as well as raw source files.

  ├── gulpfile.js
  ├── package.json
  ├── docs/
  ├── scss/
  │   ├── bootstrap/
  │   ├── custom/
  │   ├── variables.scss
  │   └── toolkit.scss
  ├── js/
  │   ├── bootstrap/
  │   └── custom/
  ├── fonts/
  │   ├── bootstrap-entypo.eot
  │   ├── bootstrap-entypo.svg
  │   ├── bootstrap-entypo.ttf
  │   ├── bootstrap-entypo.woff
  │   └── bootstrap-entypo.woff2
  ├── dist/
  |   ├── toolkit.css
  |   ├──
  |   ├── toolkit.min.css
  |   ├──
  |   ├── toolkit.js
  |   └── toolkit.min.js
  └── demos/
      ├── TimeNAttendance/
      └── LandForSale/

Getting started

To view your Bootstrap Theme documentation, simply find the docs directory and open index.html in your favorite browser.

$ open docs/index.html


If you’re after more customization we’ve also included a custom Gulp file, which can be used to quickly re-compile a theme’s CSS and JS. You’ll need to install both Node and Gulp before using our included gulpfile.js.

Once node is installed, run the following npm command to install Gulp.

$ npm install gulp -g

When you’re done, make sure you’ve installed the rest of the theme’s dependencies:

$ npm install

Now, modify your source files and run gulp to generate new local dist/ files automatically. Be aware that this replaces existing dist/ files, so proceed with caution.

Theme source code

The scss/, js/, and fonts/ directories contain the source code for our CSS, JS, and icon fonts (respectively). Within the scss/ and js/ directories you’ll find two subdirectories:

  • bootstrap/, which contains the most recently released version of Bootstrap (v4.0.0-alpha.6).
  • custom/, which contains all of the custom components and overrides authored specifically for this theme.

The dist/ folder includes everything above, built into single CSS and JS files that can easily be integrated into your project.

The docs/ folder includes the source code for our documentation, as well as a handful of live examples.

The remaining files not specifically mentioned above provide support for packages, license information, and development.

Custom builds

Leverage the included source files and gulpfile.js to customize your Bootstrap Theme for your exact needs. Change variables, exclude components, and more.

  • toolkit-*.scss is the entry point for Sass files - to build your own custom build, simply modify your local custom files or edit the includes listed here. Note: some themes also rely on a shared components.scss file, which you can find imported in your toolkit-*.scss.

  • variables.scss is home to your theme’s variables. Note that your theme’s variables file depends on and overrides an existing Bootstrap variable file (found in /scss/bootstrap/_variables.scss).

Basic template

The basic template is a guideline for how to structure your pages when building with a Bootstrap Theme. Included below are all the necessary bits for using the theme’s CSS and JS, as well as some friendly reminders.

Copy the example below into a new HTML file to get started with it.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <!-- These meta tags come first. -->
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

    <title>Bootstrap Theme Example</title>

    <!-- Include the CSS -->
    <link href="dist/toolkit.min.css" rel="stylesheet">

    <h1>Hello, world!</h1>

    <!-- Include jQuery (required) and the JS -->
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="dist/toolkit.min.js"></script>


This theme is inspired on the Bootstrap Marketing Minimal theme and the documentation.

Bootstarp components

New components

Font Awesome










Live Chat front-end



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