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CTableHelper is a HTML Helper that helps you create HTML tables. It is written in PHP and is meant to be used with Anax-MVC.

##Installation You can install the class CTableHelper with Composer and Packagist by adding the the ctablehelper package to your composer.json file in your Anax-MVC:

"require": {
    "php": ">=5.4",
    "limu/ctablehelper": "dev-master"


###Example file In the webroot folder of ctablehelper, you will find an example file named TableExample.php. Move this file into your webroot folder of your Anax-MVC. It is a simple page controller for Anax-MVC and contains examples of html tables the module can create.

###CSS file Move ctablehelper.css from the ctablehelper/webroot/css folder to your css-folder in your Anax-MVC webroot (Anax-MVC/webroot/css). This is an optional step, but neccessary if you wish to use any of the premade table stylings.


###Get Started To include the class CTableHelper.php in your Anax-MVC project, use $di->set():

####In page controller

$di->set('table', '\Limu\HTMLTable\CTableHelper');

####In class/controller

$this->di->set('table', '\Anax\HTMLTable\CTableHelper');

###Create a table To create a new HTML Table you will use the method createTable($headers, $data, $style = ''). The array $headers are the table headers you wish to use. The multidimensional array (or object) $data contains the data that goes into the table cells. Each inner array represents one row in the table. The optional string $style is which class name (and thus which styling) you wish to assign to the HTML table.

####Example (from TableExample.php)

$tableHeaders = ['My header', 'Another header', 'Last header'];

$cellData = [
    ['data row 1 cell 1', 'data row 1 cell 2', 'data row 1 cell 3'],
    ['data row 2 cell 1', 'data row 2 cell 2', 'data row 2 cell 3'],
    ['data row 3 cell 1', 'data row 3 cell 2', 'data row 3 cell 3'],
    ['data row 4 cell 1', 'data row 4 cell 2', 'data row 4 cell 3'],

$app->table->createTable($tableHeaders, $cellData, 'light');

####Note It is possible to use an empty array for $headers if you wish to not use any table headers. However, if you choose to use headers, the number of headers must be the same as the number of arrays in $data, making the columns and headers match in numbers. Likewise, all rows must contain the same number of cells. If these criterias are not met, the table will not be created but an error message will be produced instead.

###Styling If you wish to use any of the default stylings, you need to import ctablehelper.css to your style.css in Anax-MVC or add the module's stylesheet with $app->theme->addStylesheet('css/ctablehelper.css'); in your page controller. Have a look at the TableExample.php to see the different styling options available, but please remember that you will only see the different stylings if you have moved the ctablehelper.css to your Anax-MVC css-folder. If you want to use your own styling, simply add a class name of your choice as a third argument to the method createTable($headers, $data, $style = '') and style as you like.


A HTML Helper for Anax-MVC, creates HTML tables (PHP).







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