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A template to get start coding quickly. Use react front-end framework with the very powerful yet difficult to configure bundler, webpack. Yarn@berry is more powerful than npm, because of the cache system and meaningful colored logs.


  1. 🚀 Ready to use with the boring stuff setup for you
  2. 📦 Minimal webpack configuration
  3. 📖 Storybook
  4. 🌐 Internationalization with react-i18next
  5. 🔍 Linting with eslint and stylelint
  6. ✨️ Formatting with prettier
  7. 🎣 Git hooks to format and lint features in each commit
  8. 🏗️ Github action to lint and test (comming soon insha'Allah)
  9. 😁 Easy import with import Button from "_components/Button" instead of import Button from "../../../components/Button"


command description
yarn dev start webpack server
yarn prod build in production mode
yarn analyze analyze your production bundle and get packages statistics
yarn lint eslint
yarn slint stylelint
yarn format prettier
yarn storybook start-storybook

CSS modules

We are using webpack@5 as the bundler for this project, the SCSS-CSS loader is by default enables what so called CSS modules. For example I use a CSS module for the Button component. The reason to notice this type of CSS file, the CSS modules, is to make the somponent classes scoped only to the Button and not to the global scope (the whole page). This reduces the unexpected errors and "Why it is not working?!". The second reason is that it is cool ✨️.

Git hooks

One of the reason to use git hooks in this project is that we are using hooks in React as well :D

Git hooks are hooked using husky. When you git commit, the pre-commit hook will start its job to prettier the stuff you made, eslint them as well, using lint-staged.

✔ Preparing...
✔ Running tasks...
✔ Applying modifications...
✔ Cleaning up...

Storybook 📖

In order to make all these gears engage together

  1. some customized webpack configs are used for storybook, e.g., SCSS-CSS loader.
  2. I am using the same i18next config for storybook.

Use me as a subdirectory in a repo

git hooks

You need to customize git hooks config to match your desires.

  1. your ./git-hooks/pre-commit
cd path/to/frontend
# ...
  1. postintall script
"postintall": "git config --local core.hooksPath path/to/frontend/.git-hooks || echo \"failed to hook the git hooks\"",




start developing react apps with webpack bundler.







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