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Movie Database App with react

  • A movie discovery web application consuming the TMDB movie database api.

Technologies used

  • ReactJs with vite npm create vite@latest

  • Tailwind CSS for styling

  • React-router-dom for routing npm i react-router-dom

  • React Query for state management npm i @tanstack/react-query

  • React-icons for npm i react-icons

  • React-spinners for loading animation npm i react-spinners

APIS endpoints utilised

  • To get the top 10 movies I used :

  • To get a movie with id${movieId}?append_to_response=videos,credits&&language=en-US

  • To search for movies${searchWord}

  • To get trending movies for the hero section

Run App locally

  • To run the app locally first clone the repo to your local machine.

  • Then run npm install

  • Finally run npm run dev