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In the MBAdmin package you can find the functions to edit the sections of MBurger. You will have to use a token with write permissions to edit the sections and with delete permission to delete them.


Swift Package Manager

With Xcode 11 you can start using Swift Package Manager to add MBAdmin to your project. Follow those simple steps:

  • In Xcode go to File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency.
  • Enter in the "Choose Package Repository" dialog and press Next.
  • Specify the version using rule "Up to Next Major" with "1.0.6" as its earliest version and press Next.
  • Xcode will try to resolving the version, after this, you can choose the MBAdminSwift library and add it to your app target.


CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa Projects, which automates and simplifies the process of using 3rd-party libraries in your projects. You can install CocoaPods with the following command:

$ gem install cocoapods

To integrate the MBurgerSwift into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

platform :ios, '10.0'

target 'TargetName' do
    pod 'MBAdminSwift' '~> 1.0.6'


Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks. To integrate MBAdmin into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

github "Mumble-SRL/MBAdminSwift"

Manual installation

To install the library manually drag and drop the folder MBAdminSwift to your project structure in XCode.

Note that MBAdminSwift has MBurgerSwift as a dependency, so you have to install also this library manually.

Add/Edit a section

You can add a section to a block with the function addSectionToBlock(withBlockId:elements:success:failure:). To call this function you need to create an array of elements confrom to MBUploadableElementProtocol. To create it use the MBUploadableElementsFactory that is created. A MBUploadableElementsFactory is allocated with a locale identifier and creates object with this locale identifier. All the integrity controls of the server are still present in the APIs, you will find the description of the error in the object passed to the failure block. Below an example code to create a section.

let factory = MBUploadableElementsFactory(localeIdentifier: "it")
let elements: [MBUplodableElementProtocol] = [factory.createTextElement(name: "name", text: "text"),
factory.createImageElement(name: "name", image: UIImage(named: "image_name")!)]

MBAdmin.addSectionToBlock(withBlockId: 621, elements: elements, success: { sectionId in

}, failure: { (error) in

With a MBUploadableElementsFactory you can create:

  • an array or a single of image with MBUploadableImagesElement
  • an array or a single of image with MBUploadableFilesElement
  • a text with MBUploadableTextElement
  • a checkbox element with MBUploadableCheckboxElement

The edit function is very similar to the add. It will modifiy only the fields passed and the other elements will remain untouched.

Delete a section

To delete a section with an id:

MBAdmin.deleteSection(withSectionId: SECTION_ID, success: {

}, failure: { (error) in

Upload media

You can upload media in 2 ways:

  • Uploading images, giving them names. In that case images will be converted in jpg (you can specify the compression quality).
  • Uploading files with their URL.

To upload an image or multiple images:

let image1: UIImage = AN_IMAGE
let image2: UIImage = ANOTHER_IMAGE

// Upload a single image		
MBAdmin.uploadMediaImage(image: image1,
                         name: "Image name",
                         success: { media in
}, failure: { error in

// Upload multiple images
MBAdmin.uploadMediaImages(images: [image1, image2],
                          names: ["Image1", "Image2"],
                          success: { media in
}, failure: { error in

To upload files with their URLs:

let file1Url: URL = AN_URL
let file2Url: URL = ANOTHER_URL
// Upload a single file
MBAdmin.uploadMedia(media: file1Url,
                    success: { media in
                    failure: { error in
// Upload an array of files
MBAdmin.uploadMedia(media: [file1Url, file2Url],
                    success: { media in
                    failure: { error in

Delete media

You can delete a media(MBFile) using deleteMedia(withMediaId:success:failure:) that requires the id of the media to delete. The id of the media is the field id of the MBFile.

MBAdmin.deleteMedia(withMediaId: MEDIA_ID, success: {
}, failure: { (error) in


For additional information, you can check out the full docs.

Since this SDK extends MBurger, you can check out the full reference doc of the MBurger SDK.