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Muriel Salvan edited this page Apr 14, 2014 · 2 revisions

This little guide will help you develop for rails-ajax.

Source code

rails-ajax's source code is hosted in the following repositories:

You can use Github's pull requests features to contribute code to Rails-Ajax.

If you want to get the complete source code using GIT, you can use the following command:

git clone

Installing dependencies

Rails-Ajax uses the following frameworks/libraries for its tests:

  • Rails (~>3.2.1)
  • RSpec
  • Cucumber
  • Capybara
  • Capybara-webkit

In order to install those dependencies on your host, execute the bundle command:


Running tests

Once you have the source code and dependencies, next thing to check is how to run tests. This is done using the following rake command from Rails-ajax's root directory:

rake test

This should execute cucumber testing in dummy Rails applications. If everything is ok, the output should end with something similar to:

127 scenarios (127 passed)
779 steps (779 passed)

The command "bundle exec rake" exited with 0.

If for some reasons some scenarios failed, it is likely your environment or gems not being setup correctly.

If the test passes 100%, you are then ready to modify the source code, add new tests and check they still run smoothly.

Source architecture

Time to dive into the source.

The Railtie

Rails-Ajax defines a Railtie to plug its functionality into Rails applications: lib/rails-ajax/railtie.rb.

This Railtie declares a rake tasks file that is responsible for generating Rails-Ajax configuration files in a Rails application: tasks/rails-ajax_tasks.rake.

The Railtie also loads all Rails-Ajax library files during its initialization. Those libraries augment some Rails functionality, and also override others.

Last thing Railtie's initialization does is adding a new assets path (along with app/assets, lib/assets, vendor/assets): assets/javascripts. This allows Rails applications to include Rails-Ajax's javascript files without having to copy them manually into their application.

Augmenting Rails' functionalities

Rails-Ajax libraries augment Rails by including Rails-Ajax specific modules into basic Rails modules:

This module overrides 2 ActionController methods to add Rails-Ajax functionalities: render and redirect_to.

It also defines helpers (parts of the [Rails-Ajax API](Rails-Ajax API "wikilink")): refresh_dom_with_partial and execute_javascript. Those helpers work the same way: they remember actions to take in a staging area, in order to include them later during the rendering stage (handled by render and redirect_to).

This module overrides the link_to method to mark links as remote when needed.

This module overrides the form_tag method to mark forms as remote when needed.

This defines the configuration object that can be then accessed in Rails applications using RailsAjax::config method. The configuration is stored in a singleton linked to the RailsAjax module. This singleton is defined in lib/rails-ajax/rails-ajax.rb.

Generating configuration files

Configuration files are generated using the rails-ajax:install rake target. They are stored in the gen/ directory, and are simply copied to the Rails application when the target is invoked.

Test architecture

All the code related to tests is stored in the test/ directory (except the gem dependencies declared in Gemfile).

Dummy Rails applications

Tests are done using several dummy Rails application:

These Rails applications contain controllers and views that test each Rails-Ajax functionality. A good way to test it live using a real browser is to launch the Rails application manually from test/dummy_rails4:

rails s

And then visit http://localhost:3000 using your browser. This way you can live test Rails-Ajax functionality.

Automating using Cucumber


Automating tests using the dummy Rails applications is done using Cucumber, RSpec and Capybara (with its engine webkit). Here is a brief overview of each of those frameworks:

  • RSpec] is used to get some more readable helpers in writing tests (such as my_value.should == 5).
  • Cucumber] is used to run the test suite itself and express it using natural language.
  • Capybara is used to pilot the Rails application in the tests. It defines helpers to handle navigation, parsing, JavaScript... (such as visit '/page1' or page.should have_content('My content'))
  • Capybara/Webkit is the engine used internally by Capybara to browse (including running JavaScript).

Please note that Capybara/webkit needs Qt installed in your system to work. If you don't want or can't install webkit, it is also possible to use other Capybara engines. For this, change the Capybara.javascript_driver property in file test/dummy/features/support/env.rb. Rails-Ajax has also been tested successfully using the selenium engine.

Running Cucumber

Once dependencies are installed, cucumber can be run directly from the dummy Rails application (test/dummy directory):


This is exactly what is run by the rake test command.

Test cases files

Test cases files are setup in test/dummy/features directory:

Add new test cases

Adding tests is simple: add new test cases in existing files (if they fit in), or create new feature files in test/dummy/features/test_cases. If you need to define new translations from natural language, just edit file test/dummy/festures/step_definitions/main_steps.rb and add your new definitions.

A very good Cucumber feature is to first write the features without definitions, then run Cucumber once (of course it will end in error), and grab the output of Cucumber: it has already given the missing definitions, ready to be pasted into the definitions file.


Packaging Rails-Ajax is done using RubyPackager. The details of the distribution are stored in Distribution/ReleaseInfo.rb file.

Creating a new gem of Rails-Ajax can be done using the following command:

Release -v<Version> -t<Tag> -iGem Distribution\ReleaseInfo.rb

This will create the gem in a directory called Releases///Normal//Installer/rails-ajax-.gem. It will also generate the documentation (using RDoc) in Releases///Normal//Documentation.

If you have privileges on the SourceForge repository, you can also add option -dSourceForge and the gem will be published automatically on SourceForge along with its documentation. If you have privileges to push on RubyGems, you can also add option -dRubyGems to automatically push the gem to

Need help

If this guide is not enough to get you started, don't hesitate to ask for help in the forums or by contacting Muriel directly.