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ShiroBundle for DropWizard.

Simplifies Shiro configuration and usage in a DropWizard stack.


The bundle initializes Shiro to work within Dropwizard. The functionality has three steps:

  1. Optionally add a Jetty SessionHandler to the Dropwizard environment. This is done only if a) the ShiroConfiguration dropwizard_session_handler property istrue, and b) the environment doesn't already have a SessionHandler set.
  2. Add the Shiro EnvironmentLoaderListener to the Dropwizard environment. This will initialize Shiro.
  3. Add a ShiroFilter instance to handle URLs matching the configured pattern.

The rest of the functionality and configuration are provided by Shiro and/or Dropwizard directly.


Include the maven dependency.

Add an instance of the ShiroBundle to your service. For example,

import io.ifar.dropwizard.shiro.ShiroBundle;
import io.ifar.dropwizard.shiro.ShiroConfiguration;
private final ShiroBundle shiroBundle =
        new ShiroBundle<MyConfiguration>() {
            @Override public Optional<ShiroConfiguration> getShiroConfiguration(final MyConfiguration configuration)
            { return Optional.<ShiroConfiguration>fromNullable(configuration.getShiroConfiguration()); }
public void initialize(final Bootstrap<MyConfiguration> bootstrap) {

Expose the ShiroConfiguration via you application's root Configuration class. For example,

import com.yammer.dropwizard.config.Configuration;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import ifar.dropwizard.shiro.ShiroConfiguration;

import javax.validation.Valid;

public class MyConfiguration extends Configuration {

    private ShiroConfiguration shiroConfiguration = new ShiroConfiguration();

    public ShiroConfiguration getShiroConfiguration() {
        return shiroConfiguration;

Secure a resource with Shiro. For example, in the [urls] section of a Shiro .ini file:

/login = ssl, authc
/protected = authc, roles[foo]
/logout = logout

And, in the Resource you can gain access to the current user in one of two ways: JAX-RS SecurityContext; or Shiro SecurityUtls. For example:


public class ProtectedResource {

     * The SecurityContext's principal will be set by Shiro if its filter intercepted the call.
    public String showSecret(@Context SecurityContext context) {
        if (context.getUserPrincipal()!=null)
            return String.format("Hey there, %s. I know you!",
        return "Access denied.";

Note that the above call does not mean the recognized user logged-in during this session. It could be the user was identified via a rememberMe cookie.

To get the Shiro Subject directly and check isAuthenticated(), meaning the user did login during this session, use Shiro's SecurityUtils class:

import org.apache.shiro.SecurityUtils;
import org.apache.shiro.subject.Subject;

public class FooResource {
    public String isLoggedIn()
        final Subject s = SecurityUtils.getSubject();
        if (s != null && s.isAuthenticated()) {
            return String.format("Logged in as '%s'.", s.getPrincipal());
        } else {
            return "Not logged in.";


See the ShiroConfiguration class. The minimal configuration, via your Dropwizard application's .yml file is:

    enabled: true

The bundle has three configurable properties:

  • enabled (boolean) : turns on/off this bundle. If not enabled, the bundle will write some log lines but will not perform configuration.
  • filter_url_pattern (String) : URLs matching this pattern will be intercepted by the ShiroFilter. The default value is /*.
  • dropwizard_session_handler (boolean) : whether or not to enable the Jetty SessionHandler. Defaults to false. (See, Session state required, below.)

Related Shiro and Dropwizard Configuration

As part of its initialization, Shiro will load an .ini file from the location specified in the shiroConfigLocations context parameter. You can set this via your applications' .yml file. For example:

        shiroConfigLocations: file:./shiro.ini

If the parameter is unset, Shiro will look for an .ini file in the default locations: inside the WEB-INF folder and at the root of the classpath. So, a shiro.ini file at the root of your classpath (e.g., in your resources folder if using Maven) is all you need.

Session state required

Note that most of Shiro's services require server-side state be stored. There are multiple routes available. One is to set

dropwizard_session_handler: true

via the ShiroConfiguration of this bundle (or otherwise add a DropWizard SessionHandler to the DropWizard Environment) and Shiro will piggy-back on the HttpServlet session.

Alternatively, configure Shiro's SecurityManager to use Shiro's built-in session management, for example in the shiro.ini via lines like these:

sessionManager = org.apache.shiro.web.session.mgt.DefaultWebSessionManager
securityManager.sessionManager = $sessionManager

Access with Maven


Include the following in your pom.xml:



Snapshots are available from the Sonatype OSS Snapshots repository:

  <name>Sonatype OSS Snapshot Repository</name>


The license is BSD 2-clause. This information is also present in the LICENSE.txt file and in the pom.xml.