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Heart disease risk prediction model

Heart disease, also known as cardiovascular disease (CVD), refers to a group of conditions that affect the heart and blood vessels. It is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Common types of heart disease include coronary artery disease (CAD), heart failure, arrhythmias, and heart valve problems.

  1. Data
    • I used a data which is 12Kb csv consists of 14 columns(dtypes = 1 float 13 integer columns) and 304 rows.It gives the results patients according to their age,gender,health conditions and external factors
    • Column names' meanings :

Age - patients' age range between 77 and 29

Sex - Gender of the person [1: Male, 0: Female]

cp - Constrictive pericarditis = is a form of diastolic heart failure that arises because an inelastic pericardium inhibits cardiac filling.[1-Typical Type 1 Angina; 2- Atypical Type Angina; 3- Non-angina pain; 4-Asymptomatic)

trestbps - the reading of the resting blood pressure.

chol - cholestrol (high cholesterol can increase your risk of heart disease).

fbs - Fasting glucose level

restecg - the resting electrocardiographic result

thalach - the maximum heart rate

exang - the exercise induced angina

oldpeak - ST depression induced by exercise relative to rest

slope - Slope of the Peak Exercise ST segment

ca - Number of major vessels colored by fluoroscopy

thal - 3 – Normal, 6 – Fixed Defect, 7 – Reversible Defect

target - disease risk [1 - yes , 0 - No]


  • Men
  • The data shows that the more men patients are older,the more cholestrol they gain.
  • Surprisingly the risk of heart disease is higher in the men who are thinner.The risk arises among skinny people of the age group between 50 and 60.
  • People who have family members that have had a heart attack may have a higher chance of having a heart attack
  • Both low glucose level and impaired fasting glucose should be considered as predictors of risk for stroke and coronary heart disease
    • Women
  • There were no differences between the two groups in major clinical features
  • As far as women patients concerned the risk is high between thinner and middle age(35-55)ladies.Only about 60% of women around 60 may not complain about heart disease.The oldest women patients are likely to have serius heart problems.obesity is the same issue when they get older.
  • ST segment depression induced during the active phase of the exercise stress test, and group 2 comprised patients with no ST segment changes during exercise but who exhibited a significant ST segment depression during the recovery phase of the test 3.Code Explanation:

Import Libraries:

import pandas as pd: Imports the pandas library, which provides data structures and data analysis tools. import seaborn as sb: Imports Seaborn, a data visualization library based on Matplotlib. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt: Imports Matplotlib for plotting. from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split: Imports a function for splitting data into training and testing sets. from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB: Imports the Gaussian Naive Bayes model. from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, f1_score, precision_score, recall_score: Imports metrics for model evaluation. Load Data:

datas = pd.read_csv(file_path): Loads data from a CSV file specified by file_path. Plotting with Seaborn:

Uses Seaborn's lmplot to create a scatter plot with a linear regression fit for the given data (age vs chol) with color differentiation based on the target and separate plots for each gender. Data Preparation:

Separates the features (X) and target variable (y). Splits the data into training and testing sets using 80% for training and 20% for testing. Model Training:

Uses a Gaussian Naive Bayes classifier and fits it to the training data. Model Evaluation: scores = 78 % accuracy rate which is not bad

Calculates and prints accuracy, F1 score, precision, and recall for the trained model using the testing data. The results are ~ 78.6% , ~ 78.5% ,77.1% , 84.3% respectively It's important to note that in the code provided, file_path is used to denote the path to the CSV file containing the dataset, it's defined in the code snippet. Make sure to replace file_path with the actual path to your CSV file before running the code.


prediction of heart disease likelihood








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