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Beta 7

Closed Feb 28, 2015 100% complete

Entry conditions:
Beta 6 is available on the beta web site

Exit conditions:
Payment protocol support is reliable across a range of merchant providers (BitPay etc).
Around 2000 people have successfully used the app under a variety of operating systems
No outstanding issues
Considered very robust across a range of corner cases
Comprehensive code coverage th…

Entry conditions:
Beta 6 is available on the beta web site

Exit conditions:
Payment protocol support is reliable across a range of merchant providers (BitPay etc).
Around 2000 people have successfully used the app under a variety of operating systems
No outstanding issues
Considered very robust across a range of corner cases
Comprehensive code coverage through FEST tests
Zero bugs on Findbugs "low" threshold.

This milestone is closed.

No open issues remain. View closed issues or see open milestones in this repository.