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Muriel Pinho edited this page Jun 22, 2021 · 1 revision

EBD: Database Specification Component

Digital Prime has its focus on our client experience aiming to provide to our costumers the best prices in a fast, reliable and elegant platform.

A4: Conceptual Data Model

This artefact contains identification and description of the entities of the domain and the relationships between them in an UML class diagram.

The diagram of figure presents the main organisational entities, the relationships between them, attributes and their domains, and the multiplicity of relationships for DigitalPrime.

1. Class diagram

figure 1 Figure 1: UML conceptual data model

A5: Relational Schema, validation and schema refinement

This artifact contains the Relational Schema obtained by mapping from the Conceptual Data Model. The Relational Schema includes the relation schema, attributes, domains, primary keys, foreign keys and other integrity rules: UNIQUE, DEFAULT, NOT NULL, CHECK.

1. Relational Schema

Relation schemas are specified in the compact notation:

Relation reference Relation Compact Notation
R01 buyer(id, name NN, email UK NN, id_address → address, password NN, phoneNumber)
R02 promotion(id, discount CK discount > 0, validUntil NN DF Today)
R03 category(id, name UK NN)
R04 product(id, name NN, price NN, description NN, quantity NN, id_promotion → promotion)
R05 productCategory(id_product → product, id_category → category)
R06 address(id, city NN, postalcode NN, door, address NN)
R07 paymentMethod(id, buyer_id → buyer, cardNumber NN, securityCode NN, expirationDate NN)
R08 orderTotal(id, date NN DF Today, total NN, paymentMethod NN, id_buyer → buyer NN, id_product → product NN, cupon_code → cupon)
R09 orderedProduct(id_product → product, id_order → order, quantity CK quantity > 0)
R10 review(id_product → product, id_order → order, reviewText NN, date NN DF Today, rating CK rating > 0 AND rating < = 5)
R11 question(id, questionText NN, date NN DF Today, id_buyer → buyer NN, id_product → product NN)
R12 answer(id, answerText NN, date NN DF Today, id_question → question NN, id_admin → admin NN)
R13 admin(id, name NN, email UK NN, password NN, super NN DF False)
R14 cupon(code, name NN, discount CK discount > 0, validUntil NN DF Today)
R15 cartProduct(id_buyer → buyer, id_product → product, quantity CK quantity > 0)
R16 wishlist(id_buyer → buyer, id_product → product)

where UK means UNIQUE KEY, NN means NOT NULL, DF means DEFAULT and CK means CHECK.

2. Domains

Specification of additional domains:

Domain Name Domain Specification
Rate ENUM ('poor', 'bad', 'neutral', 'good', 'excellent')

3. Functional Dependencies and schema validation

To validate the Relational Schema obtained from the Conceptual Model, all functional dependencies are identified and the normalization of all relation schemas is accomplished.

TABLE R01 Buyer
Keys { id }, { email }
Functional Dependencies:
FD0101 {id} → {email, name, password, phoneNumber}
FD0102 {email} → {id, name, password, phoneNumber}
TABLE R02 category
Keys {id}, {name}
Functional Dependencies:
FD0201 {id} → {name}
FD0202 {name} → {id}
TABLE R03 promotion
Keys { id }
Functional Dependencies:
FD0301 {id} → {discount, validUntil}
TABLE R04 product
Keys { id }
Functional Dependencies:
FD0401 {id} → {name, price, category, description, quantity}
TABLE R05 productCategory
Keys {id_product, id_category}
Functional Dependencies:
TABLE R06 address
Keys { id }
Functional Dependencies:
FD0601 {id} → {city, postalcode, door, address}
TABLE R07 paymentMethod
Keys { id }
Functional Dependencies:
FD0701 {id} → {cardNumber, securityCode, expirationDate}
TABLE R08 orderTotal
Keys { id }
Functional Dependencies:
FD0801 {id} → {date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product}
TABLE R09 orderedProduct
Keys {id_product, id_order}
Functional Dependencies:
FD0901 {id_product, id_order} → {quantity}
TABLE R10 review
Keys {id_product}, {id_order}
Functional Dependencies:
FD1001 {id_product, id_order} → {reviewText, date, rating}
TABLE R11 question
Keys {id}
Functional Dependencies:
FD1101 {id} → {questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product}
TABLE R12 answer
Keys {id}
Functional Dependencies:
FD1201 {id} → {answerText, date, id_question, id_admin}
TABLE R13 admin
Keys {id},{email}
Functional Dependencies:
FD1301 {id} → {name, email, password, super}
FD1302 {id} → {email} → {id, name, password, super}
TABLE R14 cupon
Keys {code}
Functional Dependencies:
FD1401 {code} → {name, discount, validUntil}
TABLE R15 cartProduct
Keys {id_buyer, id_product}
Functional Dependencies:
FD1501 {id_buyer, id_product} → {quantity}
TABLE R16 wishlist
Keys {id_buyer, id_product}
Functional Dependencies:

To validate the Relational Schema obtained from the Conceptual Model, all functional dependencies are identified and the normalization of all relation schemas is accomplished. Should it be necessary, in case the scheme is not in the Boyce–Codd Normal Form (BCNF), the relational schema is refined using normalization.

4. SQL Code

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS orderedProduct;

-- Tables

CREATE TABLE category(

    name text NOT NULL,
    email text NOT NULL CONSTRAINT user_email_uk UNIQUE,
    phoneNumber text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE product (
    name text NOT NULL,
    category INTEGER REFERENCES category (id),
    description text NOT NULL,
    quantity INTEGER NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE address (
    city text NOT NULL,
    postalcard text NOT NULL,
    door text,
    address text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE paymentMethod (
    cardNumber text NOT NULL,
    securityCode text NOT NULL,
    expirationDate TIMESTAMP WITH TIME zone NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE orderTotal (
    total FLOAT NOT NULL,
    paymentMethod text NOT NULL,
CREATE TABLE orderedProduct (
    quantity INTEGER NOT NULL
    PRIMARY KEY (id_buyer, id_product),
    reviewText text NOT NULL,
    rating INTEGER NOT NULL CONSTRAINT rating_ck CHECK (((rating > 0) OR (rating <= 5)))

CREATE TABLE question (
    questionText text NOT NULL,

    name text NOT NULL,
    email text NOT NULL CONSTRAINT admin_email_uk UNIQUE,
    password text NOT NULL,
    phoneNumber text NOT NULL,

    answerText text NOT NULL,

	name text NOT NULL,
	discount INTEGER NOT NULL CONSTRAINT discoun_ck CHECK (discount > 0),

CREATE TABLE cartProduct(
	idProduct INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES product (id),
	PRIMARY KEY (idBuyer,idProduct),	
	quantity INTEGER NOT NULL CONSTRAINT quantity_ck CHECK (quantity > 0)

CREATE TABLE whishlist(
	idProduct INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES product (id),
	PRIMARY KEY (idBuyer,idProduct)	

CREATE TABLE promotion(
	discount INTEGER NOT NULL CONSTRAINT discount2_ck CHECK (discount > 0),

A6: Indexes, triggers, user functions, transactions and population

This artefact contains the physical schema of the database, the identification and characterisation of the indexes, the support of data integrity rules with triggers and the definition of the database user-defined functions. This artefact shows the database transactions needed to assure the integrity of the data in the presence of concurrent accesses. For each transaction, the isolation level is explicitly stated and justified and read-only transactions to improve global performance are identified and justified. This artefact also contains the database's workload as well as the complete database creation script, including all SQL necessary to define all integrity constraints, indexes and triggers.

1. Database Workload

Understanding the nature of the workload for the application, and the performance goals, is essential to developing a good database design. The workload includes:

  • the most important queries (SELECT) and how often they arise
  • the most important modifications (UPDATE, DELETE) and how often they arise
  • the desired performance for these queries and updates
  • an estimate of the number of tuples for each relation

1.1. Tuple Estimation

Relation reference Relation Name Order of magnitude Estimated growth
R01 buyer thousands dozens per day
R02 promotion dozens units per day
R03 category dozens units per day
R04 product hundreds units per day
R05 productCategory hundreds units per day
R06 address thousands units per day
R07 paymentMethod thousands units per day
R08 orderTotaltens thousands hundreds per day
R09 orderedProducttens thousands hundreds per day
R10 review thousands dozens per day
R11 question thousands dozens per day
R12 answer thousands dozens per day
R13 admin units units per day
R14 cupon dozens units per day
R15 cartProduct thousands dozens per day
R16 wishlist thousands dozens per day

1.2. Frequent Queries

Query reference SELECT01
Query description Buyer’s profile
Query frequency thousands per day
SELECT name, email, phoneNumber FROM buyer WHERE = $email;
Query reference SELECT02
Query description Single product
Query frequency thousands per day
SELECT name, price, image, description, quantity, id_promotion, FROM product WHERE = $id;
Query reference SELECT03
Query description Search product
Query frequency thousands per day
SELECT id, name, price, category, description, quantity, ts_rank_cd(textsearch, query) AS rank FROM ORDER, to_tsquery($search) AS query, to_tsvector(title
Query reference SELECT04
Query description My orders
Query frequency thousands per day
SELECT * FROM orderTotal
WHERE orderTotal.id_buyer = $id;
Query reference SELECT05
Query description Product reviews
Query frequency hundreds per day
SELECT id_buyer, reviewText, date, rating, FROM review WHERE review.id_product = $id;
Query reference SELECT06
Query description Product Q&A
Query frequency hundreds per day
SELECT questionText, date, id_buyer, FROM question WHERE question.id_product = $id;
Query reference SELECT07
Query description Cart product
Query frequency thousands per day
select , product.price from cartProduct inner join product on cartProduct.idproduct = inner join buyer on = cartProduct.idbuyer where =$id
Query reference SELECT08
Query description Product by category
Query frequency thousands per day
Select, product.price , product
FROM product INNER JOIN category ON product.category =
where = $name

1.3. Frequent Updates

Query reference UPDATE01
Query description Update buyer’s information
Query frequency dozens per day
UPDATE buyer SET email = $email, name = $name, phoneNumber = $phoneNumber WHERE id = $id;
Query reference UPDATE02
Query description Update product information
Query frequency dozens per day
UPDATE product SET name = $name, price = $price, category = $category, description = $description, quantity = $quantityWHERE id = $id;
Query reference UPDATE03
Query description Update address
Query frequency dozens per day
UPDATE address SET city = $city, postalcard = $postalcard, door = $door, address = $address WHERE id = $id;
Query reference INSERT01
Query description New buyer register
Query frequency dozens per day
INSERT INTO buyer(name, email, phoneNumber) VALUES ($name, $email, $phoneNumber);
Query reference INSERT02
Query description New orderTotal
Query frequency hundreds per day
INSERT INTO orderTotal(date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) VALUES ($date, $total, $paymentMethod, $id_buyer, $id_product);
Query reference INSERT03
Query description New review
Query frequency dozens per day
INSERT INTO review(id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) VALUES ($id_buyer, $id_product, $reviewText, $date, $rating);
Query reference INSERT04
Query description New question
Query frequency dozens per day
INSERT INTO question(questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) VALUES ($questionText, $date, $id_buyer, $id_product);
Query reference INSERT05
Query description New product
Query frequency units per day
INSERT INTO product(name, price, category, description, quantity) VALUES ($name, $price, $category, $description, $quantity);
Query reference DELETE01
Query description Remove payment Method
Query frequency units per day
DELETE FROM paymentMethod WHERE id = $id;
Query reference DELETE02
Query description Delete a Review
Query frequency hundreds per month
DELETE FROM review WHERE id_buyer = $id_buyer AND id_product = $id_product;

2. Proposed Indices

Indexes are used to enhance database performance by allowing the database server to find and retrieve specific rows much faster. An index defined on a column that is part of a join condition can also significantly speed up queries with joins. Moreover, indexes can also benefit UPDATE and DELETE commands with search conditions. After an index is created, the system has to keep it synchronised with the table, which adds overhead to data manipulation operations. As indexes add overhead to the database system as a whole, they are used sensibly. The indexes proposed in the next section took in good consideration the impact on updates in the workload. The indexes benefits at least one query and none have negative impact in the updates or inserts

2.1. Performance Indices

Index IDX01
Related queries SELECT01
Index relation user
Index attribute email
Index type Hash
Cardinality High
Clustering No
Justification Query SELECT01 has to be fast as it is executed many times; doesn't need range query support; cardinality is high because email is an unique key; it's not a good candidate for clustering.
CREATE INDEX email_buyer ON buyer USING hash (email);
Index IDX01
Related queries SELECT01
Index relation user
Index attribute email
Index type Hash
Cardinality High
Clustering No
Justification Query SELECT01 has to be fast as it is executed many times; doesn't need range query support; cardinality is high because email is an unique key; it's not a good candidate for clustering.
CREATE INDEX email_buyer ON buyer USING hash (email);
Index IDX01
Related queries SELECT07
Index relation cartProduct
Index attribute id_buyer
Index type B-tree
Cardinality medium
Clustering No
Justification Query SELECT07 has to be fast as it is executed many times; cardinality is medium because id_buyer repeats; it's not a good candidate for clustering.
CREATE INDEX buyer_cart ON cartProduct USING btree (id_buyer);
Index IDX03
Related queries SELECT05
Index relation review
Index attribute id_product
Index type hash
Cardinality high
Clustering No
Justification Query SELECT05 has to be fast as it is executed many times; cardinality is high because id_product is primary key; it's not a good candidate for clustering.
CREATE INDEX product_review ON review USING hash (id_product);
Index IDX04
Related queries SELECT08
Index relation productCategory
Index attribute id_product
Index type hash
Cardinality high
Clustering No
Justification Query SELECT08 has to be fast as it is executed many times; cardinality is high because id_product and id_category are primary keys; it's not a good candidate for clustering.
CREATE INDEX category_product ON productCategory USING hash (id_product, id_category);

2.2. Full-text Search Indices

Index IDX05
Related queries SELECT03
Index relation product
Index attribute name
Index type GiST
Clustering No
Justification To improve the performance of full text searches while searching for products by their names; GiST because it's better for dynamic data.
CREATE INDEX search_product ON product USING GIST (to_tsvector('english', name

3. Triggers

Trigger TRIGGER01
Description Delete all product in carts when a product is deleted
CREATE FUNCTION delete_cart() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $BODY$ BEGIN DELETE FROM cartProduct where idProduct in (select id from deleted); END $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER delete_cart AFTER DELETE product FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE delete_cart();
Trigger TRIGGER02
Description Only one answer per admin
CREATE FUNCTION one_answer() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $BODY$ BEGIN IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM answer WHERE NEW.id_question = id_question AND NEW.id_admin = id_admin) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'An admin can only answer each question one time'; END IF; RETURN NEW; END $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER one_answer AFTER INSERT ON answer FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE one_answer();
Trigger TRIGGER03
Description Each user can only ask one question per product

4. Transactions

Transactions needed to assure the integrity of the data, with a proper justification.

T01 Insert a Product of a Category that doesn’t exist
Justification To maintain consistency, it's necessary to use a transaction to ensure that the the code executes without errors. If an error occurs, a ROLLBACK is issued (when the insertion of a product fails whose category doesn’t exist yet, for example). The isolation level is Repeatable Read, because it guarantees that any data read cannot change, if the transaction reads the same data again, it will find the previously read data in place, unchanged, and available to read
BEGIN TRANSACTION; SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ INSERT INTO category (name) VALUES ($name); INSERT INTO product (name, price, category, description, quantity) VALUES ($name, $price, $category, $description, $quantity COMMIT;
T02 Reply to a Question
Justification A transaction is used to guarantee data integrity in the presence of simultaneous accesses. We use the Repeatable Read isolation level since a concurrent transaction may cause inconsistent data to be stored in the question table, causing inconsistencies in the answer table.
BEGIN TRANSACTION; SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ INSERT INTO question(questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) VALUES ($questionText, $date, $id_buyer, $id_product); INSERT INTO answer(id_question) VALUES (currval(question_id_seq)); COMMIT;
T03 Get Wishlists and its Information
Justification During the transaction, the insertion of new rows in the wishlist table can occur, what means that the information retrieved in both selects is different, what leads to a Phantom Read. It's READ ONLY because it only uses Selects.

5. Complete SQL Code

5.1. Database schema

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS orderedProduct;

-- Tables

CREATE TABLE category(

    name text NOT NULL,
    email text NOT NULL CONSTRAINT user_email_uk UNIQUE,
    phoneNumber text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE product (
    name text NOT NULL,
    category INTEGER REFERENCES category (id),
    description text NOT NULL,
    quantity INTEGER NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE address (
    city text NOT NULL,
    postalcard text NOT NULL,
    door text,
    address text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE paymentMethod (
    cardNumber text NOT NULL,
    securityCode text NOT NULL,
    expirationDate TIMESTAMP WITH TIME zone NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE orderTotal (
    total FLOAT NOT NULL,
    paymentMethod text NOT NULL,
CREATE TABLE orderedProduct (
    quantity INTEGER NOT NULL
    PRIMARY KEY (id_buyer, id_product),
    reviewText text NOT NULL,
    rating INTEGER NOT NULL CONSTRAINT rating_ck CHECK (((rating > 0) OR (rating <= 5)))

CREATE TABLE question (
    questionText text NOT NULL,

    name text NOT NULL,
    email text NOT NULL CONSTRAINT admin_email_uk UNIQUE,
    password text NOT NULL,
    phoneNumber text NOT NULL,

    answerText text NOT NULL,

	name text NOT NULL,
	discount INTEGER NOT NULL CONSTRAINT discoun_ck CHECK (discount > 0),

CREATE TABLE cartProduct(
	idProduct INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES product (id),
	PRIMARY KEY (idBuyer,idProduct),	
	quantity INTEGER NOT NULL CONSTRAINT quantity_ck CHECK (quantity > 0)

CREATE TABLE whishlist(
	idProduct INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES product (id),
	PRIMARY KEY (idBuyer,idProduct)	

CREATE TABLE promotion(
	discount INTEGER NOT NULL CONSTRAINT discount2_ck CHECK (discount > 0),

5.2. Database population

insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (1, 'Kōfu-shi', '955-624', '21', 'Fuller');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (2, 'Rovira', '787-534', null, 'Meadow Ridge');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (3, 'Ponta Delgada', '182-097', '25', 'Scoville');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (4, 'Pravdinsk', '781-010', '30', 'Judy');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (5, 'Hongshanzui', '234-038', null, 'Porter');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (6, 'Kototujuh', '554-234', null, 'Elka');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (7, 'Puerto Mayor Otaño', '655-547', null, 'Sachs');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (8, 'Haninge', '846-339', null, 'Bunting');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (9, 'Baiyun', '495-992', null, 'Sunfield');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (10, 'Mangas', '902-967', '50', 'Parkside');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (11, 'Kulpin', '409-840', '85', 'Muir');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (12, 'Pasto', '678-092', null, 'Randy');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (13, 'Sotíra', '318-961', null, 'Anniversary');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (14, 'Rudziczka', '667-530', null, 'Dakota');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (15, 'Tongjing', '629-008', null, 'Gale');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (16, 'Calvos', '721-407', null, 'Reindahl');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (17, 'New Plymouth', '803-662', null, 'Vidon');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (18, 'Geghanist', '175-273', null, 'Independence');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (19, '‘Alāqahdārī Kirān wa Munjān', '488-777', null, 'Warner');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (20, 'Balogo', '727-189', null, 'Vidon');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (21, 'Arbais', '518-487', null, 'Dayton');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (22, 'Hisings Kärra', '279-035', null, 'Monica');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (23, 'Mairana', '496-844', null, 'Hazelcrest');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (24, 'Wukeshu', '280-808', '96', 'Clarendon');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (25, 'Krajan Timur Suger Kidul', '672-871', '14', 'Loftsgordon');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (26, 'Sharga', '381-548', null, 'Hoffman');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (27, 'Tieremu', '412-733', null, 'Veith');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (28, 'Berbérati', '293-473', '66', 'Texas');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (29, 'Chibombo', '993-214', null, 'Dawn');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (30, 'Murcia', '796-477', null, 'Corscot');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (31, 'Souto do Meio', '686-450', '64', 'Arizona');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (32, 'Huangqiang', '042-527', '71', 'Ilene');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (33, 'Nice', '041-489', '68', 'Barby');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (34, 'Chencai', '683-361', null, 'Rutledge');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (35, 'Peyima', '169-883', '67', 'Bay');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (36, 'Glendale', '336-550', '12', 'Pankratz');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (37, 'Velká Polom', '211-403', null, 'Dorton');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (38, 'Rudong', '012-129', null, 'American');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (39, '‘Afula ‘Illit', '204-508', null, 'Homewood');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (40, 'Margotuhu Kidul', '562-934', null, 'Delaware');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (41, 'Uji', '354-225', '10', 'Helena');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (42, 'Kitsuki', '652-276', null, 'Warrior');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (43, 'Nossa Senhora de Machede', '981-749', null, 'Ludington');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (44, 'Jurm', '719-232', null, 'Birchwood');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (45, 'Áyioi Apóstoloi', '764-080', null, 'Bonner');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (46, 'Yancheng', '894-250', '54', 'Butterfield');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (47, 'Qīr', '040-863', null, 'Alpine');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (48, 'Ajuy', '603-831', null, 'Bultman');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (49, 'Bartolomé Masó', '323-779', '98', 'Shasta');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (50, 'Goubangzi', '933-888', '80', 'Hanson');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (51, 'Ampera', '413-323', '89', 'Forster');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (52, 'Villa Ojo de Agua', '888-342', '40', 'Lukken');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (53, 'Marne-la-Vallée', '508-714', null, 'Lakewood Gardens');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (54, 'Jinshan', '614-550', '53', 'Farmco');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (55, 'Turar Ryskulov', '143-065', '83', 'Tennessee');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (56, 'Sathon', '350-104', null, 'Lyons');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (57, 'Parigi', '032-998', null, 'Steensland');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (58, 'Kilju', '221-655', null, 'Jay');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (59, 'Mae Sai', '379-962', null, 'Bonner');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (60, 'Santo Niño', '609-505', null, 'Nova');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (61, 'Bode Sadu', '688-444', '36', 'Green');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (62, 'Nurabelen', '882-494', '16', 'Forest');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (63, 'San Francisco', '549-532', null, 'Larry');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (64, 'Colcabamba', '533-935', null, 'Iowa');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (65, 'Paranaguá', '084-409', '60', 'Westport');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (66, 'Makubetsu', '113-628', null, 'Sage');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (67, 'Lyubotyn', '651-966', null, 'Boyd');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (68, 'Bolotnoye', '010-825', null, 'Arkansas');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (69, 'Tianmuhu', '770-418', null, 'Kennedy');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (70, 'Guanba', '244-538', null, 'Eastlawn');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (71, 'Keruguya', '054-212', '69', 'Packers');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (72, 'Roun Satu', '702-340', '43', 'Lighthouse Bay');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (73, 'Porciúncula', '205-873', null, 'Fordem');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (74, 'Soledade', '667-478', null, 'Hazelcrest');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (75, 'Kandete', '832-261', null, '7th');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (76, 'Moreno', '399-164', '18', 'Hagan');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (77, 'Niimi', '491-535', null, 'Huxley');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (78, 'Fort Wayne', '095-912', null, 'Sherman');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (79, 'Fonseca', '267-494', '30', 'Summerview');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (80, 'Resende', '894-030', '33', 'Hauk');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (81, 'Abut', '821-475', '82', 'Golf View');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (82, 'Łobez', '464-364', '53', 'Dwight');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (83, 'Marvdasht', '031-889', null, 'Transport');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (84, 'Göteborg', '790-390', null, 'Maple Wood');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (85, 'Gaibei', '816-838', null, 'Mosinee');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (86, 'Comalapa', '670-361', null, 'Lerdahl');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (87, 'Los Angeles', '309-636', null, 'Dovetail');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (88, 'Okocim', '893-132', null, 'Vahlen');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (89, 'Azogues', '549-453', null, 'Old Gate');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (90, 'Syktyvkar', '893-228', '43', 'Melby');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (91, 'Casillas', '573-656', '62', 'Barby');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (92, 'Emiliano Zapata', '346-433', null, 'Randy');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (93, 'Salavat', '237-553', null, 'Haas');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (94, 'Martakert', '283-597', null, 'Lakewood Gardens');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (95, 'Sātkhira', '245-043', '29', '4th');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (96, 'Al Khāniq', '687-886', null, 'Farragut');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (97, 'Sargodha', '400-808', '84', 'Dexter');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (98, 'Nigel', '578-439', '12', 'Lerdahl');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (99, 'Iganga', '930-259', null, 'Dennis');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (100, 'Rakvere', '309-670', '79', 'Hoffman');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (101, 'San Juan', '240-355', null, 'Dayton');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (102, 'Guayatá', '183-104', null, 'Roxbury');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (103, 'Manzherok', '175-365', null, 'Shasta');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (104, 'Pakuncen', '554-334', '41', 'Northridge');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (105, 'Victoria', '043-319', null, 'Lindbergh');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (106, 'Jiangkou', '679-711', null, 'Carioca');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (107, 'Skoki', '728-273', '17', 'Pennsylvania');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (108, 'Lapid', '119-227', '96', 'Stone Corner');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (109, 'Aksu', '522-218', null, 'Dennis');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (110, 'Kashihara', '788-763', null, 'Buena Vista');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (111, 'Jicun', '180-001', null, 'Debs');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (112, 'Randu', '235-171', null, 'Tony');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (113, 'Las Parejas', '195-960', null, 'Bashford');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (114, 'Zhencheng', '298-795', null, 'Moulton');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (115, 'Scholkine', '234-062', null, 'Continental');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (116, 'Bogandinskiy', '139-296', '17', 'Pawling');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (117, 'Ares Tengah', '688-560', null, 'Waywood');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (118, 'Knoxville', '411-264', null, 'Jenna');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (119, 'Orange Farm', '772-430', null, 'Lyons');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (120, 'Winong', '518-687', null, 'Crowley');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (121, 'Stalbe', '161-403', null, 'Armistice');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (122, 'Miramar', '538-854', null, 'Kinsman');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (123, 'Damayan', '534-243', '63', 'Loftsgordon');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (124, 'Futian', '721-367', null, 'Scofield');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (125, 'Ganquan', '920-038', null, 'Merrick');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (126, 'Shabo', '400-933', '80', 'Moulton');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (127, 'Kebonbencoy', '463-407', null, 'Brickson Park');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (128, 'Corail', '592-357', null, 'Oak Valley');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (129, 'Арачиново', '016-659', null, 'Ridgeway');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (130, 'Nijmegen', '383-214', null, 'Saint Paul');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (131, 'Mikhaylovskoye', '454-240', null, 'Trailsway');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (132, 'Mariinsk', '775-487', null, 'Dahle');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (133, 'Bromma', '566-942', null, '2nd');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (134, 'Cap-Santé', '758-632', null, 'Luster');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (135, 'Pyatigorsk', '192-651', '05', 'Garrison');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (136, 'Sieroszewice', '170-739', '60', 'Green Ridge');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (137, 'Struga', '084-226', null, 'Gale');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (138, 'São Paulo de Olivença', '487-547', null, 'Helena');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (139, 'Vishow', '932-912', null, 'Amoth');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (140, 'Curitiba', '296-438', '17', 'Memorial');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (141, 'Xiashu', '890-438', '50', 'Montana');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (142, 'Baunu-Timbangan', '371-212', null, 'Fieldstone');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (143, 'Al Manşūrah', '578-555', null, 'Bartelt');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (144, 'Vypolzovo', '399-477', null, 'Blue Bill Park');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (145, 'Cegłów', '822-325', null, 'Longview');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (146, 'Oenunu', '638-912', null, 'Acker');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (147, 'Diekirch', '617-362', null, 'Summit');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (148, 'Mojorejo', '310-336', null, 'Westend');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (149, 'Hikkaduwa', '766-722', null, 'Cardinal');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (150, 'Mymensingh', '059-737', '46', 'Golf');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (151, 'Orange', '927-556', null, 'Carioca');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (152, 'Villa Ángela', '612-572', null, 'Buell');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (153, 'Dagupan', '786-844', '62', 'Dovetail');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (154, 'Huanghuatan', '705-514', '59', 'Eggendart');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (155, 'Ashiya', '167-461', null, 'Larry');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (156, 'Haradzishcha', '041-766', '11', 'Troy');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (157, 'Birmingham', '680-771', null, '5th');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (158, 'Korniyivka', '062-674', null, 'Quincy');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (159, 'Sonorejo', '296-019', null, 'Walton');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (160, 'Zouiat ech Cheïkh', '459-832', null, 'Shasta');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (161, 'Nîmes', '434-463', null, '5th');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (162, 'Lunsar', '942-901', null, 'Lawn');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (163, 'Hailang', '821-528', '55', 'Almo');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (164, 'Coronel', '003-956', null, 'Barby');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (165, 'Khalkhāl', '980-076', '13', 'Morning');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (166, 'Outapi', '074-392', '35', 'Manitowish');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (167, 'Qiongshan', '958-456', '03', 'John Wall');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (168, 'Misau', '169-465', '76', 'Hanover');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (169, 'Greenland', '828-160', null, 'Caliangt');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (170, 'Bloomington', '133-645', null, 'Sugar');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (171, 'Beberon', '080-497', null, 'Gateway');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (172, 'Peruc', '041-191', null, 'Cascade');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (173, 'Aţ Ţaybah', '854-877', '47', 'Schurz');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (174, 'East Migpulao', '730-595', '89', 'Ridgeway');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (175, 'Pelym', '855-004', null, 'Rowland');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (176, 'Düsseldorf', '447-105', '45', 'Mockingbird');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (177, 'Condoroma', '429-948', null, 'Express');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (178, 'Fayzabad', '812-737', '89', 'Eliot');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (179, 'Song', '434-606', null, 'Raven');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (180, 'Guayaquil', '408-431', '04', 'Schlimgen');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (181, 'Dushanbe', '553-465', null, 'Chive');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (182, 'San Antonio', '840-959', null, 'Meadow Valley');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (183, 'Yiyang', '366-742', null, 'Kropf');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (184, 'Camangcamang', '008-942', null, 'Caliangt');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (185, 'Goim', '278-326', '48', 'Morningstar');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (186, 'Cornwall', '204-092', '60', 'Ronald Regan');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (187, 'Nazaré', '577-879', null, 'Donald');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (188, 'Baranusa', '922-728', null, 'Burning Wood');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (189, 'Pinhal de Frades', '626-941', '41', 'Oxford');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (190, 'Langzhong', '107-283', null, 'Novick');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (191, 'Bélel', '074-705', null, 'Scoville');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (192, 'Zeleneč', '486-779', null, 'Moose');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (193, 'Bom Jesus da Lapa', '298-122', null, 'Burning Wood');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (194, 'Sijiqing', '943-284', null, 'Union');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (195, 'Amvrosiyivka', '280-989', null, 'Shopko');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (196, 'Lanyang', '421-975', null, 'Service');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (197, 'Koblain', '685-592', null, 'Kipling');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (198, 'Buy', '736-629', null, 'Leroy');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (199, 'Duyang', '688-422', '95', 'Onsgard');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (200, 'Krajan', '339-897', '86', 'Pepper Wood');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (201, 'Burla', '296-234', null, 'Golf View');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (202, 'Ignacio Zaragoza', '340-881', null, 'Forest');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (203, 'Versailles', '732-749', null, 'Lighthouse Bay');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (204, 'Cubará', '667-259', null, 'Reinke');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (205, 'Alcantara', '128-499', '16', 'Merchant');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (206, 'Quatro Barras', '900-412', null, 'Dovetail');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (207, 'Rekowo Dolne', '211-528', '04', 'Kennedy');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (208, 'Perugia', '264-798', null, 'Thackeray');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (209, 'Ono', '896-517', null, 'Lakewood Gardens');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (210, 'Fezna', '159-453', '10', 'Mosinee');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (211, 'Wierzchosławice', '735-446', '17', 'Calypso');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (212, 'Longju', '488-395', null, 'Dorton');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (213, 'Puzi', '263-739', '67', 'Shoshone');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (214, 'Naguanagua', '626-745', null, 'Myrtle');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (215, 'Miass', '086-649', '44', 'Hoffman');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (216, 'Ujung Gading', '292-485', '42', 'Ronald Regan');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (217, 'Dulyapino', '612-146', null, 'Arrowood');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (218, 'Ljusdal', '246-304', null, 'Ryan');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (219, 'Bao’an', '775-380', null, 'Surrey');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (220, 'Rust’avi', '041-369', null, 'Carpenter');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (221, 'Xitou', '535-616', '77', 'Veith');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (222, 'Saint-Jean-de-Luz', '556-667', '39', 'Lunder');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (223, 'Longquan', '853-648', null, 'Troy');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (224, 'Banikoara', '521-047', null, 'Barnett');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (225, 'Sua', '597-266', '71', 'Mifflin');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (226, 'Cilegi', '827-534', '49', 'Waywood');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (227, 'Lanchkhuti', '790-956', null, 'Surrey');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (228, 'Kertahayu', '261-396', '94', 'Chinook');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (229, 'Strzelce', '541-218', null, 'Truax');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (230, 'Las Toscas', '751-321', '49', 'Bowman');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (231, 'Huanxi', '279-819', null, 'Red Cloud');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (232, 'Orléans', '106-762', null, 'Springs');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (233, 'Kathu', '361-776', null, 'Springs');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (234, 'Jun’an', '756-170', null, 'Golf View');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (235, 'San Juan', '861-484', null, 'Autumn Leaf');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (236, 'Zelenodolsk', '743-427', '27', 'Kensington');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (237, 'Poroçan', '049-139', null, 'Maywood');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (238, 'Lemery', '136-240', null, 'Debs');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (239, 'Martapura', '395-902', null, 'Thackeray');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (240, 'Sekongkang Bawah', '708-627', null, 'Linden');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (241, 'Tužno', '972-424', null, 'Meadow Ridge');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (242, 'Kamiiso', '511-284', '28', 'Blackbird');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (243, 'Kidodi', '127-586', '64', 'Prairieview');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (244, 'Dongming', '964-839', null, 'Cherokee');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (245, 'Springfield', '985-260', '52', 'Arkansas');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (246, 'Willowmore', '950-560', null, 'Westerfield');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (247, 'Kribi', '251-153', null, 'Acker');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (248, 'Ševica', '042-563', '85', 'Sachs');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (249, 'Hedong', '787-532', '11', 'Valley Edge');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (250, 'San Pedro', '642-167', null, 'Gulseth');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (251, 'Liangshuijing', '115-930', null, 'Miller');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (252, 'Nakhodka', '573-724', null, 'Clyde Gallagher');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (253, 'Shatki', '424-078', null, 'Meadow Valley');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (254, 'Babura', '213-103', '16', 'Morningstar');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (255, 'Pedro Santana', '352-213', null, 'Rieder');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (256, 'Ensanche Luperón', '923-660', null, 'Mayfield');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (257, 'Buenaventura', '463-583', null, 'Marcy');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (258, 'Sukodono', '276-617', null, 'Hanover');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (259, 'Dongxiao', '629-185', null, 'Meadow Valley');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (260, 'Santa Rosa', '081-066', null, 'Cody');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (261, 'Aghada', '043-806', null, 'Cardinal');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (262, 'Korostyshiv', '678-258', null, 'Westport');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (263, 'Alindao', '413-726', null, 'Rutledge');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (264, 'Dębe Wielkie', '968-161', '39', 'Debs');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (265, 'Zaozhuang', '776-806', '75', 'Morning');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (266, 'Cachan', '533-354', null, 'Scoville');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (267, 'Grande Rivière du Nord', '051-457', '06', 'Macpherson');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (268, 'Tupesy', '473-689', null, 'Meadow Ridge');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (269, 'Xinying', '140-021', '07', 'Meadow Ridge');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (270, 'Pendawanbaru', '900-243', '88', 'Donald');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (271, 'Brzozów', '985-737', null, 'Waubesa');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (272, 'Zürich', '494-261', null, 'Fieldstone');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (273, 'Nanmen', '159-142', '75', 'Montana');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (274, 'Betong', '202-130', '22', 'Arapahoe');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (275, 'Datian', '333-465', null, 'Beilfuss');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (276, 'Simod', '732-793', '77', 'Ridge Oak');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (277, 'Guazhou', '418-768', null, 'Stephen');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (278, 'Gayny', '356-469', '73', 'Scoville');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (279, 'Houxiang', '081-511', null, 'Ludington');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (280, 'Xinyi', '170-563', null, 'Vahlen');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (281, 'Zhixia', '796-389', '26', 'Amoth');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (282, 'San Marcos', '488-338', null, 'Old Gate');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (283, 'Sishan', '037-565', null, 'Roth');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (284, 'Luyang', '911-038', null, 'Bonner');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (285, 'Kuchinarai', '103-903', null, 'Cherokee');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (286, 'Alcabideche', '372-327', null, 'Prairie Rose');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (287, 'Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts', '677-367', null, 'Bonner');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (288, 'Linköping', '502-413', null, 'Armistice');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (289, 'Savitaipale', '412-503', '94', 'Hermina');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (290, 'Cayang', '703-402', null, 'Washington');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (291, 'Bagahanlad', '915-793', null, 'Service');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (292, 'Ares Tengah', '500-602', null, 'Tennyson');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (293, 'Pakisaji', '437-945', null, 'Barnett');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (294, 'Klobuky', '291-731', null, 'Almo');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (295, 'Loukhi', '702-250', null, 'Maywood');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (296, 'Conchopata', '869-630', null, 'Artisan');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (297, 'Kubangkondanglapangan', '280-004', null, 'Arkansas');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (298, 'Văn Điển', '062-293', null, 'Rowland');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (299, 'São Lourenço', '127-519', null, 'Surrey');
insert into address (id, city, postalcard, door, address) values (300, 'Emiliano Zapata', '035-349', null, 'Dixon');

insert into admin (id, name, email, password, phoneNumber, super) values (1, 'Anselm Prior', '', 'QNdyNFxc6ct', '216 761 7200', true);
insert into admin (id, name, email, password, phoneNumber, super) values (2, 'Fara Duffrie', '', 'MrBnTV', '956 161 3843', false);
insert into admin (id, name, email, password, phoneNumber, super) values (3, 'Flore Whall', '', 'pqQiqC', '321 839 7061', false);
insert into admin (id, name, email, password, phoneNumber, super) values (4, 'Elmore Rumgay', '', 'Pkox0f8WAuUK', '735 953 3710', false);
insert into admin (id, name, email, password, phoneNumber, super) values (5, 'Theressa Orwin', '', 'MjzTS7YE7Wr', '707 497 6983', false);

insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (1, 'Jessalin Gilffilland', '', '524 171 3150');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (2, 'Harbert Janson', '', '173 247 4259');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (3, 'Letta McCadden', '', '288 164 0600');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (4, 'Joann Breen', '', '407 801 9675');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (5, 'Darren Bremmer', '', '690 220 8171');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (6, 'Merrel Jankovic', '', '151 301 3965');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (7, 'Bent Benka', '', '956 988 2825');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (8, 'Ripley Albon', '', '384 253 7003');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (9, 'Eddi Shorter', '', '356 165 3886');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (10, 'Ned Espino', '', '244 968 5056');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (11, 'Falkner Cowton', '', '205 332 9286');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (12, 'Selinda Futcher', '', '925 682 6331');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (13, 'Biron Klausen', '', '953 290 3552');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (14, 'Mortimer Ousby', '', '113 948 9526');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (15, 'Carma Liley', '', '263 537 4641');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (16, 'Trixi Collcott', '', '583 409 7359');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (17, 'Agretha Eland', '', '292 374 1226');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (18, 'Bride Brandes', '', '916 301 7851');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (19, 'Cassi Falco', '', '770 536 6433');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (20, 'Janot Wheatley', '', '285 698 3692');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (21, 'Hakeem Ham', '', '706 702 0479');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (22, 'Bill Davidsson', '', '569 125 3245');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (23, 'Corby McKevitt', '', '122 906 1650');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (24, 'Barr Virgoe', '', '175 581 6655');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (25, 'Dwayne Ivashechkin', '', '626 821 8862');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (26, 'Adela Purple', '', '377 621 4706');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (27, 'Natalya Burfoot', '', '446 587 9911');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (28, 'Moore Kops', '', '511 774 5849');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (29, 'Cathy Penrose', '', '894 192 4367');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (30, 'Dulcy De Francisci', '', '927 609 5746');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (31, 'Eduino Houlaghan', '', '111 771 8658');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (32, 'Desirae Simnell', '', '132 947 3380');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (33, 'Adriane Richemont', '', '674 831 3742');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (34, 'Vicki Sleigh', '', '493 722 8875');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (35, 'Florian Alberts', '', '672 489 8852');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (36, 'Aura Audley', '', '279 974 0421');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (37, 'Boy Lowdeane', '', '514 896 3162');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (38, 'Rasla Foxhall', '', '405 679 6314');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (39, 'Antony O''Heagertie', '', '448 535 5339');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (40, 'Bud Jeandon', '', '425 510 2339');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (41, 'Malissa Exeter', '', '470 292 9229');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (42, 'Bird Olekhov', '', '173 250 7899');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (43, 'Caritta Turfus', '', '419 140 3888');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (44, 'Eadmund Fruchter', '', '863 506 0423');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (45, 'Uta Helin', '', '483 358 7318');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (46, 'Rhona Blaiklock', '', '880 317 7005');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (47, 'Dom De Roeck', '', '102 494 4612');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (48, 'Wernher Hugk', '', '424 264 6734');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (49, 'Meaghan Lampard', '', '102 970 0294');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (50, 'Kevon McCahey', '', '803 674 2581');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (51, 'Nance Feathers', '', '277 889 3241');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (52, 'Thayne Hollow', '', '954 653 7115');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (53, 'Verena Thurstan', '', '498 157 5335');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (54, 'Bernie Warrell', '', '505 897 7058');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (55, 'Hermann Wand', '', '651 159 9788');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (56, 'Jerrie Hughes', '', '760 228 6510');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (57, 'Sammy Ezele', '', '908 415 3731');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (58, 'Bee Sporrij', '', '400 747 0875');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (59, 'Clarke Coryndon', '', '223 621 6839');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (60, 'Claudine Stukings', '', '873 823 0234');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (61, 'Kim Corain', '', '773 497 8940');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (62, 'Arden Vannacci', '', '763 732 5485');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (63, 'Temple Bresson', '', '321 625 5606');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (64, 'Mychal Sivil', '', '286 319 2787');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (65, 'Hermione Pinnigar', '', '427 397 1950');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (66, 'Magdalen Matthewson', '', '525 655 1818');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (67, 'Raf Gosnold', '', '564 582 0624');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (68, 'Ottilie Nelle', '', '601 853 4869');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (69, 'Letty Lathom', '', '464 587 0022');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (70, 'Carmelia Prawle', '', '987 592 9471');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (71, 'Nester Stonbridge', '', '631 279 3854');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (72, 'Eduardo Comizzoli', '', '509 855 7557');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (73, 'Maxy Hounsome', '', '963 121 2205');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (74, 'Cherilyn Gretton', '', '989 257 4174');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (75, 'Deanne Lethbury', '', '519 707 5098');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (76, 'Hunfredo Mortel', '', '244 994 8831');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (77, 'Orlando Betz', '', '112 583 9238');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (78, 'Kelly Puddle', '', '255 822 0150');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (79, 'Simmonds Bagge', '', '936 612 7389');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (80, 'Rurik Coxon', '', '979 548 3000');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (81, 'Gabbey Knee', '', '807 357 5349');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (82, 'Carrol Weymouth', '', '469 299 9556');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (83, 'Edythe Copsey', '', '102 971 1484');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (84, 'Ario Lassetter', '', '577 205 6842');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (85, 'Susana Lusted', '', '704 610 0959');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (86, 'Olivia Sneesby', '', '814 467 6945');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (87, 'Maury Beaglehole', '', '417 483 4730');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (88, 'Mable Marieton', '', '537 789 0003');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (89, 'Vasili Dyson', '', '871 967 6918');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (90, 'Becca Planque', '', '422 234 2352');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (91, 'Hugo Kunkel', '', '878 517 9956');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (92, 'Melita Loche', '', '694 442 6970');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (93, 'Archambault Brear', '', '891 751 3100');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (94, 'Rhetta Fullom', '', '774 938 7643');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (95, 'Gwendolin Baldoni', '', '737 354 1018');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (96, 'Grier Jozefowicz', '', '432 798 6151');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (97, 'Jewell Dare', '', '156 562 6084');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (98, 'Guthrie Subhan', '', '249 198 8932');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (99, 'Mose Eglington', '', '879 986 2070');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (100, 'Kalle Haslehurst', '', '968 934 5867');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (101, 'Jocelyne Bitten', '', '471 851 5068');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (102, 'Marlena Deverille', '', '844 453 9596');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (103, 'Chantalle Brankley', '', '370 569 7433');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (104, 'Terra Gutman', '', '413 983 4575');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (105, 'Benjamin Gerrad', '', '592 846 7131');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (106, 'Montague Akenhead', '', '318 297 0753');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (107, 'Rycca Pochet', '', '953 590 1199');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (108, 'Anna Haggerstone', '', '182 159 9250');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (109, 'Lockwood Saben', '', '654 658 6235');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (110, 'Bill Berndt', '', '890 860 5550');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (111, 'Rani Di Angelo', '', '591 795 1352');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (112, 'Salvador Eadington', '', '936 521 7754');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (113, 'Karoline Sondon', '', '500 207 5883');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (114, 'Merwin Prinett', '', '669 497 3616');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (115, 'Jack Franceschielli', '', '864 169 4067');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (116, 'Jeffie Lombardo', '', '530 612 1383');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (117, 'Danyelle Chittleburgh', '', '409 607 0799');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (118, 'Cynthia Walster', '', '907 397 6967');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (119, 'Ardis McIlhagga', '', '544 862 1245');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (120, 'Dirk Tebbutt', '', '306 434 6775');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (121, 'Eddi Duchart', '', '292 603 0341');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (122, 'Ozzy Jouanny', '', '493 664 1803');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (123, 'Darci Merrett', '', '266 376 8623');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (124, 'Penn Grzegorzewski', '', '511 598 0882');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (125, 'Mala Marzellano', '', '267 810 0550');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (126, 'Alexia Spurdle', '', '777 901 1410');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (127, 'Ilaire Sicha', '', '942 191 0451');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (128, 'Alistair Scade', '', '171 598 5247');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (129, 'Aurea Rassell', '', '834 763 5944');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (130, 'Westbrook Ferentz', '', '110 235 9065');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (131, 'Griffie Rupprecht', '', '658 820 3889');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (132, 'Ingaberg Kleinberer', '', '147 288 3951');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (133, 'Benjie Konmann', '', '181 597 2402');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (134, 'Halette Cowtherd', '', '332 287 4165');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (135, 'Pamella Clash', '', '241 487 0477');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (136, 'Wilburt Spring', '', '735 388 9323');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (137, 'Marion Trinke', '', '986 968 7545');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (138, 'Marv Sambell', '', '395 713 2921');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (139, 'Cara Maryan', '', '312 105 7483');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (140, 'Shelley Breakwell', '', '224 558 5811');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (141, 'Korry Clarke', '', '952 639 4850');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (142, 'Simmonds Edgington', '', '209 671 8188');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (143, 'Maureene Hamblington', '', '252 233 4110');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (144, 'Whitney Zuppa', '', '488 141 1592');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (145, 'Xaviera Brugmann', '', '169 513 7584');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (146, 'Earle Seint', '', '547 402 2868');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (147, 'Augustine Kirkpatrick', '', '619 680 8868');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (148, 'Reba Snape', '', '329 165 5447');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (149, 'Corrinne Udey', '', '612 427 8302');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (150, 'See Chrichton', '', '149 254 1455');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (151, 'Hobey Dyka', '', '813 168 9559');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (152, 'Eli Carcass', '', '461 846 3191');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (153, 'Ardella MacBean', '', '536 957 5797');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (154, 'Olvan Iacovolo', '', '592 556 3514');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (155, 'Babbette Barnish', '', '423 832 9708');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (156, 'Marty Harvey', '', '782 963 4118');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (157, 'Veronica Frackiewicz', '', '688 640 5715');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (158, 'John Berrie', '', '488 628 6837');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (159, 'Hersch Martinetto', '', '497 902 8423');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (160, 'Herbert Sainthill', '', '252 253 0011');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (161, 'Sibylla Sutworth', '', '851 649 6958');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (162, 'Merilyn Verick', '', '532 116 3367');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (163, 'Sansone Glencrash', '', '619 719 0262');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (164, 'Joella Sheardown', '', '354 476 8371');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (165, 'Kendricks Orcas', '', '632 957 8414');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (166, 'Sybila Nice', '', '816 368 6908');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (167, 'Ericha McAlister', '', '346 207 4437');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (168, 'Xenos Boarleyson', '', '388 278 6236');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (169, 'Robinetta Benza', '', '275 997 0675');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (170, 'Doy Curtois', '', '917 543 3395');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (171, 'Tasia Priestner', '', '467 995 7326');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (172, 'Nat Richardot', '', '836 699 1719');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (173, 'Florie Wards', '', '244 189 3679');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (174, 'Rudiger Menichini', '', '602 891 3247');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (175, 'Ernaline Tidey', '', '765 782 9129');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (176, 'Vaughn Edbrooke', '', '203 502 1963');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (177, 'Iona Brighty', '', '157 110 1154');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (178, 'Georgeanna Kiddye', '', '318 323 7765');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (179, 'Briano Clewley', '', '860 886 1311');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (180, 'Tilda Vanichev', '', '176 568 3956');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (181, 'Burr Ellens', '', '752 347 7497');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (182, 'Ernesta Ashworth', '', '899 858 0985');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (183, 'Valery Ivashkin', '', '582 142 6472');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (184, 'Lorrin Galiford', '', '638 273 5393');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (185, 'Brandyn Foan', '', '358 732 7242');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (186, 'Molly Gulland', '', '215 784 5359');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (187, 'Lanette Streetfield', '', '205 268 3997');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (188, 'Brent Morgan', '', '727 556 2940');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (189, 'Russ Trewhella', '', '870 402 8867');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (190, 'Lesya Smails', '', '406 774 5931');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (191, 'Paulina Martinson', '', '449 456 4057');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (192, 'Breena Willingham', '', '570 277 3344');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (193, 'Phip McCree', '', '867 258 7590');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (194, 'Prent Urey', '', '482 960 5742');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (195, 'Devora Pickwell', '', '469 651 8198');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (196, 'Edita Bigadike', '', '452 520 0898');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (197, 'Yul Moore', '', '577 792 3403');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (198, 'Wandie Platfoot', '', '371 273 1531');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (199, 'Torry Eisak', '', '707 745 9290');
insert into buyer (id, name, email, phoneNumber) values (200, 'Bank Dantesia', '', '676 235 3063');

insert into category (id, name) values (1, 'Smartphones');
insert into category (id, name) values (2, 'Mice');
insert into category (id, name) values (3, 'Notebooks');
insert into category (id, name) values (4, 'Wearables');
insert into category (id, name) values (5, 'Headsets');
insert into category (id, name) values (6, 'Graphics Cards');
insert into category (id, name) values (7, 'Storage');
insert into category (id, name) values (8, 'Keyboards');
insert into category (id, name) values (9, 'Motherboard');
insert into category (id, name) values (10, 'RAM');

insert into cupon (id, name, discount, validUntil) values (1, 'Alpha', 5, '2021-04-26 18:06:54');
insert into cupon (id, name, discount, validUntil) values (2, 'Tresom', 21, '2021-04-24 03:43:36');
insert into cupon (id, name, discount, validUntil) values (3, 'Fixflex', 9, '2021-05-13 15:09:46');
insert into cupon (id, name, discount, validUntil) values (4, 'Cardify', 1, '2021-05-26 05:09:25');
insert into cupon (id, name, discount, validUntil) values (5, 'Namfix', 21, '2021-06-01 23:02:49');
insert into cupon (id, name, discount, validUntil) values (6, 'Flexidy', 15, '2021-06-08 04:35:13');
insert into cupon (id, name, discount, validUntil) values (7, 'Home Ing', 8, '2021-05-28 07:44:39');
insert into cupon (id, name, discount, validUntil) values (8, 'Cookley', 16, '2021-06-10 16:51:52');
insert into cupon (id, name, discount, validUntil) values (9, 'Cookley', 15, '2021-05-09 04:04:20');
insert into cupon (id, name, discount, validUntil) values (10, 'Bytecard', 18, '2021-04-24 23:20:54');

insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (1, 'Steelseries Aerox 3 RGB', 110, 2, 'Mouse', 25);
insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (2, 'HyperX Cloud II', 85, 5, 'Headset', 34);
insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (3, 'Xiaomi Poco F3', 400, 1, 'Smartphone', 45);
insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (4, 'Crucial Ballistix 8GB DDR4-2666MHz', 42, 10, 'RAM', 31);
insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (5, 'GeForce RTX 3070', 1299, 6, 'Graphics Card', 18);
insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (6, 'Xiaomi Poco X3 Pro', 250, 1, 'Smartphone', 38);
insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (7, 'Kingston SSD M.2 NVMe 2TB', 279, 7, 'Storage', 28);
insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (8, 'Corsair K55 RGB Pro', 79, 8, 'Keyboard', 46);
insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (9, 'Razer Huntsman Mini 60%', 129, 8, 'Keyboard', 46);
insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (10, 'Hard Drive Western Digital 6TB', 179, 7, 'Storage', 28);
insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (11, 'Xiaomi Mi Band 5', 27, 4, 'Wearable', 44);
insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (12, 'Macbook Pro 16', 2449, 3, 'Notebook', 35);
insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (13, 'MSI Micro-ATX B560M', 153, 9, 'Motherboard', 27);
insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (14, 'Corsair Sabre RGB Pro', 60, 2, 'Mouse', 44);
insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (15, 'Samsung SSD M.2 NVMe 250GB', 62, 7, 'Storage', 38);
insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (16, 'Macbook Air 13.3', 1399, 3, 'Notebook', 44);
insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (17, 'Razer DeathAdder V2 Pro', 150, 2, 'Mouse', 16);
insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (18, 'Apple Watch Series 6', 569, 4, 'Wearable', 42);
insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (19, 'Asus ZenBook Flip 15', 1599, 3, 'Notebook', 27);
insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (20, 'Steelseries Arctis 9X', 199, 5, 'Headset', 24);
insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (21, 'Sennheiser GSP 370', 139, 5, 'Headset', 31);
insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (22, 'HyperX Alloy FPS RGB', 99, 8, 'Keyboard', 32);
insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (23, 'Razer Stealth 15', 1399, 3, 'Notebook', 48);
insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (24, 'GeForce RTX 3080', 1499, 5, 'Headset', 30);
insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (25, 'Samsung SSD M.2 NVMe 500GB', 85, 7, 'Storage', 34);
insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (26, 'Amazfit Bip U Pro', 60, 4, 'Wearable', 50);
insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (27, 'Astro Gaming A10', 59, 5, 'Headset', 25);
insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (28, 'Logitech G PRO', 79, 5, 'Headset', 39);
insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (29, 'GeForce RTX 3090', 2699, 6, 'Graphics Card', 31);
insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (30, 'Logitech PRO Lightspeed', 112, 2, 'Mouse', 19);
insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (31, 'MSI GP66', 2199, 3, 'Notebook', 46);
insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (32, 'Logitech G915 Lightspeed', 269, 8, 'Keyboard', 15);
insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (33, 'Dell XPS 16', 1959, 3, 'Notebook', 21);
insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (34, 'Radeon RX 6700 XT', 919, 6, 'Graphics Card', 42);
insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (35, 'Gigabyte ATX B550', 269, 9, 'Motherboard', 47);
insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (36, 'PNY SSD M.2 NVMe 1TB', 250, 7, 'Storage', 37);
insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (37, 'Razer Kraken X', 59, 5, 'Headset', 43);
insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (38, 'Glorious Mouse Model O', 60, 2, 'Mouse', 50);
insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (39, 'iPhone 12 Pro', 1529, 1, 'Smartphone', 40);
insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (40, 'iPhone XS Max', 699, 1, 'Smartphone', 30);
insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (41, 'Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra', 1379, 1, 'Smartphone', 42);
insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (42, 'Radeon RX 6800 XT', 1699, 6, 'Graphics Card', 42);
insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (43, 'Radeon RX 6900 XT', 2199, 6, 'Graphics Card', 26);
insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (44, 'ASrock Mini-ITX', 106, 9, 'Motherboard', 35);
insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (45, 'G.Skill 16GB DDR4-4440MHz', 215, 10, 'RAM', 47);
insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (46, 'HyperX Fury 16GB DDR4-3600MHz', 121, 10, 'RAM', 20);
insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (47, 'HyperX Pulsefire Raid', 63, 2, 'Mouse', 29);
insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (48, 'HyperX Could Alpha Pro', 84, 5, 'Headset', 48);
insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (49, 'Corsair Vengeance 16GB DDR4-3200MHz', 109, 10, 'RAM', 17);
insert into product (id, name, price, category, description, quantity) values (50, 'Asus ROG Strix B560-I', 172, 9, 'Motherboard', 38);

insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (1, '3570580897969528', '287', '2024-02-19 23:03:05');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (2, '3572471383449183', '842', '2022-06-13 08:49:38');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (3, '3547550174085413', '609', '2025-03-23 15:01:58');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (4, '4917676598829613', '559', '2022-06-09 12:48:12');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (5, '4844362040097582', '617', '2022-01-26 15:17:45');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (6, '3544935272996608', '280', '2023-08-24 06:51:16');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (7, '56103017740996519', '426', '2026-03-31 20:03:21');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (8, '3543910392041669', '751', '2021-01-18 23:11:58');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (9, '3553209936538604', '371', '2022-12-23 22:30:06');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (10, '3589816964920088', '009', '2020-07-18 14:18:49');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (11, '3579544923028163', '536', '2022-10-18 13:49:51');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (12, '560225337542074677', '742', '2020-07-01 00:21:35');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (13, '3572725509919043', '196', '2022-08-28 09:48:55');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (14, '30514776260832', '736', '2021-06-21 09:06:16');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (15, '5565431690200731', '189', '2020-07-09 21:23:52');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (16, '4026407420850785', '267', '2021-09-17 17:24:42');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (17, '3564519810981804', '753', '2021-05-06 09:09:05');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (18, '3532354048368874', '598', '2026-03-10 17:17:03');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (19, '374622276388989', '875', '2020-08-18 22:39:39');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (20, '3562400427392754', '555', '2022-01-31 05:48:14');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (21, '5010122003075768', '518', '2022-10-11 20:03:37');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (22, '3560312196738780', '887', '2024-01-03 05:33:40');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (23, '676762711715025711', '685', '2021-07-14 13:44:40');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (24, '5602232918284886', '687', '2025-04-28 22:28:41');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (25, '3576641234085719', '623', '2023-11-25 17:55:30');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (26, '4508992037618276', '803', '2022-08-11 19:39:03');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (27, '6759708469201625339', '632', '2022-02-03 14:29:40');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (28, '5007662016770686', '438', '2025-12-08 10:39:44');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (29, '3553368229012931', '601', '2021-08-11 20:15:57');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (30, '3551824258312297', '274', '2021-02-28 23:23:48');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (31, '337941430176437', '177', '2022-10-29 07:58:42');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (32, '30482279989044', '066', '2021-08-04 05:17:46');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (33, '3530105110911294', '375', '2022-08-18 12:06:37');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (34, '5602250974539926106', '092', '2026-04-01 10:31:22');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (35, '3573249352162576', '020', '2024-01-12 17:28:53');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (36, '3551493374333734', '799', '2023-06-05 14:08:37');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (37, '3536049930186048', '287', '2020-11-06 10:24:31');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (38, '3589733686883504', '826', '2020-08-27 14:12:05');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (39, '6706645610044527508', '631', '2020-11-24 06:21:38');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (40, '6333918735780565678', '356', '2024-04-06 02:32:03');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (41, '3549163486104530', '762', '2020-12-17 08:36:02');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (42, '564182272539718916', '331', '2022-12-19 12:03:40');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (43, '6304639906045519904', '777', '2024-08-07 12:14:40');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (44, '6767900264643979736', '073', '2021-12-20 18:17:10');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (45, '3579034053023960', '799', '2022-02-19 17:42:15');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (46, '3574620490010530', '584', '2024-10-20 21:05:37');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (47, '3567526990193081', '009', '2022-11-16 19:19:05');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (48, '4913895185165736', '383', '2020-04-29 23:16:54');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (49, '5007661414932476', '121', '2025-04-13 04:41:10');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (50, '3579491301752362', '567', '2020-12-16 19:21:41');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (51, '3587850002007261', '676', '2022-04-25 23:13:27');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (52, '0604698594251945', '951', '2023-06-16 12:52:50');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (53, '6709885789395907', '367', '2024-05-09 19:44:41');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (54, '3578661434420050', '856', '2020-05-15 21:10:30');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (55, '3562949018451213', '978', '2023-03-29 03:01:58');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (56, '201834663265345', '636', '2023-06-08 05:04:11');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (57, '3570948944845522', '186', '2020-12-30 03:10:10');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (58, '3536399890838884', '751', '2020-12-16 17:16:31');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (59, '3557296293636705', '190', '2024-11-09 23:53:33');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (60, '5538321713851376', '130', '2021-07-10 10:11:34');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (61, '6334797394931989', '997', '2021-08-16 21:33:03');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (62, '3579484859177397', '396', '2025-05-02 14:48:33');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (63, '675919731406250265', '926', '2025-01-04 20:36:24');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (64, '3559767262977179', '338', '2024-06-20 10:25:52');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (65, '3528176599836264', '917', '2023-08-17 18:02:18');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (66, '5010124502732147', '378', '2020-11-19 02:20:31');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (67, '5610805148783502', '833', '2024-03-01 04:35:40');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (68, '6771006571185108', '630', '2025-10-05 20:48:28');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (69, '4911003848363430334', '607', '2024-10-17 00:25:15');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (70, '5007669804795569', '648', '2020-12-29 20:02:42');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (71, '201671195466698', '379', '2020-09-09 02:17:01');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (72, '3563322128624062', '579', '2026-01-27 15:54:42');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (73, '3582171151331633', '424', '2023-07-08 20:50:26');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (74, '6370005616843866', '693', '2024-03-20 10:03:50');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (75, '3555806169394692', '233', '2021-10-19 15:53:06');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (76, '3532176778258359', '212', '2022-04-08 13:24:50');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (77, '3582698566704475', '159', '2021-08-13 02:56:33');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (78, '3584286444538840', '506', '2023-12-14 05:05:20');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (79, '201455896830935', '831', '2020-11-21 15:24:10');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (80, '340600926711405', '706', '2024-04-18 06:15:02');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (81, '67064977838998731', '699', '2025-09-12 15:39:26');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (82, '5602224697862321', '829', '2021-09-03 10:38:04');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (83, '3586045181900482', '621', '2020-08-25 20:22:11');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (84, '3536836484912054', '169', '2022-12-13 04:19:27');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (85, '5018102779090925499', '416', '2025-06-18 06:44:47');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (86, '36944121768086', '742', '2021-02-24 01:11:01');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (87, '3550698725411481', '975', '2025-09-10 20:27:08');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (88, '3577704137965335', '890', '2025-05-30 16:23:14');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (89, '5610614161541833', '549', '2023-09-25 01:34:31');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (90, '4175009584664835', '995', '2025-05-23 09:09:51');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (91, '3577167456690290', '241', '2024-02-22 08:29:20');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (92, '5274289752387180', '968', '2020-06-11 23:31:34');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (93, '349580433482149', '419', '2022-04-24 08:41:16');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (94, '6380134533806463', '847', '2024-10-06 11:26:49');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (95, '3545919102472872', '913', '2025-11-06 18:11:30');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (96, '5641827639337649430', '169', '2021-01-02 14:02:13');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (97, '3573989818863396', '315', '2025-09-05 13:55:24');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (98, '3552735055825787', '865', '2020-05-09 02:24:01');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (99, '5020846527694850762', '325', '2025-11-22 07:44:48');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (100, '3580113877749070', '602', '2022-01-24 20:12:02');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (101, '3537589247401027', '861', '2020-08-15 08:38:08');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (102, '3565715868430228', '085', '2024-07-19 05:42:05');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (103, '3534137381841153', '952', '2025-08-20 11:28:59');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (104, '5602250543378168946', '873', '2021-10-18 05:14:07');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (105, '3549761570931427', '747', '2024-11-06 20:24:49');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (106, '5602221944557795', '562', '2025-08-29 13:48:30');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (107, '3568767836474884', '590', '2020-11-01 17:21:27');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (108, '5100131203796009', '530', '2026-03-07 07:54:45');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (109, '3543083473078024', '604', '2024-06-30 07:55:26');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (110, '630441059863297195', '172', '2022-06-29 00:19:13');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (111, '30355004544955', '926', '2020-10-16 17:43:42');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (112, '5100132281111038', '919', '2022-05-04 16:47:21');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (113, '6759262136521633693', '333', '2025-08-23 00:04:26');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (114, '6383469800917594', '407', '2022-11-09 10:59:04');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (115, '3549557674745238', '869', '2023-03-10 09:32:30');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (116, '4911892011556255', '166', '2020-07-27 19:19:46');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (117, '3537923809339715', '395', '2021-03-03 16:06:06');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (118, '4175002479064633', '309', '2022-11-24 12:07:01');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (119, '36606835141906', '119', '2025-09-27 16:53:57');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (120, '3538102694818237', '906', '2024-05-04 07:14:59');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (121, '3558355529003483', '114', '2024-02-06 15:43:18');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (122, '3551329775158751', '335', '2023-10-08 18:46:33');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (123, '3573732241639300', '903', '2024-06-10 19:25:39');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (124, '6762463158792510', '058', '2022-08-19 11:05:05');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (125, '3574067938587580', '505', '2021-07-20 19:49:51');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (126, '3568423071656484', '869', '2025-12-14 18:06:42');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (127, '5002351533276022', '321', '2021-06-21 10:14:43');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (128, '3562031857675051', '159', '2025-06-19 07:33:22');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (129, '3548329462367646', '897', '2024-10-21 08:17:36');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (130, '5100178147139655', '388', '2022-07-08 00:47:16');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (131, '503869931803544310', '837', '2026-04-17 01:50:35');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (132, '4913101237767219', '292', '2021-06-26 22:18:42');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (133, '3579321935486626', '506', '2025-10-17 16:28:39');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (134, '3582591674763600', '361', '2024-07-05 16:56:42');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (135, '3569272796857508', '896', '2022-02-26 05:32:26');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (136, '3589896489680284', '713', '2020-10-19 13:04:29');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (137, '374288223865170', '068', '2024-01-28 12:50:49');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (138, '3577178396648249', '451', '2024-12-13 09:19:43');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (139, '3529859679984125', '841', '2023-08-17 18:15:33');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (140, '5196181665278843', '044', '2023-12-29 16:35:27');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (141, '201645576898729', '579', '2023-10-26 01:07:43');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (142, '3582906808530495', '434', '2024-06-01 11:43:16');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (143, '5602221058801542', '544', '2021-12-20 00:07:27');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (144, '5610398773487805', '865', '2023-04-01 20:50:07');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (145, '3567623957129412', '040', '2024-06-06 20:38:40');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (146, '5100135840865267', '257', '2026-03-23 22:58:51');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (147, '675996351496201965', '192', '2022-02-21 12:16:58');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (148, '3576116479330757', '882', '2025-12-29 09:59:56');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (149, '3562774743067690', '730', '2021-05-25 00:46:25');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (150, '201764067465375', '507', '2025-04-27 11:02:20');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (151, '3546787435134397', '656', '2024-12-16 17:34:06');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (152, '5610847152361890', '857', '2022-09-19 04:55:03');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (153, '3531018533724831', '501', '2025-08-09 07:44:58');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (154, '5181920543811060', '558', '2025-03-10 01:06:27');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (155, '3532776411392489', '767', '2021-04-29 15:21:14');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (156, '6763850635170220', '529', '2023-07-29 11:46:42');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (157, '3531880904308902', '356', '2021-08-22 00:40:01');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (158, '374288086239901', '792', '2025-11-21 08:02:07');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (159, '340788423610350', '582', '2022-03-09 06:28:21');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (160, '5641821607721498', '148', '2024-06-05 22:17:26');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (161, '3544752501127966', '543', '2020-10-11 09:03:49');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (162, '4508626026373895', '638', '2025-06-22 16:26:18');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (163, '374283012088266', '444', '2022-02-11 12:11:51');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (164, '3582046671152489', '243', '2025-04-30 07:58:38');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (165, '201489196450607', '390', '2024-01-26 07:14:14');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (166, '5329812406577909', '689', '2021-01-17 01:51:01');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (167, '3541863421020109', '921', '2021-11-05 13:06:45');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (168, '5038903093082675', '530', '2025-04-10 20:08:00');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (169, '3576552746443082', '428', '2025-03-23 20:59:29');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (170, '3572669220078491', '758', '2022-10-12 09:56:57');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (171, '201762826994362', '296', '2025-11-05 12:52:29');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (172, '5002352838624536', '083', '2024-03-28 09:00:25');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (173, '30133498867608', '805', '2021-02-16 08:50:05');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (174, '30228897007184', '896', '2023-12-22 22:19:29');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (175, '3541429191315226', '549', '2023-10-17 06:11:38');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (176, '201592609597011', '387', '2022-01-09 09:32:40');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (177, '491112961425043451', '238', '2024-07-29 07:56:32');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (178, '6762322903432767247', '792', '2023-07-31 02:31:48');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (179, '4175007122406248', '548', '2021-07-02 19:08:12');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (180, '5610921913079351178', '051', '2025-10-28 23:21:55');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (181, '6375650267529283', '847', '2022-10-22 02:03:22');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (182, '3539064954236568', '439', '2024-03-23 04:41:30');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (183, '30286535726466', '804', '2021-04-13 11:56:25');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (184, '3539157212457115', '474', '2025-09-23 09:30:16');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (185, '3528702966581298', '749', '2020-10-13 09:35:49');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (186, '5610495981991162', '544', '2022-01-07 03:56:58');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (187, '3543732536686831', '317', '2023-04-08 10:37:18');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (188, '3571671216181165', '388', '2022-02-26 04:48:10');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (189, '3587571825636058', '447', '2023-01-29 20:52:47');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (190, '201616059871814', '613', '2020-11-04 04:53:43');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (191, '4936592135987854', '484', '2022-06-10 01:33:47');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (192, '347356755413836', '274', '2024-02-09 14:31:41');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (193, '3538297053324981', '336', '2026-01-07 14:14:24');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (194, '3537100068545957', '641', '2026-04-08 04:33:18');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (195, '3536545806873668', '573', '2023-02-03 17:26:55');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (196, '5602254230011276', '745', '2022-06-10 13:25:48');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (197, '4844598363379145', '546', '2026-02-20 18:10:24');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (198, '201724377315322', '872', '2021-07-22 06:49:14');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (199, '3545597261005343', '485', '2021-07-30 03:49:32');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (200, '3587286589056019', '196', '2020-05-07 07:27:48');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (201, '3572022377622432', '679', '2021-03-12 21:27:27');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (202, '5108755304820557', '288', '2025-06-15 22:27:06');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (203, '6771650624681058459', '930', '2026-01-11 04:26:10');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (204, '3530849020888510', '199', '2021-06-18 11:20:03');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (205, '676179314133063260', '188', '2020-04-25 09:06:04');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (206, '4041374869477', '624', '2021-10-16 14:28:56');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (207, '3554218478811948', '725', '2020-06-05 21:15:22');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (208, '5100138189781392', '391', '2024-03-14 07:34:48');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (209, '5187042414080909', '442', '2025-12-29 09:50:25');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (210, '3542495935124884', '679', '2024-12-17 10:18:25');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (211, '30387678679817', '372', '2021-07-15 17:46:53');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (212, '3589322465594811', '497', '2022-12-03 06:06:58');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (213, '6370174526668126', '314', '2024-05-06 15:33:11');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (214, '5002358453313990', '946', '2026-02-25 18:29:45');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (215, '30396352375923', '899', '2023-11-05 05:24:31');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (216, '3577996194931446', '344', '2020-05-12 13:42:10');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (217, '4175007502733518', '166', '2021-09-22 20:45:07');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (218, '5100178968001810', '543', '2024-01-15 20:53:18');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (219, '633482867548797064', '947', '2025-05-31 12:16:33');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (220, '5602257473032669', '890', '2024-11-15 02:12:26');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (221, '6395733768223147', '125', '2021-12-16 14:13:09');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (222, '5048377517095753', '247', '2024-08-29 07:45:47');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (223, '4508196774885995', '979', '2021-03-19 11:03:30');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (224, '3563204577432454', '919', '2022-07-16 01:50:24');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (225, '3548734336588501', '049', '2021-04-23 11:33:27');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (226, '6759160609457473493', '778', '2023-12-06 03:22:10');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (227, '4017954226702216', '849', '2023-05-17 06:44:58');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (228, '3528510176486798', '192', '2024-04-30 08:12:28');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (229, '6333685606655812', '533', '2022-11-13 21:19:05');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (230, '3559108254392517', '123', '2022-04-09 15:47:12');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (231, '5602234978044549', '701', '2025-04-01 17:13:33');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (232, '3529702318845333', '986', '2026-04-04 00:23:55');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (233, '3561274182120986', '851', '2023-02-11 05:01:48');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (234, '5100174394606413', '989', '2024-01-28 15:16:29');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (235, '201860123098828', '273', '2023-06-09 08:22:02');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (236, '5100131312215032', '881', '2025-03-06 19:13:36');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (237, '3541582021431181', '863', '2025-10-05 21:36:52');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (238, '503831510174622791', '698', '2024-12-29 02:07:44');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (239, '3578527765516974', '349', '2025-09-17 08:12:34');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (240, '4026846245465958', '735', '2024-06-08 04:37:38');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (241, '5602229497752119', '388', '2025-06-17 02:08:13');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (242, '6334824250369672', '445', '2023-06-20 04:24:47');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (243, '30316908989514', '348', '2021-01-21 18:30:22');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (244, '6771793431248743914', '889', '2023-07-09 19:24:13');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (245, '6771409254136805918', '920', '2024-09-26 14:36:21');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (246, '201504789402557', '067', '2024-07-17 18:26:41');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (247, '3544162956209378', '721', '2022-07-28 11:42:23');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (248, '374622943282912', '894', '2020-07-23 01:00:37');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (249, '3575758960477497', '442', '2026-01-25 06:09:26');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (250, '3585004904955654', '303', '2024-03-28 14:45:31');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (251, '560223776203032254', '859', '2026-02-09 15:38:24');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (252, '5602234089800128', '327', '2024-06-15 01:03:31');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (253, '3581426019784261', '347', '2022-03-12 21:37:50');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (254, '58933998703882592', '151', '2021-08-17 08:05:41');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (255, '3584192248338488', '772', '2025-07-12 05:06:39');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (256, '676702664066804338', '740', '2024-12-18 04:26:21');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (257, '5893825238610371', '765', '2025-03-24 01:07:59');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (258, '5341964589918758', '587', '2023-03-20 09:25:46');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (259, '56022123450441601', '905', '2025-02-06 04:43:59');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (260, '6375833301577167', '475', '2023-09-11 20:24:23');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (261, '633432051475301197', '040', '2022-01-06 09:26:04');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (262, '56022230027141356', '137', '2023-05-26 10:45:27');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (263, '3561408252671995', '331', '2022-06-05 16:52:46');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (264, '675952912758347499', '840', '2020-08-05 19:56:38');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (265, '5010129395070091', '102', '2026-01-25 06:46:36');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (266, '3573515956566473', '144', '2024-04-04 00:56:04');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (267, '201973878075733', '955', '2024-01-11 18:47:21');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (268, '67619186387743965', '613', '2020-04-26 13:15:14');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (269, '3549801016764071', '011', '2020-05-09 11:37:28');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (270, '3567193203775954', '607', '2023-05-24 08:55:39');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (271, '3537842820054071', '360', '2022-03-25 09:29:59');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (272, '3530802489990053', '129', '2026-01-20 01:04:45');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (273, '5010122245023923', '209', '2023-04-18 17:24:33');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (274, '3555047562783773', '112', '2025-10-23 09:58:46');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (275, '630428829746663079', '445', '2025-12-08 19:28:47');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (276, '6390951213153058', '274', '2023-08-27 01:22:50');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (277, '3564389807497895', '334', '2021-07-09 17:36:27');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (278, '5205728880975782', '869', '2020-05-14 23:03:54');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (279, '3543793490610878', '401', '2021-04-08 23:11:59');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (280, '30517220237124', '406', '2021-06-10 08:16:29');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (281, '36369813975809', '781', '2023-07-21 09:18:37');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (282, '3544505660932786', '484', '2021-04-01 20:35:05');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (283, '3570675482134700', '874', '2021-11-16 16:37:33');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (284, '5002352362584825', '835', '2024-07-20 18:10:01');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (285, '6333179093706706487', '695', '2024-02-05 05:54:52');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (286, '3555569853768288', '356', '2024-04-10 09:46:55');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (287, '5559712269051292', '590', '2022-04-21 16:45:55');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (288, '3556547422037293', '045', '2023-11-25 05:52:33');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (289, '6759271052341012423', '855', '2025-05-02 13:39:32');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (290, '5100145073847510', '624', '2024-08-01 19:33:33');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (291, '201562001422548', '559', '2023-12-21 22:55:30');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (292, '6376557341713743', '831', '2025-08-27 02:36:01');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (293, '3532446588311320', '163', '2024-03-07 23:43:17');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (294, '5038228837965761410', '535', '2026-02-12 05:12:22');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (295, '3543354900956656', '326', '2021-02-04 12:12:03');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (296, '5602251860494269', '327', '2020-09-12 22:49:48');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (297, '3569577795040397', '447', '2020-09-28 22:06:56');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (298, '5431426173356291', '072', '2026-03-28 01:10:58');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (299, '30266157944506', '780', '2026-03-25 12:51:39');
insert into paymentMethod (id, cardnumber, securityCode, expirationDate) values (300, '6304650508997295', '931', '2025-05-22 20:50:22');

insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (1, '1/17/2021', 811.78, 226, 54, 47);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (2, '12/25/2020', 589.21, 219, 139, 48);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (3, '8/21/2020', 586.61, 182, 47, 12);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (4, '2/11/2021', 510.52, 40, 138, 43);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (5, '12/30/2020', 442.96, 30, 152, 6);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (6, '9/3/2020', 84.52, 110, 95, 15);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (7, '3/29/2021', 222.04, 158, 198, 13);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (8, '12/4/2020', 386.89, 236, 34, 35);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (9, '7/10/2020', 443.23, 66, 189, 43);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (10, '4/3/2021', 715.03, 73, 153, 11);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (11, '2/15/2021', 999.18, 31, 165, 47);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (12, '7/19/2020', 806.63, 107, 39, 22);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (13, '4/21/2021', 308.53, 212, 140, 40);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (14, '3/20/2021', 135.64, 89, 61, 32);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (15, '10/23/2020', 684.06, 274, 11, 14);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (16, '3/2/2021', 125.66, 275, 185, 15);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (17, '4/24/2020', 288.85, 179, 177, 1);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (18, '7/19/2020', 520.94, 260, 57, 23);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (19, '2/27/2021', 792.54, 131, 174, 44);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (20, '10/8/2020', 338.52, 168, 64, 38);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (21, '4/20/2021', 135.96, 72, 186, 29);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (22, '4/5/2021', 622.79, 9, 79, 48);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (23, '5/6/2020', 733.16, 146, 87, 22);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (24, '11/16/2020', 692.61, 42, 88, 21);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (25, '6/23/2020', 278.02, 294, 28, 25);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (26, '9/30/2020', 760.57, 192, 70, 26);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (27, '11/5/2020', 216.97, 9, 142, 7);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (28, '5/20/2020', 256.75, 91, 61, 6);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (29, '5/2/2020', 908.6, 285, 66, 28);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (30, '10/18/2020', 110.64, 85, 135, 37);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (31, '11/28/2020', 246.05, 250, 93, 37);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (32, '9/3/2020', 939.18, 280, 169, 50);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (33, '10/17/2020', 57.98, 108, 80, 36);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (34, '12/15/2020', 84.6, 63, 120, 25);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (35, '7/13/2020', 599.49, 3, 111, 43);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (36, '3/2/2021', 677.93, 201, 60, 13);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (37, '6/3/2020', 962.42, 183, 147, 20);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (38, '1/17/2021', 150.46, 83, 178, 33);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (39, '2/24/2021', 331.46, 271, 161, 46);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (40, '9/10/2020', 48.5, 61, 134, 24);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (41, '12/21/2020', 635.76, 28, 46, 3);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (42, '6/11/2020', 975.02, 38, 97, 23);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (43, '1/29/2021', 724.47, 188, 161, 30);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (44, '2/2/2021', 582.87, 49, 45, 38);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (45, '5/30/2020', 929.42, 293, 68, 45);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (46, '10/13/2020', 427.03, 287, 38, 23);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (47, '5/3/2020', 449.1, 161, 1, 14);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (48, '5/15/2020', 742.54, 80, 3, 2);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (49, '12/12/2020', 648.38, 108, 190, 3);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (50, '8/3/2020', 67.39, 265, 48, 4);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (51, '9/27/2020', 970.03, 193, 77, 7);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (52, '11/11/2020', 252.32, 65, 116, 20);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (53, '6/10/2020', 485.38, 136, 3, 22);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (54, '9/18/2020', 251.16, 71, 51, 44);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (55, '12/24/2020', 378.27, 39, 177, 27);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (56, '1/7/2021', 435.82, 137, 44, 9);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (57, '7/9/2020', 485.04, 221, 97, 43);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (58, '10/5/2020', 643.33, 207, 112, 31);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (59, '12/10/2020', 928.62, 229, 154, 4);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (60, '3/5/2021', 235.44, 291, 49, 16);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (61, '5/6/2020', 627.92, 166, 190, 41);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (62, '11/20/2020', 182.18, 154, 95, 48);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (63, '3/26/2021', 215.8, 215, 122, 49);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (64, '5/16/2020', 581.18, 109, 126, 5);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (65, '5/28/2020', 984.22, 275, 170, 50);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (66, '6/18/2020', 317.25, 277, 21, 26);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (67, '2/26/2021', 901.39, 243, 84, 2);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (68, '1/9/2021', 355.91, 287, 187, 38);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (69, '2/5/2021', 275.3, 240, 192, 35);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (70, '9/28/2020', 220.58, 240, 76, 35);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (71, '7/23/2020', 285.02, 230, 21, 15);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (72, '4/15/2021', 203.21, 132, 59, 7);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (73, '4/28/2020', 891.63, 212, 76, 18);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (74, '7/16/2020', 564.9, 222, 40, 40);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (75, '12/7/2020', 668.91, 53, 64, 10);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (76, '7/25/2020', 149.24, 281, 93, 8);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (77, '8/10/2020', 633.71, 169, 180, 41);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (78, '5/4/2020', 147.31, 199, 51, 11);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (79, '7/18/2020', 379.34, 1, 145, 17);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (80, '3/20/2021', 256.26, 191, 1, 25);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (81, '8/27/2020', 340.17, 50, 112, 16);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (82, '8/29/2020', 57.83, 254, 5, 14);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (83, '1/24/2021', 92.69, 139, 86, 43);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (84, '7/25/2020', 473.16, 179, 42, 7);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (85, '3/17/2021', 216.11, 153, 4, 13);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (86, '6/18/2020', 691.08, 180, 108, 37);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (87, '6/16/2020', 810.68, 116, 161, 26);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (88, '6/30/2020', 146.01, 16, 50, 36);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (89, '1/20/2021', 303.1, 49, 11, 35);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (90, '12/28/2020', 89.07, 152, 157, 20);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (91, '7/21/2020', 96.6, 107, 183, 43);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (92, '3/24/2021', 903.71, 39, 58, 33);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (93, '2/11/2021', 932.75, 132, 197, 24);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (94, '10/16/2020', 431.26, 151, 114, 35);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (95, '12/1/2020', 71.88, 88, 116, 7);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (96, '7/12/2020', 519.01, 268, 134, 45);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (97, '3/3/2021', 405.33, 89, 3, 18);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (98, '9/3/2020', 37.14, 177, 88, 8);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (99, '10/26/2020', 701.45, 85, 168, 41);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (100, '10/7/2020', 894.51, 266, 31, 5);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (101, '5/19/2020', 303.39, 257, 83, 39);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (102, '2/26/2021', 803.92, 210, 198, 19);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (103, '10/22/2020', 499.07, 294, 148, 38);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (104, '8/17/2020', 44.56, 36, 71, 37);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (105, '7/25/2020', 917.97, 161, 183, 32);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (106, '6/4/2020', 324.47, 133, 138, 12);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (107, '3/2/2021', 53.41, 266, 168, 45);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (108, '11/6/2020', 960.16, 243, 155, 20);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (109, '10/1/2020', 41.72, 268, 135, 19);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (110, '3/31/2021', 457.44, 223, 70, 18);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (111, '5/26/2020', 666.9, 78, 181, 21);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (112, '12/31/2020', 495.21, 154, 49, 45);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (113, '9/10/2020', 160.14, 256, 18, 20);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (114, '5/22/2020', 862.29, 107, 5, 22);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (115, '3/3/2021', 381.1, 291, 135, 7);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (116, '8/16/2020', 812.1, 268, 188, 31);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (117, '5/4/2020', 507.11, 256, 14, 2);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (118, '7/24/2020', 859.65, 48, 140, 40);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (119, '6/19/2020', 399.19, 252, 159, 28);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (120, '7/6/2020', 852.24, 164, 151, 46);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (121, '5/19/2020', 452.97, 266, 190, 25);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (122, '1/7/2021', 381.35, 9, 63, 6);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (123, '6/11/2020', 710.86, 185, 26, 14);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (124, '1/25/2021', 910.01, 158, 110, 31);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (125, '10/26/2020', 635.26, 287, 85, 39);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (126, '1/3/2021', 879.26, 27, 87, 3);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (127, '2/18/2021', 219.41, 49, 50, 4);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (128, '8/20/2020', 119.47, 283, 163, 38);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (129, '3/10/2021', 276.94, 163, 104, 50);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (130, '11/14/2020', 672.58, 282, 41, 50);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (131, '10/6/2020', 688.8, 29, 70, 5);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (132, '9/2/2020', 278.35, 28, 172, 42);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (133, '4/20/2021', 992.51, 70, 49, 38);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (134, '12/30/2020', 139.66, 261, 26, 4);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (135, '5/5/2020', 598.96, 277, 166, 4);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (136, '10/2/2020', 495.45, 80, 174, 15);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (137, '6/21/2020', 608.57, 278, 189, 7);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (138, '12/8/2020', 277.56, 247, 54, 9);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (139, '11/24/2020', 310.3, 103, 13, 41);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (140, '8/23/2020', 838.25, 160, 156, 29);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (141, '10/20/2020', 484.11, 80, 149, 17);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (142, '10/12/2020', 325.76, 275, 25, 9);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (143, '9/3/2020', 277.33, 243, 150, 1);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (144, '8/19/2020', 845.87, 234, 66, 1);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (145, '3/20/2021', 887.13, 54, 141, 7);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (146, '4/24/2020', 242.72, 77, 138, 30);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (147, '2/20/2021', 990.56, 77, 29, 15);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (148, '4/15/2021', 555.03, 32, 35, 19);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (149, '1/18/2021', 878.68, 261, 124, 45);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (150, '7/28/2020', 519.04, 298, 64, 48);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (151, '10/22/2020', 396.63, 90, 146, 4);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (152, '10/31/2020', 340.27, 120, 185, 14);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (153, '3/30/2021', 398.98, 10, 126, 35);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (154, '7/27/2020', 675.22, 134, 134, 2);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (155, '9/3/2020', 683.84, 142, 32, 36);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (156, '5/21/2020', 94.6, 136, 52, 21);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (157, '4/16/2021', 815.79, 8, 112, 47);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (158, '4/22/2020', 773.28, 9, 99, 21);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (159, '3/18/2021', 294.78, 267, 11, 13);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (160, '9/21/2020', 754.93, 56, 100, 48);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (161, '8/20/2020', 70.71, 260, 103, 8);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (162, '11/20/2020', 56.86, 57, 21, 8);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (163, '12/1/2020', 522.81, 159, 90, 25);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (164, '1/3/2021', 853.93, 216, 9, 23);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (165, '11/11/2020', 803.12, 125, 69, 18);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (166, '8/7/2020', 31.52, 123, 104, 4);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (167, '10/5/2020', 897.85, 258, 6, 43);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (168, '8/12/2020', 734.24, 262, 117, 14);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (169, '6/24/2020', 241.53, 33, 19, 26);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (170, '10/31/2020', 842.18, 259, 22, 7);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (171, '10/4/2020', 704.58, 3, 159, 17);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (172, '5/21/2020', 112.74, 238, 162, 22);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (173, '11/29/2020', 746.27, 232, 131, 27);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (174, '10/18/2020', 904.6, 204, 138, 39);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (175, '11/15/2020', 228.52, 106, 150, 45);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (176, '11/1/2020', 81.43, 268, 87, 21);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (177, '11/7/2020', 235.84, 122, 4, 25);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (178, '7/28/2020', 906.95, 50, 108, 46);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (179, '10/20/2020', 807.68, 180, 153, 37);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (180, '10/6/2020', 154.57, 243, 56, 37);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (181, '7/25/2020', 535.25, 191, 85, 33);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (182, '6/21/2020', 171.85, 251, 100, 17);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (183, '7/9/2020', 861.9, 150, 71, 37);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (184, '11/3/2020', 391.68, 111, 190, 49);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (185, '5/14/2020', 277.63, 184, 141, 9);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (186, '11/20/2020', 947.5, 194, 109, 40);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (187, '1/11/2021', 477.7, 154, 190, 9);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (188, '8/14/2020', 97.37, 19, 62, 35);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (189, '5/5/2020', 902.45, 295, 4, 8);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (190, '11/8/2020', 707.94, 108, 17, 49);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (191, '12/20/2020', 816.84, 185, 63, 42);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (192, '9/19/2020', 501.67, 172, 53, 30);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (193, '6/6/2020', 978.72, 79, 35, 30);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (194, '2/8/2021', 583.09, 95, 99, 19);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (195, '3/30/2021', 671.02, 177, 96, 19);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (196, '10/22/2020', 709.6, 68, 50, 25);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (197, '8/22/2020', 805.11, 296, 189, 11);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (198, '10/11/2020', 554.49, 172, 163, 21);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (199, '3/25/2021', 885.67, 70, 193, 43);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (200, '8/6/2020', 655.69, 99, 195, 13);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (201, '6/18/2020', 548.58, 34, 14, 13);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (202, '3/11/2021', 28.69, 282, 17, 32);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (203, '2/5/2021', 185.46, 23, 144, 15);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (204, '6/12/2020', 164.52, 96, 48, 40);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (205, '5/7/2020', 438.43, 57, 69, 44);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (206, '12/17/2020', 250.18, 251, 3, 49);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (207, '4/25/2020', 644.22, 210, 137, 7);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (208, '5/18/2020', 321.28, 218, 30, 15);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (209, '4/3/2021', 362.23, 187, 159, 8);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (210, '3/11/2021', 569.5, 113, 183, 8);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (211, '6/13/2020', 584.57, 278, 29, 19);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (212, '2/22/2021', 753.55, 82, 129, 41);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (213, '1/13/2021', 199.0, 59, 148, 5);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (214, '4/17/2021', 927.96, 114, 124, 39);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (215, '5/4/2020', 628.46, 229, 9, 22);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (216, '12/4/2020', 463.15, 132, 35, 13);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (217, '1/15/2021', 695.46, 36, 200, 25);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (218, '10/15/2020', 52.68, 89, 44, 42);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (219, '7/23/2020', 537.62, 243, 24, 45);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (220, '6/11/2020', 242.9, 259, 123, 7);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (221, '11/4/2020', 438.7, 233, 27, 23);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (222, '7/9/2020', 795.36, 237, 121, 43);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (223, '3/10/2021', 500.25, 22, 1, 6);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (224, '2/17/2021', 657.36, 28, 52, 19);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (225, '4/2/2021', 102.36, 40, 27, 22);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (226, '2/2/2021', 376.44, 119, 128, 34);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (227, '12/20/2020', 609.34, 7, 133, 5);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (228, '10/3/2020', 792.81, 160, 52, 18);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (229, '10/11/2020', 84.22, 156, 129, 37);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (230, '1/6/2021', 805.08, 39, 105, 40);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (231, '1/12/2021', 167.39, 126, 157, 5);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (232, '8/29/2020', 947.43, 295, 92, 45);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (233, '3/28/2021', 115.35, 253, 39, 21);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (234, '10/23/2020', 245.39, 201, 26, 6);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (235, '5/15/2020', 398.19, 260, 44, 38);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (236, '9/22/2020', 36.7, 169, 174, 10);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (237, '12/6/2020', 272.17, 194, 141, 29);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (238, '9/16/2020', 810.7, 35, 198, 17);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (239, '6/10/2020', 832.01, 116, 86, 6);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (240, '8/15/2020', 963.39, 203, 151, 34);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (241, '4/15/2021', 937.15, 252, 24, 21);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (242, '2/21/2021', 959.11, 161, 158, 47);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (243, '5/17/2020', 975.6, 274, 189, 20);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (244, '5/21/2020', 918.51, 232, 132, 31);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (245, '10/20/2020', 729.19, 266, 59, 9);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (246, '4/25/2020', 341.62, 137, 4, 33);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (247, '8/17/2020', 492.01, 63, 89, 47);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (248, '6/24/2020', 37.43, 55, 74, 22);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (249, '3/28/2021', 439.9, 201, 157, 50);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (250, '2/24/2021', 77.49, 6, 99, 25);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (251, '4/13/2021', 126.43, 154, 130, 17);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (252, '6/5/2020', 94.57, 145, 176, 47);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (253, '7/9/2020', 430.71, 78, 76, 36);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (254, '11/11/2020', 637.24, 149, 14, 31);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (255, '1/6/2021', 658.63, 5, 68, 31);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (256, '10/2/2020', 602.16, 255, 187, 17);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (257, '7/26/2020', 525.65, 124, 46, 40);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (258, '7/22/2020', 80.47, 139, 146, 35);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (259, '1/31/2021', 682.28, 59, 28, 14);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (260, '1/13/2021', 830.16, 71, 101, 1);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (261, '10/17/2020', 140.38, 238, 35, 22);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (262, '4/11/2021', 561.24, 297, 167, 13);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (263, '7/27/2020', 296.74, 77, 127, 1);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (264, '4/23/2020', 622.53, 164, 160, 25);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (265, '12/3/2020', 193.86, 295, 103, 31);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (266, '6/7/2020', 251.96, 206, 64, 41);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (267, '1/7/2021', 114.83, 267, 171, 41);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (268, '4/9/2021', 514.7, 216, 184, 6);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (269, '10/9/2020', 363.94, 143, 122, 9);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (270, '2/25/2021', 324.36, 28, 187, 45);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (271, '2/25/2021', 800.76, 67, 90, 3);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (272, '4/6/2021', 212.03, 232, 59, 7);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (273, '12/29/2020', 581.9, 64, 78, 26);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (274, '10/23/2020', 578.33, 38, 125, 28);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (275, '8/31/2020', 989.35, 263, 64, 15);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (276, '7/17/2020', 143.46, 116, 112, 43);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (277, '9/2/2020', 693.79, 80, 102, 49);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (278, '1/27/2021', 917.71, 34, 49, 10);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (279, '6/1/2020', 25.24, 298, 91, 43);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (280, '8/12/2020', 954.56, 297, 168, 25);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (281, '6/30/2020', 33.46, 108, 127, 23);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (282, '1/1/2021', 280.27, 109, 110, 29);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (283, '6/14/2020', 957.88, 221, 193, 45);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (284, '4/25/2020', 982.46, 104, 124, 45);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (285, '1/14/2021', 341.22, 272, 110, 28);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (286, '2/3/2021', 887.62, 105, 131, 24);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (287, '10/13/2020', 564.94, 188, 173, 2);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (288, '7/22/2020', 882.19, 298, 74, 21);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (289, '5/22/2020', 378.46, 160, 167, 9);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (290, '2/26/2021', 746.82, 229, 38, 29);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (291, '11/11/2020', 99.68, 177, 102, 24);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (292, '8/20/2020', 932.71, 241, 118, 42);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (293, '8/25/2020', 706.74, 173, 100, 32);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (294, '6/24/2020', 781.12, 146, 148, 7);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (295, '2/10/2021', 743.58, 148, 79, 29);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (296, '7/7/2020', 458.76, 234, 175, 29);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (297, '5/25/2020', 896.94, 211, 20, 25);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (298, '7/21/2020', 540.4, 136, 93, 34);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (299, '9/9/2020', 936.52, 64, 12, 25);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (300, '8/10/2020', 368.87, 49, 79, 11);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (301, '10/17/2020', 429.16, 231, 178, 45);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (302, '8/27/2020', 178.85, 286, 16, 37);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (303, '6/5/2020', 644.83, 192, 110, 36);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (304, '3/15/2021', 150.0, 24, 101, 35);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (305, '5/3/2020', 927.98, 23, 173, 30);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (306, '10/27/2020', 578.19, 109, 96, 21);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (307, '9/1/2020', 211.2, 242, 72, 23);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (308, '10/12/2020', 494.45, 173, 114, 32);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (309, '5/17/2020', 442.67, 44, 158, 9);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (310, '11/14/2020', 707.64, 76, 174, 43);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (311, '1/14/2021', 283.0, 74, 69, 18);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (312, '10/30/2020', 847.42, 292, 114, 14);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (313, '12/3/2020', 50.59, 233, 112, 22);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (314, '8/5/2020', 297.74, 215, 177, 46);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (315, '3/4/2021', 804.45, 87, 183, 42);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (316, '10/14/2020', 693.63, 164, 80, 7);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (317, '10/19/2020', 898.73, 159, 33, 32);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (318, '10/4/2020', 480.37, 18, 8, 7);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (319, '4/13/2021', 955.1, 7, 70, 8);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (320, '5/21/2020', 721.69, 151, 193, 19);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (321, '10/25/2020', 105.86, 214, 129, 40);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (322, '8/29/2020', 320.13, 266, 21, 3);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (323, '5/17/2020', 648.45, 279, 72, 1);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (324, '5/30/2020', 157.83, 51, 192, 12);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (325, '6/16/2020', 129.95, 248, 48, 19);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (326, '10/4/2020', 723.95, 94, 112, 35);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (327, '2/11/2021', 887.74, 221, 170, 28);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (328, '9/28/2020', 228.78, 275, 43, 37);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (329, '1/20/2021', 818.48, 143, 124, 9);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (330, '11/10/2020', 483.05, 24, 147, 13);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (331, '3/2/2021', 839.0, 125, 2, 46);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (332, '8/4/2020', 592.44, 133, 193, 27);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (333, '9/1/2020', 636.11, 236, 74, 38);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (334, '10/4/2020', 219.15, 249, 79, 30);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (335, '12/3/2020', 93.18, 203, 37, 27);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (336, '6/1/2020', 157.84, 290, 160, 41);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (337, '5/26/2020', 370.43, 127, 193, 40);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (338, '2/6/2021', 186.95, 30, 136, 37);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (339, '11/14/2020', 907.45, 132, 135, 36);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (340, '3/2/2021', 622.93, 252, 88, 41);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (341, '2/5/2021', 657.26, 214, 6, 20);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (342, '12/22/2020', 178.23, 147, 90, 33);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (343, '5/7/2020', 119.97, 25, 39, 41);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (344, '7/27/2020', 317.93, 50, 185, 5);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (345, '8/10/2020', 48.31, 226, 48, 26);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (346, '4/21/2021', 63.56, 228, 1, 20);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (347, '1/16/2021', 871.08, 202, 158, 19);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (348, '6/20/2020', 288.96, 284, 171, 31);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (349, '6/26/2020', 862.43, 194, 31, 38);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (350, '10/7/2020', 851.75, 101, 172, 10);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (351, '9/9/2020', 665.33, 28, 200, 1);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (352, '8/16/2020', 534.01, 157, 119, 46);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (353, '2/10/2021', 922.61, 176, 61, 38);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (354, '10/22/2020', 121.04, 154, 159, 16);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (355, '9/15/2020', 748.53, 268, 82, 50);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (356, '11/21/2020', 458.43, 287, 180, 7);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (357, '5/30/2020', 894.71, 270, 156, 36);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (358, '7/24/2020', 386.56, 224, 149, 37);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (359, '4/13/2021', 173.58, 289, 183, 44);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (360, '1/4/2021', 844.03, 139, 92, 35);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (361, '2/1/2021', 33.35, 40, 36, 37);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (362, '5/12/2020', 717.44, 23, 72, 18);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (363, '11/15/2020', 321.86, 30, 177, 40);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (364, '4/6/2021', 834.95, 298, 31, 27);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (365, '6/20/2020', 350.76, 159, 155, 38);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (366, '12/15/2020', 307.84, 82, 3, 3);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (367, '3/2/2021', 203.33, 148, 108, 36);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (368, '2/17/2021', 830.53, 271, 193, 4);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (369, '3/15/2021', 534.66, 57, 62, 6);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (370, '10/24/2020', 535.83, 2, 197, 19);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (371, '1/28/2021', 641.08, 149, 23, 22);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (372, '9/7/2020', 979.57, 160, 153, 36);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (373, '5/4/2020', 668.24, 292, 58, 18);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (374, '1/20/2021', 771.22, 160, 187, 18);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (375, '5/4/2020', 149.41, 269, 50, 40);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (376, '7/6/2020', 879.86, 32, 186, 14);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (377, '12/29/2020', 558.35, 54, 99, 47);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (378, '9/16/2020', 817.48, 284, 185, 26);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (379, '7/26/2020', 679.83, 279, 196, 10);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (380, '11/21/2020', 645.09, 46, 69, 29);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (381, '12/5/2020', 95.51, 153, 63, 47);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (382, '8/29/2020', 434.48, 281, 12, 9);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (383, '6/28/2020', 211.93, 284, 53, 24);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (384, '11/15/2020', 189.93, 211, 5, 22);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (385, '6/22/2020', 370.27, 3, 62, 46);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (386, '10/29/2020', 109.79, 284, 195, 17);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (387, '3/3/2021', 151.88, 299, 142, 31);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (388, '8/6/2020', 82.35, 257, 139, 18);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (389, '9/11/2020', 188.65, 284, 159, 47);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (390, '4/28/2020', 141.4, 190, 98, 31);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (391, '2/3/2021', 712.33, 9, 56, 40);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (392, '10/13/2020', 595.81, 87, 24, 14);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (393, '6/5/2020', 504.76, 129, 56, 25);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (394, '10/30/2020', 126.73, 287, 198, 18);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (395, '11/23/2020', 485.5, 179, 152, 44);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (396, '3/26/2021', 290.43, 105, 197, 4);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (397, '12/28/2020', 914.47, 270, 105, 27);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (398, '9/16/2020', 994.14, 187, 162, 19);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (399, '1/17/2021', 129.29, 26, 139, 31);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (400, '4/4/2021', 267.96, 65, 194, 21);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (401, '10/22/2020', 173.22, 114, 178, 33);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (402, '12/7/2020', 151.21, 239, 79, 40);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (403, '5/27/2020', 156.7, 290, 121, 12);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (404, '3/6/2021', 631.61, 60, 8, 38);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (405, '3/10/2021', 917.14, 166, 17, 1);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (406, '1/7/2021', 302.52, 214, 31, 43);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (407, '7/25/2020', 874.03, 182, 140, 33);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (408, '12/10/2020', 407.27, 264, 190, 4);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (409, '12/16/2020', 410.25, 238, 161, 43);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (410, '11/1/2020', 538.11, 91, 76, 23);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (411, '2/10/2021', 824.52, 61, 190, 8);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (412, '10/1/2020', 57.94, 228, 95, 32);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (413, '4/29/2020', 958.69, 257, 178, 33);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (414, '12/23/2020', 764.75, 150, 163, 19);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (415, '7/8/2020', 767.38, 224, 159, 45);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (416, '9/30/2020', 129.89, 119, 90, 24);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (417, '1/7/2021', 730.92, 169, 93, 44);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (418, '5/31/2020', 43.74, 299, 146, 32);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (419, '4/23/2020', 657.23, 235, 56, 33);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (420, '5/20/2020', 772.6, 283, 36, 34);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (421, '8/16/2020', 725.69, 248, 104, 11);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (422, '12/22/2020', 691.93, 204, 157, 9);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (423, '5/18/2020', 138.83, 126, 62, 14);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (424, '5/1/2020', 347.46, 83, 82, 41);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (425, '7/7/2020', 491.11, 199, 184, 5);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (426, '1/30/2021', 707.09, 92, 68, 19);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (427, '1/17/2021', 46.08, 121, 132, 26);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (428, '8/1/2020', 662.73, 78, 8, 24);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (429, '6/8/2020', 720.32, 12, 40, 31);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (430, '8/21/2020', 630.05, 70, 52, 10);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (431, '7/29/2020', 644.1, 118, 56, 14);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (432, '4/9/2021', 445.74, 129, 99, 19);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (433, '10/28/2020', 460.22, 267, 63, 14);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (434, '1/2/2021', 895.2, 198, 176, 43);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (435, '5/3/2020', 275.49, 112, 65, 9);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (436, '6/28/2020', 219.51, 189, 62, 24);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (437, '3/24/2021', 590.79, 21, 167, 42);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (438, '12/28/2020', 446.31, 102, 21, 34);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (439, '9/17/2020', 828.05, 58, 4, 38);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (440, '3/22/2021', 612.46, 255, 65, 11);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (441, '11/17/2020', 478.7, 227, 86, 20);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (442, '7/10/2020', 752.67, 38, 136, 35);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (443, '8/23/2020', 940.05, 133, 195, 31);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (444, '8/29/2020', 102.62, 79, 72, 47);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (445, '8/13/2020', 105.41, 81, 136, 9);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (446, '10/18/2020', 222.87, 8, 106, 3);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (447, '5/3/2020', 298.37, 244, 163, 11);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (448, '3/22/2021', 523.06, 110, 10, 27);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (449, '2/21/2021', 437.26, 199, 36, 15);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (450, '4/2/2021', 43.28, 47, 161, 10);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (451, '4/13/2021', 203.75, 45, 139, 3);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (452, '11/3/2020', 88.62, 1, 153, 48);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (453, '9/1/2020', 222.73, 141, 43, 46);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (454, '9/26/2020', 179.17, 253, 118, 42);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (455, '1/4/2021', 232.51, 142, 185, 30);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (456, '1/1/2021', 201.38, 19, 27, 31);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (457, '5/5/2020', 372.68, 228, 112, 45);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (458, '8/30/2020', 121.13, 34, 100, 10);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (459, '5/24/2020', 451.39, 25, 114, 48);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (460, '12/17/2020', 538.39, 210, 66, 43);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (461, '4/29/2020', 809.76, 213, 176, 42);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (462, '5/14/2020', 207.01, 17, 194, 26);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (463, '10/11/2020', 859.67, 91, 62, 40);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (464, '1/11/2021', 284.56, 31, 67, 15);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (465, '3/10/2021', 835.79, 196, 168, 28);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (466, '3/20/2021', 322.44, 20, 9, 21);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (467, '3/21/2021', 105.37, 123, 32, 45);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (468, '3/20/2021', 226.01, 169, 21, 41);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (469, '11/28/2020', 743.9, 87, 157, 39);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (470, '6/28/2020', 859.14, 23, 116, 9);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (471, '6/16/2020', 353.89, 24, 92, 11);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (472, '7/22/2020', 994.37, 171, 169, 18);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (473, '1/12/2021', 895.59, 25, 176, 46);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (474, '10/17/2020', 25.71, 284, 61, 2);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (475, '3/4/2021', 817.14, 152, 163, 17);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (476, '5/10/2020', 954.83, 130, 128, 4);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (477, '12/14/2020', 337.0, 191, 183, 33);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (478, '3/18/2021', 66.46, 126, 122, 46);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (479, '8/5/2020', 835.47, 230, 125, 16);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (480, '12/27/2020', 707.72, 293, 44, 21);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (481, '11/1/2020', 108.29, 23, 25, 34);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (482, '7/31/2020', 324.19, 88, 199, 16);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (483, '12/17/2020', 860.44, 200, 3, 38);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (484, '1/11/2021', 63.57, 234, 1, 25);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (485, '12/14/2020', 827.96, 140, 39, 35);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (486, '11/1/2020', 278.78, 107, 158, 38);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (487, '3/8/2021', 314.72, 188, 35, 10);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (488, '3/24/2021', 289.39, 54, 110, 30);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (489, '6/30/2020', 811.09, 243, 145, 9);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (490, '7/27/2020', 84.6, 264, 3, 41);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (491, '2/1/2021', 446.85, 223, 34, 50);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (492, '2/10/2021', 171.33, 96, 61, 44);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (493, '10/18/2020', 881.9, 68, 44, 16);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (494, '11/21/2020', 876.96, 102, 148, 27);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (495, '2/5/2021', 731.66, 126, 127, 31);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (496, '11/29/2020', 562.66, 225, 87, 38);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (497, '10/1/2020', 676.88, 188, 149, 21);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (498, '10/8/2020', 515.35, 83, 111, 10);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (499, '11/21/2020', 99.02, 195, 1, 25);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (500, '1/8/2021', 65.38, 56, 30, 14);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (501, '3/5/2021', 956.85, 191, 131, 20);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (502, '7/20/2020', 207.35, 298, 105, 32);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (503, '7/20/2020', 282.59, 267, 131, 9);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (504, '7/29/2020', 654.44, 256, 18, 15);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (505, '5/14/2020', 547.64, 193, 59, 1);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (506, '7/12/2020', 962.3, 255, 45, 11);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (507, '4/13/2021', 938.66, 136, 158, 14);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (508, '7/16/2020', 454.32, 183, 21, 40);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (509, '5/26/2020', 317.33, 98, 19, 13);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (510, '4/20/2021', 783.66, 237, 148, 44);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (511, '1/17/2021', 988.57, 260, 128, 20);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (512, '5/10/2020', 31.76, 247, 174, 26);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (513, '11/7/2020', 648.64, 78, 136, 5);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (514, '2/7/2021', 515.85, 39, 5, 2);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (515, '7/8/2020', 37.72, 271, 128, 31);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (516, '8/7/2020', 203.52, 117, 20, 36);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (517, '11/22/2020', 395.02, 239, 104, 28);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (518, '1/27/2021', 464.73, 137, 71, 30);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (519, '3/28/2021', 413.45, 52, 181, 33);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (520, '1/9/2021', 710.07, 203, 135, 14);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (521, '8/9/2020', 600.22, 188, 181, 48);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (522, '3/8/2021', 208.13, 102, 73, 12);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (523, '4/2/2021', 48.64, 191, 171, 31);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (524, '9/3/2020', 667.2, 213, 139, 9);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (525, '3/29/2021', 128.76, 178, 79, 49);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (526, '1/9/2021', 955.75, 59, 189, 14);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (527, '10/9/2020', 406.57, 135, 186, 19);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (528, '10/20/2020', 133.77, 161, 108, 9);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (529, '6/3/2020', 549.71, 180, 104, 12);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (530, '1/30/2021', 711.28, 145, 63, 33);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (531, '1/17/2021', 82.85, 206, 8, 35);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (532, '12/21/2020', 981.54, 82, 92, 50);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (533, '1/17/2021', 759.3, 70, 160, 8);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (534, '11/27/2020', 722.71, 17, 28, 31);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (535, '11/30/2020', 345.52, 176, 37, 28);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (536, '7/25/2020', 496.68, 185, 33, 48);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (537, '11/23/2020', 260.97, 197, 18, 47);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (538, '9/28/2020', 264.98, 163, 23, 9);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (539, '4/18/2021', 33.21, 173, 197, 46);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (540, '7/19/2020', 767.09, 93, 39, 29);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (541, '12/2/2020', 36.33, 291, 192, 27);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (542, '11/18/2020', 342.48, 197, 113, 41);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (543, '9/29/2020', 954.43, 149, 170, 11);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (544, '1/24/2021', 758.53, 89, 21, 3);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (545, '12/4/2020', 853.76, 65, 18, 4);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (546, '5/17/2020', 25.36, 259, 86, 9);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (547, '3/6/2021', 803.8, 287, 151, 1);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (548, '8/14/2020', 301.88, 285, 92, 12);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (549, '11/3/2020', 42.76, 240, 4, 19);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (550, '7/21/2020', 183.0, 232, 63, 9);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (551, '2/1/2021', 645.89, 150, 97, 41);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (552, '8/3/2020', 200.75, 55, 197, 36);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (553, '3/9/2021', 203.69, 196, 67, 49);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (554, '11/12/2020', 429.59, 64, 54, 45);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (555, '11/29/2020', 386.34, 104, 89, 14);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (556, '8/25/2020', 617.68, 164, 172, 39);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (557, '7/23/2020', 378.84, 135, 6, 42);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (558, '8/1/2020', 506.94, 125, 52, 50);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (559, '7/15/2020', 782.09, 182, 122, 24);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (560, '6/16/2020', 492.14, 10, 44, 8);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (561, '1/30/2021', 515.44, 29, 119, 43);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (562, '7/25/2020', 358.59, 145, 131, 42);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (563, '5/26/2020', 458.92, 64, 156, 50);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (564, '4/21/2021', 732.05, 68, 170, 34);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (565, '9/28/2020', 941.44, 107, 141, 22);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (566, '1/11/2021', 93.79, 86, 152, 38);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (567, '3/5/2021', 901.74, 136, 182, 37);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (568, '6/23/2020', 585.49, 118, 71, 50);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (569, '9/22/2020', 931.93, 68, 148, 43);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (570, '6/15/2020', 592.52, 49, 186, 30);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (571, '8/26/2020', 612.96, 167, 99, 40);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (572, '11/23/2020', 396.08, 212, 70, 29);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (573, '12/31/2020', 959.84, 283, 50, 22);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (574, '9/3/2020', 650.01, 229, 186, 2);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (575, '12/6/2020', 321.59, 131, 67, 41);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (576, '11/22/2020', 478.08, 187, 26, 9);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (577, '2/22/2021', 754.17, 91, 76, 11);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (578, '4/19/2021', 297.25, 4, 79, 13);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (579, '8/6/2020', 980.11, 77, 29, 26);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (580, '10/22/2020', 718.26, 177, 132, 41);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (581, '1/24/2021', 585.52, 42, 173, 34);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (582, '11/5/2020', 301.28, 85, 86, 12);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (583, '1/7/2021', 510.01, 226, 151, 37);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (584, '12/18/2020', 151.73, 200, 37, 4);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (585, '2/12/2021', 482.67, 72, 35, 14);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (586, '8/10/2020', 534.7, 32, 58, 6);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (587, '6/16/2020', 103.83, 263, 198, 16);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (588, '3/27/2021', 536.63, 259, 74, 32);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (589, '2/10/2021', 631.45, 194, 114, 39);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (590, '10/7/2020', 742.62, 182, 66, 50);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (591, '6/13/2020', 646.36, 276, 136, 29);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (592, '2/23/2021', 321.99, 193, 126, 26);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (593, '1/25/2021', 912.59, 273, 19, 46);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (594, '4/9/2021', 296.46, 254, 35, 25);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (595, '9/24/2020', 411.07, 90, 80, 1);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (596, '10/20/2020', 511.74, 201, 171, 13);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (597, '10/29/2020', 37.2, 166, 114, 20);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (598, '8/7/2020', 80.26, 110, 131, 12);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (599, '8/12/2020', 862.9, 216, 121, 10);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (600, '12/1/2020', 574.66, 191, 24, 6);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (601, '7/8/2020', 511.06, 248, 56, 22);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (602, '7/1/2020', 550.6, 164, 33, 28);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (603, '12/2/2020', 929.51, 195, 93, 29);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (604, '9/24/2020', 441.92, 131, 93, 16);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (605, '5/29/2020', 885.56, 231, 13, 12);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (606, '1/3/2021', 382.71, 176, 159, 42);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (607, '9/24/2020', 970.41, 290, 8, 30);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (608, '10/24/2020', 792.09, 41, 43, 41);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (609, '8/18/2020', 577.84, 49, 35, 50);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (610, '8/4/2020', 250.13, 189, 118, 46);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (611, '2/6/2021', 735.44, 149, 149, 26);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (612, '3/28/2021', 81.84, 260, 53, 2);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (613, '5/29/2020', 518.84, 34, 154, 35);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (614, '1/9/2021', 394.8, 62, 94, 2);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (615, '11/27/2020', 40.53, 77, 51, 40);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (616, '11/25/2020', 575.04, 193, 125, 22);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (617, '12/26/2020', 180.16, 96, 95, 4);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (618, '2/2/2021', 48.7, 100, 153, 49);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (619, '7/13/2020', 344.68, 144, 137, 3);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (620, '5/28/2020', 535.2, 238, 141, 13);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (621, '6/12/2020', 730.58, 182, 173, 7);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (622, '9/5/2020', 470.86, 240, 15, 48);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (623, '10/4/2020', 979.25, 286, 185, 29);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (624, '5/14/2020', 395.16, 40, 19, 31);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (625, '11/8/2020', 910.85, 49, 162, 40);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (626, '7/12/2020', 343.9, 8, 185, 14);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (627, '3/18/2021', 483.73, 118, 89, 18);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (628, '1/25/2021', 820.76, 200, 162, 30);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (629, '11/14/2020', 645.47, 66, 51, 24);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (630, '11/2/2020', 578.21, 252, 86, 43);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (631, '10/3/2020', 379.37, 51, 75, 2);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (632, '6/29/2020', 436.13, 149, 104, 4);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (633, '10/17/2020', 862.19, 46, 74, 49);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (634, '7/25/2020', 910.25, 34, 200, 19);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (635, '3/27/2021', 282.71, 123, 66, 8);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (636, '1/26/2021', 77.13, 139, 73, 37);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (637, '10/31/2020', 445.85, 135, 89, 46);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (638, '10/2/2020', 903.27, 162, 42, 23);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (639, '1/11/2021', 586.76, 48, 140, 11);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (640, '11/10/2020', 827.58, 45, 120, 16);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (641, '9/7/2020', 502.16, 266, 144, 7);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (642, '1/20/2021', 757.29, 45, 176, 15);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (643, '11/26/2020', 125.02, 276, 78, 36);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (644, '10/13/2020', 593.36, 192, 127, 17);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (645, '1/19/2021', 687.64, 52, 168, 28);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (646, '9/1/2020', 55.2, 146, 60, 44);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (647, '5/13/2020', 918.29, 209, 81, 39);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (648, '10/28/2020', 227.56, 296, 62, 47);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (649, '3/27/2021', 823.96, 94, 54, 47);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (650, '12/19/2020', 701.35, 277, 87, 43);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (651, '8/18/2020', 31.15, 88, 194, 26);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (652, '9/2/2020', 941.91, 146, 14, 10);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (653, '9/6/2020', 686.83, 87, 65, 19);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (654, '8/19/2020', 760.06, 147, 65, 39);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (655, '3/2/2021', 115.18, 23, 133, 22);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (656, '12/10/2020', 247.47, 165, 122, 10);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (657, '4/2/2021', 356.32, 159, 185, 28);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (658, '12/29/2020', 428.57, 68, 100, 46);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (659, '12/10/2020', 836.23, 52, 39, 3);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (660, '5/4/2020', 466.81, 78, 34, 4);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (661, '3/12/2021', 562.0, 15, 44, 6);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (662, '5/18/2020', 882.53, 46, 23, 26);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (663, '8/31/2020', 769.39, 83, 166, 40);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (664, '10/12/2020', 789.85, 20, 134, 15);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (665, '2/11/2021', 498.57, 203, 153, 36);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (666, '10/11/2020', 312.29, 141, 20, 13);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (667, '6/30/2020', 327.93, 140, 63, 23);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (668, '9/2/2020', 600.8, 35, 164, 46);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (669, '8/26/2020', 103.95, 135, 23, 47);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (670, '11/27/2020', 384.04, 238, 46, 33);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (671, '5/6/2020', 761.11, 71, 77, 26);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (672, '12/14/2020', 249.01, 10, 66, 11);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (673, '3/14/2021', 745.49, 95, 108, 45);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (674, '5/27/2020', 556.46, 94, 167, 10);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (675, '8/18/2020', 249.41, 1, 109, 42);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (676, '7/7/2020', 588.27, 25, 106, 9);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (677, '2/1/2021', 644.48, 186, 180, 6);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (678, '5/31/2020', 262.86, 58, 80, 42);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (679, '10/1/2020', 310.1, 227, 200, 33);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (680, '6/26/2020', 268.66, 202, 61, 40);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (681, '4/15/2021', 67.91, 64, 48, 44);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (682, '6/22/2020', 73.68, 15, 164, 45);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (683, '5/30/2020', 168.07, 287, 89, 49);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (684, '12/12/2020', 961.06, 211, 46, 6);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (685, '5/17/2020', 729.16, 255, 198, 41);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (686, '8/30/2020', 936.26, 62, 38, 21);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (687, '6/9/2020', 622.49, 181, 45, 15);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (688, '10/30/2020', 758.07, 284, 192, 45);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (689, '3/8/2021', 961.07, 23, 2, 21);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (690, '8/21/2020', 819.04, 269, 87, 26);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (691, '11/1/2020', 122.81, 113, 114, 43);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (692, '6/3/2020', 854.13, 233, 43, 4);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (693, '8/1/2020', 966.43, 159, 199, 38);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (694, '2/15/2021', 568.53, 91, 124, 16);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (695, '4/8/2021', 387.74, 265, 187, 50);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (696, '1/29/2021', 296.42, 12, 23, 46);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (697, '12/1/2020', 329.44, 141, 49, 49);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (698, '8/22/2020', 566.57, 120, 79, 27);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (699, '9/17/2020', 821.51, 151, 49, 34);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (700, '1/13/2021', 166.89, 29, 101, 40);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (701, '10/25/2020', 890.68, 169, 117, 30);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (702, '5/21/2020', 754.58, 53, 172, 23);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (703, '8/8/2020', 751.76, 285, 147, 26);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (704, '8/18/2020', 600.04, 267, 18, 2);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (705, '9/13/2020', 690.59, 179, 39, 49);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (706, '2/21/2021', 842.2, 147, 145, 15);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (707, '1/20/2021', 66.61, 198, 196, 1);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (708, '5/30/2020', 709.14, 120, 2, 29);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (709, '6/1/2020', 981.5, 162, 28, 12);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (710, '1/6/2021', 660.19, 228, 146, 3);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (711, '7/31/2020', 781.27, 24, 75, 13);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (712, '4/1/2021', 832.52, 62, 136, 44);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (713, '1/18/2021', 162.81, 256, 103, 25);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (714, '6/13/2020', 433.77, 44, 27, 33);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (715, '12/9/2020', 521.39, 110, 152, 7);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (716, '11/24/2020', 554.46, 91, 79, 21);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (717, '8/29/2020', 854.5, 99, 44, 37);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (718, '5/17/2020', 409.11, 136, 4, 8);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (719, '6/22/2020', 51.9, 236, 6, 39);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (720, '4/13/2021', 352.09, 30, 30, 15);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (721, '11/10/2020', 620.59, 64, 171, 49);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (722, '2/5/2021', 917.92, 286, 84, 4);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (723, '7/1/2020', 992.6, 35, 26, 40);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (724, '1/9/2021', 327.57, 274, 102, 33);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (725, '12/2/2020', 565.9, 86, 58, 30);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (726, '9/7/2020', 607.57, 44, 126, 39);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (727, '1/11/2021', 843.76, 186, 66, 45);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (728, '2/6/2021', 517.13, 77, 80, 37);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (729, '2/14/2021', 974.96, 180, 105, 20);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (730, '11/6/2020', 60.96, 232, 142, 14);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (731, '6/24/2020', 382.82, 207, 89, 41);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (732, '7/24/2020', 442.43, 82, 154, 50);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (733, '3/13/2021', 561.07, 37, 32, 50);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (734, '4/1/2021', 71.54, 277, 22, 7);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (735, '9/14/2020', 810.7, 100, 122, 23);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (736, '9/16/2020', 958.5, 37, 103, 28);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (737, '4/29/2020', 629.21, 230, 68, 32);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (738, '11/11/2020', 316.68, 159, 22, 44);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (739, '3/28/2021', 512.69, 226, 90, 39);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (740, '11/12/2020', 263.58, 61, 32, 16);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (741, '10/18/2020', 675.23, 150, 175, 46);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (742, '6/21/2020', 82.31, 82, 33, 6);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (743, '7/6/2020', 927.13, 97, 6, 47);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (744, '2/21/2021', 228.71, 272, 106, 15);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (745, '2/17/2021', 828.6, 80, 35, 31);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (746, '6/15/2020', 365.16, 145, 162, 32);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (747, '6/22/2020', 963.99, 202, 159, 4);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (748, '10/21/2020', 412.25, 274, 101, 1);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (749, '12/7/2020', 857.0, 110, 177, 19);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (750, '4/11/2021', 153.14, 279, 185, 41);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (751, '12/31/2020', 949.83, 131, 53, 39);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (752, '8/6/2020', 906.67, 230, 83, 17);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (753, '12/19/2020', 794.08, 147, 11, 19);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (754, '6/17/2020', 53.78, 285, 65, 5);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (755, '6/20/2020', 199.57, 44, 135, 8);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (756, '11/3/2020', 487.9, 135, 55, 43);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (757, '8/11/2020', 405.31, 4, 138, 40);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (758, '1/22/2021', 674.87, 174, 167, 16);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (759, '10/22/2020', 705.89, 238, 16, 41);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (760, '9/24/2020', 198.57, 172, 53, 18);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (761, '6/16/2020', 998.04, 142, 141, 48);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (762, '12/8/2020', 731.02, 26, 178, 25);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (763, '1/28/2021', 733.88, 240, 135, 35);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (764, '7/19/2020', 469.17, 200, 182, 37);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (765, '7/25/2020', 967.55, 268, 151, 33);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (766, '9/2/2020', 465.71, 278, 135, 23);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (767, '9/30/2020', 328.0, 171, 185, 31);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (768, '9/14/2020', 663.37, 81, 2, 40);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (769, '9/16/2020', 769.53, 193, 19, 24);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (770, '1/10/2021', 467.65, 7, 173, 23);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (771, '10/10/2020', 954.08, 247, 107, 35);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (772, '7/25/2020', 543.73, 276, 26, 44);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (773, '11/7/2020', 918.58, 291, 195, 21);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (774, '4/1/2021', 292.43, 11, 47, 39);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (775, '3/23/2021', 924.15, 66, 188, 28);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (776, '3/10/2021', 136.34, 197, 193, 36);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (777, '8/19/2020', 233.33, 256, 113, 7);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (778, '11/12/2020', 473.48, 57, 71, 40);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (779, '4/30/2020', 848.78, 68, 108, 32);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (780, '10/5/2020', 237.55, 157, 171, 43);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (781, '3/22/2021', 310.01, 254, 122, 47);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (782, '2/20/2021', 465.78, 100, 82, 18);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (783, '4/25/2020', 422.88, 69, 96, 14);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (784, '10/22/2020', 269.7, 204, 180, 50);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (785, '2/7/2021', 698.06, 171, 165, 24);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (786, '10/22/2020', 818.88, 184, 151, 4);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (787, '3/13/2021', 754.85, 189, 19, 47);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (788, '6/26/2020', 702.36, 300, 80, 21);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (789, '3/18/2021', 86.16, 45, 167, 46);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (790, '3/26/2021', 80.16, 168, 12, 11);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (791, '3/23/2021', 638.43, 165, 188, 2);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (792, '1/3/2021', 233.88, 225, 109, 5);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (793, '10/29/2020', 505.88, 161, 140, 34);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (794, '2/4/2021', 299.9, 252, 101, 46);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (795, '8/30/2020', 696.14, 214, 145, 19);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (796, '10/23/2020', 806.19, 247, 12, 4);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (797, '11/14/2020', 627.84, 103, 42, 42);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (798, '8/15/2020', 58.7, 18, 97, 11);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (799, '10/19/2020', 838.43, 99, 3, 37);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (800, '5/15/2020', 337.27, 143, 98, 20);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (801, '11/11/2020', 863.16, 219, 97, 36);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (802, '8/16/2020', 132.35, 94, 164, 9);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (803, '3/12/2021', 731.41, 19, 191, 18);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (804, '8/3/2020', 372.92, 277, 197, 15);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (805, '12/7/2020', 180.36, 77, 188, 34);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (806, '5/27/2020', 37.2, 118, 4, 28);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (807, '9/5/2020', 336.92, 266, 154, 42);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (808, '12/26/2020', 854.88, 205, 190, 8);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (809, '3/2/2021', 313.83, 267, 165, 35);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (810, '9/21/2020', 872.63, 96, 141, 41);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (811, '11/17/2020', 793.07, 156, 128, 43);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (812, '9/18/2020', 61.3, 83, 69, 26);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (813, '12/27/2020', 79.36, 141, 8, 13);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (814, '2/21/2021', 534.1, 90, 69, 28);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (815, '11/27/2020', 137.77, 48, 113, 37);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (816, '2/3/2021', 110.33, 221, 148, 20);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (817, '5/1/2020', 350.14, 196, 142, 42);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (818, '4/19/2021', 783.28, 189, 112, 34);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (819, '9/15/2020', 821.7, 296, 44, 17);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (820, '7/24/2020', 764.93, 77, 111, 3);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (821, '3/8/2021', 210.32, 41, 147, 34);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (822, '7/12/2020', 68.49, 87, 182, 9);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (823, '5/23/2020', 862.9, 22, 88, 6);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (824, '11/19/2020', 671.8, 275, 94, 42);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (825, '5/8/2020', 459.95, 63, 144, 18);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (826, '3/9/2021', 304.61, 143, 180, 31);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (827, '3/2/2021', 425.57, 252, 118, 27);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (828, '11/25/2020', 884.67, 16, 81, 45);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (829, '9/5/2020', 297.8, 154, 21, 7);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (830, '1/26/2021', 853.11, 252, 179, 13);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (831, '2/16/2021', 564.19, 77, 194, 47);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (832, '4/23/2020', 480.85, 36, 156, 10);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (833, '1/21/2021', 329.88, 278, 49, 5);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (834, '8/15/2020', 70.81, 191, 8, 4);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (835, '11/28/2020', 309.84, 208, 156, 5);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (836, '10/27/2020', 348.72, 65, 119, 16);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (837, '2/28/2021', 196.11, 173, 130, 44);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (838, '2/25/2021', 556.45, 49, 64, 24);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (839, '12/18/2020', 219.11, 136, 192, 19);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (840, '12/24/2020', 824.25, 137, 192, 11);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (841, '10/1/2020', 162.27, 229, 30, 43);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (842, '12/3/2020', 945.22, 277, 8, 16);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (843, '3/20/2021', 854.17, 232, 159, 36);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (844, '2/12/2021', 638.65, 206, 140, 50);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (845, '8/7/2020', 802.84, 37, 151, 39);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (846, '5/30/2020', 586.89, 151, 187, 8);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (847, '11/25/2020', 480.08, 90, 148, 40);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (848, '12/21/2020', 640.79, 225, 72, 12);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (849, '5/7/2020', 839.08, 213, 132, 4);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (850, '9/7/2020', 926.77, 157, 5, 5);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (851, '3/23/2021', 677.74, 15, 191, 9);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (852, '2/16/2021', 44.07, 255, 80, 7);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (853, '7/4/2020', 857.03, 239, 70, 2);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (854, '11/12/2020', 150.29, 17, 160, 35);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (855, '6/23/2020', 508.16, 165, 92, 38);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (856, '5/1/2020', 623.53, 231, 158, 6);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (857, '11/12/2020', 859.01, 293, 85, 37);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (858, '4/16/2021', 615.11, 56, 171, 7);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (859, '1/18/2021', 964.67, 279, 26, 23);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (860, '4/1/2021', 781.93, 133, 40, 38);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (861, '3/23/2021', 25.36, 106, 33, 40);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (862, '8/26/2020', 626.14, 20, 95, 36);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (863, '8/19/2020', 760.69, 175, 36, 30);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (864, '12/3/2020', 899.64, 197, 197, 4);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (865, '12/2/2020', 355.12, 282, 58, 18);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (866, '1/24/2021', 191.1, 32, 133, 47);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (867, '12/1/2020', 701.11, 69, 45, 48);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (868, '6/2/2020', 374.6, 211, 130, 9);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (869, '7/16/2020', 800.99, 161, 47, 7);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (870, '9/1/2020', 789.18, 220, 191, 19);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (871, '5/6/2020', 610.29, 73, 83, 44);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (872, '6/24/2020', 622.06, 77, 40, 43);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (873, '7/21/2020', 127.08, 248, 197, 29);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (874, '3/23/2021', 712.98, 169, 166, 20);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (875, '2/15/2021', 810.51, 128, 164, 2);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (876, '8/21/2020', 44.01, 284, 58, 19);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (877, '10/20/2020', 947.87, 284, 43, 6);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (878, '7/4/2020', 130.42, 70, 103, 50);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (879, '8/21/2020', 593.46, 176, 153, 14);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (880, '4/4/2021', 795.4, 229, 179, 29);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (881, '12/14/2020', 483.24, 198, 195, 41);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (882, '8/17/2020', 608.12, 20, 112, 48);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (883, '12/2/2020', 338.52, 28, 52, 18);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (884, '3/8/2021', 288.22, 261, 51, 12);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (885, '6/25/2020', 498.07, 5, 186, 25);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (886, '2/24/2021', 190.78, 142, 130, 43);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (887, '4/4/2021', 194.95, 11, 184, 7);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (888, '7/21/2020', 932.6, 176, 123, 27);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (889, '8/22/2020', 31.11, 131, 72, 10);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (890, '9/25/2020', 611.32, 285, 79, 45);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (891, '12/27/2020', 234.26, 48, 186, 11);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (892, '12/13/2020', 941.34, 37, 92, 1);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (893, '4/6/2021', 132.43, 199, 127, 25);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (894, '7/1/2020', 151.7, 165, 139, 31);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (895, '4/6/2021', 969.03, 69, 189, 2);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (896, '8/1/2020', 952.99, 78, 92, 16);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (897, '4/19/2021', 697.77, 50, 101, 14);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (898, '8/31/2020', 268.46, 174, 109, 34);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (899, '5/21/2020', 676.28, 264, 57, 31);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (900, '2/9/2021', 424.96, 139, 129, 21);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (901, '11/28/2020', 476.33, 218, 155, 12);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (902, '11/10/2020', 33.37, 193, 120, 9);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (903, '8/24/2020', 949.13, 281, 43, 29);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (904, '3/9/2021', 989.65, 207, 191, 45);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (905, '7/22/2020', 754.84, 17, 105, 16);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (906, '11/16/2020', 925.79, 110, 38, 12);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (907, '6/15/2020', 232.32, 298, 70, 16);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (908, '10/31/2020', 487.39, 167, 114, 34);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (909, '2/15/2021', 479.7, 8, 135, 18);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (910, '7/1/2020', 805.19, 85, 47, 46);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (911, '6/19/2020', 561.66, 261, 180, 31);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (912, '9/26/2020', 496.33, 286, 40, 28);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (913, '6/2/2020', 368.28, 137, 181, 40);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (914, '5/26/2020', 892.43, 120, 59, 1);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (915, '2/8/2021', 770.27, 92, 50, 11);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (916, '4/5/2021', 935.96, 186, 104, 7);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (917, '5/4/2020', 870.38, 30, 72, 46);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (918, '1/20/2021', 783.24, 271, 72, 7);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (919, '12/21/2020', 324.48, 232, 133, 11);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (920, '8/26/2020', 853.97, 66, 21, 44);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (921, '12/16/2020', 967.55, 105, 94, 5);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (922, '6/15/2020', 419.78, 178, 78, 2);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (923, '3/26/2021', 415.46, 143, 165, 17);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (924, '11/4/2020', 927.1, 77, 145, 6);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (925, '2/2/2021', 514.85, 264, 43, 33);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (926, '10/23/2020', 128.73, 101, 29, 30);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (927, '8/25/2020', 649.58, 299, 138, 2);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (928, '8/16/2020', 101.6, 173, 3, 37);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (929, '2/26/2021', 753.18, 164, 28, 21);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (930, '8/19/2020', 834.98, 14, 175, 17);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (931, '8/4/2020', 985.72, 70, 72, 50);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (932, '2/19/2021', 588.8, 23, 128, 19);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (933, '4/24/2020', 103.08, 257, 61, 3);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (934, '1/22/2021', 996.54, 223, 167, 26);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (935, '3/18/2021', 197.0, 4, 187, 9);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (936, '1/14/2021', 752.73, 32, 80, 7);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (937, '10/30/2020', 707.28, 218, 9, 1);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (938, '7/23/2020', 575.01, 283, 134, 45);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (939, '4/20/2021', 197.21, 283, 69, 11);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (940, '5/21/2020', 813.86, 23, 122, 42);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (941, '10/27/2020', 232.48, 86, 159, 33);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (942, '6/2/2020', 986.77, 253, 124, 17);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (943, '12/25/2020', 328.9, 144, 64, 41);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (944, '2/12/2021', 118.35, 148, 146, 48);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (945, '11/16/2020', 322.36, 232, 172, 22);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (946, '10/17/2020', 117.92, 92, 44, 13);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (947, '7/19/2020', 371.37, 182, 142, 45);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (948, '6/25/2020', 556.97, 241, 159, 17);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (949, '3/19/2021', 589.6, 2, 92, 20);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (950, '9/2/2020', 611.46, 169, 191, 45);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (951, '3/23/2021', 207.44, 17, 96, 3);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (952, '5/24/2020', 250.55, 26, 141, 25);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (953, '4/10/2021', 283.05, 128, 60, 39);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (954, '2/24/2021', 534.47, 225, 133, 39);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (955, '3/17/2021', 639.56, 116, 24, 14);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (956, '7/8/2020', 802.38, 67, 76, 13);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (957, '12/3/2020', 761.03, 124, 178, 11);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (958, '3/4/2021', 905.88, 49, 33, 3);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (959, '2/27/2021', 735.52, 198, 49, 25);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (960, '1/6/2021', 37.26, 35, 103, 11);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (961, '11/9/2020', 875.58, 124, 65, 4);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (962, '10/18/2020', 211.65, 208, 50, 35);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (963, '12/10/2020', 681.15, 285, 89, 33);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (964, '7/11/2020', 248.97, 196, 101, 16);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (965, '4/6/2021', 485.6, 154, 192, 27);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (966, '5/1/2020', 596.08, 173, 159, 3);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (967, '10/18/2020', 846.29, 241, 174, 6);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (968, '12/4/2020', 898.45, 213, 113, 7);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (969, '3/4/2021', 740.44, 251, 120, 24);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (970, '7/12/2020', 690.0, 176, 190, 7);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (971, '1/1/2021', 222.18, 194, 127, 30);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (972, '12/11/2020', 903.9, 12, 130, 35);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (973, '6/9/2020', 553.05, 171, 31, 37);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (974, '9/2/2020', 439.42, 171, 57, 7);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (975, '5/9/2020', 383.4, 12, 64, 28);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (976, '1/4/2021', 513.32, 213, 56, 50);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (977, '6/19/2020', 630.75, 240, 22, 37);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (978, '4/21/2021', 288.41, 270, 19, 15);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (979, '12/21/2020', 710.22, 219, 176, 48);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (980, '6/10/2020', 648.05, 258, 197, 29);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (981, '2/13/2021', 322.24, 254, 77, 37);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (982, '9/1/2020', 279.21, 286, 34, 3);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (983, '8/18/2020', 134.85, 13, 81, 36);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (984, '7/9/2020', 354.78, 212, 137, 45);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (985, '4/16/2021', 317.68, 35, 161, 35);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (986, '8/5/2020', 760.23, 6, 29, 49);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (987, '6/12/2020', 469.63, 210, 122, 21);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (988, '5/26/2020', 233.03, 171, 174, 25);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (989, '5/6/2020', 253.29, 274, 84, 12);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (990, '7/2/2020', 990.63, 92, 81, 48);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (991, '11/11/2020', 517.73, 119, 38, 33);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (992, '10/9/2020', 364.83, 112, 136, 4);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (993, '3/3/2021', 844.67, 25, 22, 34);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (994, '12/28/2020', 552.63, 39, 165, 6);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (995, '11/18/2020', 777.91, 22, 189, 13);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (996, '3/13/2021', 459.95, 46, 198, 9);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (997, '11/14/2020', 570.48, 4, 142, 46);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (998, '7/19/2020', 630.08, 173, 102, 12);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (999, '6/20/2020', 798.68, 272, 196, 2);
insert into orderTotal (id, date, total, paymentMethod, id_buyer, id_product) values (1000, '12/14/2020', 676.79, 5, 49, 47);

insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (80, 50);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (182, 32);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (177, 33);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (155, 23);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (1, 43);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (185, 47);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (164, 38);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (138, 27);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (91, 36);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (197, 37);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (189, 20);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (42, 40);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (197, 43);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (38, 50);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (152, 15);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (154, 26);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (120, 24);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (38, 9);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (199, 32);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (126, 28);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (170, 10);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (194, 8);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (116, 25);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (68, 33);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (49, 20);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (3, 41);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (22, 3);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (118, 16);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (154, 5);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (53, 35);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (64, 30);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (73, 50);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (93, 33);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (179, 28);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (5, 8);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (178, 12);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (147, 4);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (55, 29);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (3, 4);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (110, 44);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (195, 24);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (175, 6);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (135, 6);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (124, 50);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (198, 41);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (40, 17);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (112, 44);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (12, 42);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (176, 50);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (60, 12);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (114, 49);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (108, 2);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (28, 7);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (177, 47);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (14, 3);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (115, 31);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (106, 31);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (54, 41);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (117, 34);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (193, 11);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (112, 1);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (169, 31);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (108, 36);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (140, 34);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (106, 2);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (165, 31);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (8, 10);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (189, 44);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (70, 18);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (141, 9);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (171, 50);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (113, 45);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (72, 40);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (37, 44);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (187, 47);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (102, 45);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (54, 16);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (82, 50);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (183, 17);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (83, 16);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (53, 41);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (115, 15);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (22, 7);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (60, 5);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (110, 12);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (111, 45);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (152, 11);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (131, 24);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (133, 36);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (125, 47);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (94, 18);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (135, 42);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (92, 33);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (125, 43);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (133, 7);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (75, 7);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (8, 32);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (10, 14);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (71, 38);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (19, 20);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (99, 23);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (153, 2);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (183, 10);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (128, 29);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (11, 28);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (162, 47);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (189, 25);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (33, 42);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (17, 21);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (147, 27);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (94, 8);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (120, 9);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (39, 14);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (49, 16);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (87, 10);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (61, 35);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (76, 36);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (78, 34);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (72, 17);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (130, 45);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (51, 33);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (192, 30);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (62, 34);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (69, 20);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (149, 47);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (17, 38);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (105, 45);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (36, 32);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (143, 38);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (97, 15);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (146, 18);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (52, 43);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (192, 49);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (90, 50);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (44, 50);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (147, 31);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (189, 21);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (192, 6);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (141, 33);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (29, 37);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (197, 48);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (63, 5);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (187, 42);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (85, 50);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (139, 48);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (104, 11);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (83, 31);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (91, 24);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (39, 44);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (157, 5);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (21, 16);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (88, 48);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (95, 16);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (62, 6);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (53, 3);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (38, 43);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (114, 15);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (167, 11);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (145, 40);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (88, 14);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (50, 27);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (144, 20);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (40, 1);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (112, 21);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (137, 48);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (29, 11);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (79, 36);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (149, 9);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (74, 1);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (148, 28);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (86, 32);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (107, 4);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (105, 35);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (24, 27);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (154, 38);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (165, 43);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (146, 7);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (9, 48);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (147, 40);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (91, 37);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (7, 38);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (102, 3);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (19, 11);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (118, 14);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (90, 28);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (101, 40);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (66, 46);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (173, 36);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (138, 33);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (51, 48);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (78, 11);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (11, 50);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (64, 44);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (11, 40);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (163, 30);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (3, 32);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (27, 47);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (117, 44);
insert into whishlist (idBuyer, idProduct) values (124, 49);

insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (1, 'Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris viverra diam vitae quam.', '2020-07-08 18:08:29', 49, 50);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (2, 'Donec posuere metus vitae ipsum.', '2020-12-27 15:51:56', 153, 48);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (3, 'Phasellus sit amet erat.', '2020-10-13 18:24:52', 111, 48);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (4, 'Morbi vel lectus in quam fringilla rhoncus.', '2020-09-10 08:29:03', 48, 13);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (5, 'Integer aliquet, massa id lobortis convallis, tortor risus dapibus augue, vel accumsan tellus nisi eu orci.', '2020-05-13 01:48:04', 68, 4);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (6, 'Praesent blandit.', '2021-04-04 22:25:04', 82, 38);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (7, 'Pellentesque at nulla.', '2021-01-06 15:31:50', 180, 28);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (8, 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.', '2020-06-11 23:34:05', 53, 13);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (9, 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.', '2020-10-24 02:54:19', 100, 1);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (10, 'In hac habitasse platea dictumst.', '2021-03-04 02:43:44', 116, 39);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (11, 'In quis justo.', '2020-07-16 20:46:43', 16, 15);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (12, 'Vivamus vel nulla eget eros elementum pellentesque.', '2020-10-23 14:00:47', 136, 32);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (13, 'Fusce lacus purus, aliquet at, feugiat non, pretium quis, lectus.', '2020-07-26 00:20:32', 68, 5);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (14, 'Aliquam sit amet diam in magna bibendum imperdiet.', '2020-07-20 03:08:33', 126, 21);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (15, 'Morbi sem mauris, laoreet ut, rhoncus aliquet, pulvinar sed, nisl.', '2020-12-08 08:49:20', 146, 12);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (16, 'Curabitur at ipsum ac tellus semper interdum.', '2020-09-19 16:46:36', 21, 37);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (17, 'Donec quis orci eget orci vehicula condimentum.', '2020-06-30 22:14:07', 159, 23);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (18, 'Ut tellus.', '2020-10-19 04:08:08', 115, 24);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (19, 'Nullam orci pede, venenatis non, sodales sed, tincidunt eu, felis.', '2020-12-26 04:25:17', 30, 21);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (20, 'Duis ac nibh.', '2020-09-20 23:38:23', 163, 22);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (21, 'Cras non velit nec nisi vulputate nonummy.', '2020-09-29 01:09:25', 151, 5);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (22, 'Maecenas pulvinar lobortis est.', '2020-08-20 18:01:23', 151, 46);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (23, 'Donec odio justo, sollicitudin ut, suscipit a, feugiat et, eros.', '2020-08-29 18:22:35', 125, 28);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (24, 'Sed accumsan felis.', '2021-01-16 23:59:09', 57, 34);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (25, 'Vivamus tortor.', '2020-05-07 00:30:47', 186, 5);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (26, 'Cras pellentesque volutpat dui.', '2020-11-21 13:30:22', 26, 30);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (27, 'Vivamus vestibulum sagittis sapien.', '2020-06-26 14:37:20', 133, 39);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (28, 'Curabitur gravida nisi at nibh.', '2020-06-28 08:45:33', 77, 11);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (29, 'Nulla tempus.', '2020-06-22 06:00:22', 42, 24);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (30, 'Suspendisse potenti.', '2020-07-29 12:29:36', 70, 37);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (31, 'Integer ac leo.', '2020-11-12 18:29:46', 90, 12);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (32, 'Proin risus.', '2020-04-28 22:37:24', 93, 14);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (33, 'Vestibulum ac est lacinia nisi venenatis tristique.', '2020-09-10 21:47:15', 193, 47);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (34, 'Curabitur in libero ut massa volutpat convallis.', '2020-10-18 18:59:40', 171, 9);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (35, 'Nulla justo.', '2020-06-20 19:44:50', 110, 49);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (36, 'Nulla mollis molestie lorem.', '2020-11-15 15:52:55', 47, 10);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (37, 'Suspendisse ornare consequat lectus.', '2021-02-01 20:15:56', 58, 23);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (38, 'Nulla suscipit ligula in lacus.', '2020-08-15 13:54:40', 74, 45);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (39, 'Cras in purus eu magna vulputate luctus.', '2020-08-01 16:37:20', 156, 43);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (40, 'Vestibulum ac est lacinia nisi venenatis tristique.', '2020-07-28 23:11:18', 117, 19);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (41, 'Duis aliquam convallis nunc.', '2020-09-30 19:00:04', 82, 32);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (42, 'Aliquam augue quam, sollicitudin vitae, consectetuer eget, rutrum at, lorem.', '2020-11-17 19:14:00', 73, 15);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (43, 'Etiam faucibus cursus urna.', '2021-03-02 06:47:32', 78, 6);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (44, 'Praesent blandit lacinia erat.', '2021-02-08 10:37:07', 194, 32);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (45, 'Integer tincidunt ante vel ipsum.', '2021-02-23 23:42:57', 7, 21);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (46, 'Vestibulum ac est lacinia nisi venenatis tristique.', '2021-02-14 10:43:33', 19, 13);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (47, 'Integer aliquet, massa id lobortis convallis, tortor risus dapibus augue, vel accumsan tellus nisi eu orci.', '2020-10-11 10:59:43', 82, 31);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (48, 'Nulla mollis molestie lorem.', '2020-12-11 04:22:21', 76, 14);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (49, 'Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris viverra diam vitae quam.', '2021-01-01 22:22:15', 59, 48);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (50, 'In hac habitasse platea dictumst.', '2020-08-24 09:25:43', 25, 1);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (51, 'Pellentesque viverra pede ac diam.', '2020-08-19 21:03:15', 8, 44);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (52, 'Nullam varius.', '2020-07-05 21:31:28', 88, 39);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (53, 'Nulla mollis molestie lorem.', '2020-12-26 10:06:35', 32, 5);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (54, 'Morbi porttitor lorem id ligula.', '2020-10-10 02:04:03', 114, 10);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (55, 'Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris viverra diam vitae quam.', '2021-01-31 15:06:12', 3, 1);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (56, 'In hac habitasse platea dictumst.', '2020-07-30 01:38:15', 149, 17);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (57, 'Mauris ullamcorper purus sit amet nulla.', '2020-10-29 22:28:49', 147, 49);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (58, 'Morbi odio odio, elementum eu, interdum eu, tincidunt in, leo.', '2020-10-02 02:28:55', 165, 38);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (59, 'Phasellus sit amet erat.', '2020-11-14 07:29:45', 165, 19);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (60, 'Nulla mollis molestie lorem.', '2021-04-20 20:45:17', 75, 47);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (61, 'Morbi quis tortor id nulla ultrices aliquet.', '2021-01-07 03:29:26', 76, 28);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (62, 'Quisque id justo sit amet sapien dignissim vestibulum.', '2020-07-24 15:40:30', 159, 1);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (63, 'Integer tincidunt ante vel ipsum.', '2020-11-17 17:24:52', 183, 23);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (64, 'Integer ac leo.', '2020-08-14 08:35:49', 150, 4);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (65, 'Aenean sit amet justo.', '2020-11-11 19:45:29', 183, 16);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (66, 'Proin leo odio, porttitor id, consequat in, consequat ut, nulla.', '2021-01-02 13:36:03', 64, 37);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (67, 'Duis at velit eu est congue elementum.', '2021-02-27 10:00:01', 112, 41);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (68, 'In hac habitasse platea dictumst.', '2020-05-23 23:10:55', 83, 7);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (69, 'Morbi ut odio.', '2020-04-26 23:52:16', 151, 50);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (70, 'Nulla ut erat id mauris vulputate elementum.', '2021-02-02 15:28:04', 191, 34);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (71, 'Vivamus metus arcu, adipiscing molestie, hendrerit at, vulputate vitae, nisl.', '2020-09-21 10:30:33', 60, 35);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (72, 'Fusce congue, diam id ornare imperdiet, sapien urna pretium nisl, ut volutpat sapien arcu sed augue.', '2020-10-17 10:09:51', 108, 6);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (73, 'Morbi vestibulum, velit id pretium iaculis, diam erat fermentum justo, nec condimentum neque sapien placerat ante.', '2020-09-15 22:20:08', 3, 31);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (74, 'In congue.', '2020-12-14 09:20:55', 179, 43);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (75, 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.', '2020-06-26 22:04:08', 164, 27);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (76, 'In tempor, turpis nec euismod scelerisque, quam turpis adipiscing lorem, vitae mattis nibh ligula nec sem.', '2020-06-07 20:25:00', 85, 30);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (77, 'Fusce lacus purus, aliquet at, feugiat non, pretium quis, lectus.', '2020-09-03 00:57:26', 93, 47);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (78, 'Nulla mollis molestie lorem.', '2020-10-18 10:13:24', 188, 1);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (79, 'Proin eu mi.', '2020-08-09 03:44:01', 181, 36);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (80, 'Nulla facilisi.', '2020-09-30 11:18:57', 112, 13);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (81, 'Maecenas pulvinar lobortis est.', '2020-07-03 00:50:14', 174, 30);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (82, 'Donec posuere metus vitae ipsum.', '2021-04-12 16:50:04', 125, 17);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (83, 'Vivamus in felis eu sapien cursus vestibulum.', '2020-05-24 17:57:36', 150, 5);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (84, 'Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.', '2021-01-22 02:30:30', 95, 48);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (85, 'Integer ac leo.', '2020-07-14 11:48:43', 93, 14);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (86, 'Fusce posuere felis sed lacus.', '2020-08-15 18:46:51', 189, 20);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (87, 'In hac habitasse platea dictumst.', '2020-09-01 16:44:49', 146, 6);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (88, 'Donec ut dolor.', '2020-12-16 03:54:22', 196, 15);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (89, 'Integer tincidunt ante vel ipsum.', '2021-01-27 00:16:43', 55, 3);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (90, 'Nam nulla.', '2020-10-01 17:43:36', 31, 16);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (91, 'Donec semper sapien a libero.', '2021-01-10 06:39:30', 51, 19);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (92, 'Praesent blandit.', '2020-06-10 14:27:07', 113, 11);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (93, 'Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Duis faucibus accumsan odio.', '2020-12-11 17:01:19', 15, 50);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (94, 'Sed ante.', '2020-05-14 08:34:38', 161, 34);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (95, 'Quisque porta volutpat erat.', '2021-03-22 06:23:27', 45, 33);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (96, 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.', '2020-09-17 06:06:58', 21, 47);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (97, 'Donec ut dolor.', '2021-04-05 12:29:27', 121, 9);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (98, 'Aenean sit amet justo.', '2020-07-22 16:28:32', 113, 15);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (99, 'Nullam porttitor lacus at turpis.', '2020-09-18 12:11:12', 89, 32);
insert into question (id, questionText, date, id_buyer, id_product) values (100, 'Maecenas ut massa quis augue luctus tincidunt.', '2021-03-21 15:15:47', 126, 18);

insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (1, 'Nam ultrices, libero non mattis pulvinar, nulla pede ullamcorper augue, a suscipit nulla elit ac nulla.', '2020-08-03 07:30:48', 99, 4);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (2, 'Donec vitae nisi.', '2020-06-14 00:57:00', 20, 5);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (3, 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.', '2020-10-07 01:12:24', 17, 2);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (4, 'Maecenas rhoncus aliquam lacus.', '2020-11-30 06:24:00', 56, 5);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (5, 'Nulla tellus.', '2020-06-16 01:24:03', 3, 5);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (6, 'Nullam sit amet turpis elementum ligula vehicula consequat.', '2020-04-28 16:52:47', 23, 3);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (7, 'Curabitur in libero ut massa volutpat convallis.', '2020-10-22 05:49:52', 6, 5);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (8, 'Phasellus sit amet erat.', '2020-09-04 05:53:15', 86, 3);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (9, 'Nulla neque libero, convallis eget, eleifend luctus, ultricies eu, nibh.', '2021-01-12 08:05:32', 45, 4);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (10, 'Aliquam non mauris.', '2020-04-24 05:10:10', 12, 5);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (11, 'In hac habitasse platea dictumst.', '2020-06-04 04:17:13', 72, 5);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (12, 'Nulla facilisi.', '2020-05-29 18:27:38', 71, 4);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (13, 'In hac habitasse platea dictumst.', '2020-06-03 09:51:48', 11, 1);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (14, 'In hac habitasse platea dictumst.', '2020-09-20 01:21:04', 75, 4);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (15, 'Donec dapibus.', '2021-03-25 23:40:02', 34, 3);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (16, 'Vivamus vel nulla eget eros elementum pellentesque.', '2020-12-31 05:33:58', 10, 3);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (17, 'Aliquam erat volutpat.', '2021-03-14 12:48:37', 11, 3);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (18, 'Cras pellentesque volutpat dui.', '2020-11-13 02:12:41', 38, 2);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (19, 'Fusce consequat.', '2020-11-03 00:17:54', 3, 5);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (20, 'Aenean fermentum.', '2020-11-07 01:22:49', 97, 5);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (21, 'Quisque arcu libero, rutrum ac, lobortis vel, dapibus at, diam.', '2021-03-09 11:09:21', 65, 2);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (22, 'Proin leo odio, porttitor id, consequat in, consequat ut, nulla.', '2020-12-16 11:52:57', 22, 4);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (23, 'Nam ultrices, libero non mattis pulvinar, nulla pede ullamcorper augue, a suscipit nulla elit ac nulla.', '2020-12-09 18:35:53', 36, 4);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (24, 'Cras mi pede, malesuada in, imperdiet et, commodo vulputate, justo.', '2020-09-21 03:44:39', 13, 3);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (25, 'Curabitur gravida nisi at nibh.', '2020-07-24 07:44:35', 5, 1);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (26, 'Nulla tellus.', '2020-10-14 09:31:46', 51, 3);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (27, 'Proin at turpis a pede posuere nonummy.', '2021-03-10 15:47:48', 38, 4);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (28, 'Ut tellus.', '2021-01-02 08:36:56', 32, 5);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (29, 'Morbi odio odio, elementum eu, interdum eu, tincidunt in, leo.', '2021-04-01 14:15:08', 73, 3);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (30, 'Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Duis faucibus accumsan odio.', '2021-01-26 09:10:50', 54, 3);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (31, 'Proin leo odio, porttitor id, consequat in, consequat ut, nulla.', '2021-01-07 04:47:49', 52, 1);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (32, 'Morbi a ipsum.', '2020-06-27 06:45:06', 58, 5);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (33, 'Vivamus in felis eu sapien cursus vestibulum.', '2021-02-17 22:34:37', 12, 1);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (34, 'In est risus, auctor sed, tristique in, tempus sit amet, sem.', '2020-12-20 11:25:32', 10, 1);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (35, 'Praesent blandit lacinia erat.', '2020-10-09 00:48:32', 87, 1);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (36, 'Aliquam non mauris.', '2020-12-29 11:44:09', 98, 4);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (37, 'Etiam faucibus cursus urna.', '2020-05-17 14:57:22', 86, 4);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (38, 'Nam tristique tortor eu pede.', '2020-07-22 03:35:19', 32, 4);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (39, 'Suspendisse ornare consequat lectus.', '2020-08-19 09:07:24', 31, 4);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (40, 'Ut at dolor quis odio consequat varius.', '2020-12-02 14:33:13', 41, 5);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (41, 'Suspendisse potenti.', '2021-01-12 19:29:45', 29, 1);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (42, 'Nunc rhoncus dui vel sem.', '2020-09-06 22:57:06', 68, 5);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (43, 'Nulla neque libero, convallis eget, eleifend luctus, ultricies eu, nibh.', '2020-08-29 20:02:56', 37, 1);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (44, 'Nunc purus.', '2020-11-11 10:08:33', 58, 2);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (45, 'Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Duis faucibus accumsan odio.', '2020-11-21 23:19:08', 31, 1);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (46, 'Suspendisse potenti.', '2021-02-19 20:48:49', 10, 3);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (47, 'Nam tristique tortor eu pede.', '2020-12-14 01:25:55', 98, 3);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (48, 'Duis bibendum.', '2020-05-06 09:45:46', 90, 4);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (49, 'Quisque arcu libero, rutrum ac, lobortis vel, dapibus at, diam.', '2020-09-06 04:50:59', 80, 4);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (50, 'Nulla nisl.', '2021-01-31 08:11:56', 66, 2);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (51, 'Aliquam non mauris.', '2020-05-27 03:33:35', 43, 4);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (52, 'Donec diam neque, vestibulum eget, vulputate ut, ultrices vel, augue.', '2020-11-01 09:36:16', 36, 1);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (53, 'Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.', '2021-01-08 11:52:12', 13, 5);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (54, 'Morbi quis tortor id nulla ultrices aliquet.', '2020-11-11 11:21:01', 29, 5);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (55, 'Vivamus in felis eu sapien cursus vestibulum.', '2020-11-10 03:06:10', 89, 5);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (56, 'Nullam sit amet turpis elementum ligula vehicula consequat.', '2020-07-15 19:36:12', 92, 5);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (57, 'Etiam vel augue.', '2020-07-26 13:38:03', 78, 4);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (58, 'Suspendisse potenti.', '2020-06-21 10:50:46', 30, 5);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (59, 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.', '2020-10-05 08:07:59', 18, 4);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (60, 'Donec diam neque, vestibulum eget, vulputate ut, ultrices vel, augue.', '2021-02-02 17:31:39', 81, 3);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (61, 'Curabitur gravida nisi at nibh.', '2020-08-06 07:57:33', 49, 4);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (62, 'Nulla justo.', '2020-04-24 02:47:37', 46, 3);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (63, 'Aenean fermentum.', '2021-03-12 03:45:45', 87, 2);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (64, 'Aliquam sit amet diam in magna bibendum imperdiet.', '2020-06-20 16:15:58', 71, 5);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (65, 'Curabitur at ipsum ac tellus semper interdum.', '2020-09-14 04:11:01', 84, 3);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (66, 'Aliquam sit amet diam in magna bibendum imperdiet.', '2020-05-21 23:43:09', 34, 2);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (67, 'Donec odio justo, sollicitudin ut, suscipit a, feugiat et, eros.', '2020-09-06 06:34:18', 76, 4);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (68, 'Integer ac leo.', '2021-01-23 23:55:06', 70, 3);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (69, 'Donec diam neque, vestibulum eget, vulputate ut, ultrices vel, augue.', '2020-09-01 15:12:43', 86, 5);
insert into answer (id, answerText, date, id_question, id_admim) values (70, 'Duis ac nibh.', '2020-07-23 23:09:03', 88, 5);

insert into promotion (id, discount, validUNTIL) values (1, 24, '2022-01-31 06:01:08');
insert into promotion (id, discount, validUNTIL) values (2, 25, '2023-11-01 04:17:17');
insert into promotion (id, discount, validUNTIL) values (3, 5, '2022-09-08 05:11:42');
insert into promotion (id, discount, validUNTIL) values (4, 11, '2022-07-20 02:24:44');
insert into promotion (id, discount, validUNTIL) values (5, 22, '2021-09-23 19:55:45');
insert into promotion (id, discount, validUNTIL) values (6, 17, '2024-02-22 07:57:37');
insert into promotion (id, discount, validUNTIL) values (7, 23, '2023-11-01 01:08:22');
insert into promotion (id, discount, validUNTIL) values (8, 3, '2024-02-22 09:50:07');
insert into promotion (id, discount, validUNTIL) values (9, 20, '2022-01-17 15:02:52');
insert into promotion (id, discount, validUNTIL) values (10, 9, '2021-06-03 05:33:22');

insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (191, 15, 'Etiam vel augue.', '2020-06-10 02:32:05', 4);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (191, 23, 'Integer ac leo.', '2020-07-31 09:31:20', 4);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (137, 32, 'Integer ac leo.', '2020-05-19 15:06:55', 1);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (133, 23, 'Morbi a ipsum.', '2020-06-28 02:53:43', 5);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (17, 42, 'Maecenas ut massa quis augue luctus tincidunt.', '2021-02-07 12:46:38', 1);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (159, 29, 'Etiam vel augue.', '2020-09-28 20:49:14', 4);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (47, 43, 'In blandit ultrices enim.', '2021-01-22 09:41:17', 2);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (15, 24, 'Integer ac leo.', '2020-07-19 06:27:50', 1);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (42, 49, 'Ut at dolor quis odio consequat varius.', '2020-09-04 02:06:03', 2);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (141, 25, 'Curabitur gravida nisi at nibh.', '2020-07-02 15:37:11', 1);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (193, 30, 'Ut at dolor quis odio consequat varius.', '2021-04-06 00:54:49', 3);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (101, 12, 'Nam ultrices, libero non mattis pulvinar, nulla pede ullamcorper augue, a suscipit nulla elit ac nulla.', '2020-07-23 10:28:34', 3);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (159, 1, 'In hac habitasse platea dictumst.', '2020-12-18 21:23:39', 5);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (73, 30, 'Morbi porttitor lorem id ligula.', '2021-02-10 15:08:56', 2);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (126, 10, 'Integer a nibh.', '2020-10-06 18:13:46', 3);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (160, 11, 'Mauris ullamcorper purus sit amet nulla.', '2021-01-26 04:09:31', 2);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (117, 39, 'In congue.', '2020-05-12 07:56:36', 4);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (184, 44, 'Vestibulum rutrum rutrum neque.', '2021-01-06 03:10:01', 3);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (57, 17, 'Donec dapibus.', '2021-02-19 09:29:32', 3);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (54, 26, 'Donec ut mauris eget massa tempor convallis.', '2020-06-01 00:12:39', 3);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (199, 18, 'Cras in purus eu magna vulputate luctus.', '2020-12-15 02:37:30', 3);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (134, 12, 'Integer pede justo, lacinia eget, tincidunt eget, tempus vel, pede.', '2020-05-07 22:10:40', 4);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (114, 8, 'Suspendisse potenti.', '2020-11-25 03:30:33', 2);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (109, 19, 'Vivamus vestibulum sagittis sapien.', '2020-10-31 20:13:48', 1);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (87, 17, 'Fusce congue, diam id ornare imperdiet, sapien urna pretium nisl, ut volutpat sapien arcu sed augue.', '2021-02-26 03:08:40', 1);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (10, 40, 'Sed accumsan felis.', '2021-01-12 20:59:17', 4);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (87, 50, 'Donec dapibus.', '2020-07-01 17:06:24', 3);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (177, 2, 'Maecenas rhoncus aliquam lacus.', '2020-04-29 01:50:38', 2);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (120, 20, 'Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec pharetra, magna vestibulum aliquet ultrices, erat tortor sollicitudin mi, sit amet lobortis sapien sapien non mi.', '2021-02-08 09:23:10', 4);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (169, 13, 'Nulla neque libero, convallis eget, eleifend luctus, ultricies eu, nibh.', '2021-01-13 15:20:31', 4);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (184, 25, 'Curabitur in libero ut massa volutpat convallis.', '2021-03-26 21:57:52', 5);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (185, 31, 'Aliquam augue quam, sollicitudin vitae, consectetuer eget, rutrum at, lorem.', '2020-09-26 05:49:29', 2);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (152, 20, 'Proin leo odio, porttitor id, consequat in, consequat ut, nulla.', '2020-08-06 03:13:43', 3);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (48, 2, 'Proin at turpis a pede posuere nonummy.', '2020-06-21 19:09:31', 3);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (36, 37, 'Aenean sit amet justo.', '2020-06-23 13:31:39', 3);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (127, 24, 'Morbi non quam nec dui luctus rutrum.', '2020-04-23 03:35:00', 5);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (179, 33, 'Praesent id massa id nisl venenatis lacinia.', '2020-06-01 21:05:46', 5);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (165, 5, 'Praesent blandit.', '2020-12-05 01:00:28', 4);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (75, 35, 'Phasellus id sapien in sapien iaculis congue.', '2020-06-11 00:54:11', 1);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (197, 25, 'Nam ultrices, libero non mattis pulvinar, nulla pede ullamcorper augue, a suscipit nulla elit ac nulla.', '2020-04-30 04:12:35', 2);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (181, 27, 'Morbi non lectus.', '2020-05-22 00:33:42', 3);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (147, 14, 'Nam nulla.', '2020-06-20 02:05:39', 3);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (181, 41, 'Aenean fermentum.', '2020-07-13 18:04:15', 1);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (188, 3, 'Duis ac nibh.', '2020-05-26 17:41:10', 3);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (17, 18, 'Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris viverra diam vitae quam.', '2020-06-30 17:38:02', 3);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (37, 31, 'Etiam faucibus cursus urna.', '2021-01-06 00:03:30', 5);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (168, 11, 'Donec vitae nisi.', '2020-10-05 05:38:53', 4);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (29, 41, 'Fusce consequat.', '2020-10-17 13:19:31', 5);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (150, 28, 'Mauris ullamcorper purus sit amet nulla.', '2020-08-08 13:57:34', 3);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (142, 18, 'Aenean auctor gravida sem.', '2021-01-08 11:31:03', 5);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (20, 42, 'In quis justo.', '2020-05-04 09:06:48', 3);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (24, 20, 'Curabitur convallis.', '2021-02-16 22:58:20', 5);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (144, 18, 'Nulla justo.', '2020-08-02 21:46:34', 1);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (23, 37, 'Nunc nisl.', '2020-04-29 23:24:37', 5);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (119, 48, 'Quisque erat eros, viverra eget, congue eget, semper rutrum, nulla.', '2020-07-09 23:41:27', 3);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (116, 38, 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.', '2020-12-08 19:56:31', 3);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (154, 3, 'Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris viverra diam vitae quam.', '2020-05-28 12:02:08', 1);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (87, 36, 'Nam tristique tortor eu pede.', '2020-12-04 19:29:53', 2);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (187, 31, 'Donec quis orci eget orci vehicula condimentum.', '2021-03-31 03:10:36', 3);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (42, 7, 'In hac habitasse platea dictumst.', '2020-05-25 23:15:52', 5);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (110, 44, 'Nullam orci pede, venenatis non, sodales sed, tincidunt eu, felis.', '2020-06-26 05:43:49', 2);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (172, 38, 'Aliquam erat volutpat.', '2021-01-21 13:20:48', 3);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (10, 20, 'Phasellus id sapien in sapien iaculis congue.', '2021-03-04 22:02:04', 3);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (35, 36, 'Sed accumsan felis.', '2020-06-09 03:16:57', 5);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (67, 14, 'Integer ac leo.', '2020-05-23 08:11:20', 3);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (117, 15, 'Morbi vestibulum, velit id pretium iaculis, diam erat fermentum justo, nec condimentum neque sapien placerat ante.', '2020-07-20 04:36:21', 4);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (87, 19, 'In est risus, auctor sed, tristique in, tempus sit amet, sem.', '2020-11-10 00:48:29', 4);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (140, 30, 'Aliquam non mauris.', '2020-07-04 17:29:02', 2);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (74, 28, 'Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.', '2020-07-27 19:24:03', 5);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (154, 10, 'Sed ante.', '2020-07-24 02:58:12', 2);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (70, 7, 'In hac habitasse platea dictumst.', '2020-11-26 07:33:39', 2);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (65, 20, 'Duis consequat dui nec nisi volutpat eleifend.', '2020-07-14 12:03:13', 2);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (164, 19, 'Morbi sem mauris, laoreet ut, rhoncus aliquet, pulvinar sed, nisl.', '2020-07-09 16:13:01', 5);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (136, 21, 'Fusce consequat.', '2020-07-20 20:48:46', 5);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (1, 45, 'Maecenas ut massa quis augue luctus tincidunt.', '2021-01-15 12:41:36', 1);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (159, 49, 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.', '2020-06-29 16:06:32', 5);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (102, 42, 'Nam tristique tortor eu pede.', '2021-02-02 18:39:14', 5);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (12, 43, 'Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris viverra diam vitae quam.', '2020-06-04 01:45:31', 4);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (54, 5, 'Proin leo odio, porttitor id, consequat in, consequat ut, nulla.', '2021-01-19 18:25:20', 5);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (30, 48, 'Quisque ut erat.', '2020-05-15 05:32:29', 4);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (76, 2, 'Aenean sit amet justo.', '2021-02-19 17:16:33', 3);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (99, 23, 'Integer non velit.', '2020-08-06 05:02:42', 1);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (12, 17, 'Nam tristique tortor eu pede.', '2020-06-15 16:33:19', 4);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (43, 36, 'Phasellus id sapien in sapien iaculis congue.', '2020-11-06 13:03:11', 5);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (132, 38, 'In quis justo.', '2020-06-02 12:52:03', 4);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (111, 1, 'Aenean lectus.', '2021-03-18 13:00:11', 3);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (16, 42, 'Cras non velit nec nisi vulputate nonummy.', '2021-01-26 12:15:07', 5);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (70, 16, 'Vestibulum sed magna at nunc commodo placerat.', '2020-10-31 21:07:52', 5);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (72, 5, 'Integer ac neque.', '2020-06-06 02:59:13', 5);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (121, 23, 'Cras non velit nec nisi vulputate nonummy.', '2021-03-31 20:10:16', 5);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (179, 36, 'Praesent id massa id nisl venenatis lacinia.', '2021-03-09 02:02:51', 3);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (46, 37, 'Nunc nisl.', '2020-05-26 17:10:21', 4);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (170, 6, 'In est risus, auctor sed, tristique in, tempus sit amet, sem.', '2020-11-12 23:31:12', 3);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (83, 23, 'Maecenas rhoncus aliquam lacus.', '2020-07-10 04:58:11', 3);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (131, 27, 'Praesent lectus.', '2020-05-13 07:33:55', 5);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (16, 41, 'Integer aliquet, massa id lobortis convallis, tortor risus dapibus augue, vel accumsan tellus nisi eu orci.', '2021-01-10 09:40:09', 4);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (83, 48, 'Maecenas rhoncus aliquam lacus.', '2020-06-01 07:23:59', 5);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (64, 9, 'Nam nulla.', '2020-10-09 10:10:34', 3);
insert into review (id_buyer, id_product, reviewText, date, rating) values (25, 5, 'Etiam faucibus cursus urna.', '2020-08-27 07:43:10', 2);

insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (188, 3, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (180, 10, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (100, 10, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (101, 38, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (126, 28, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (87, 47, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (93, 22, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (157, 45, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (140, 4, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (115, 3, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (70, 5, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (195, 29, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (108, 2, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (137, 3, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (63, 8, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (19, 38, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (70, 40, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (133, 49, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (75, 13, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (143, 29, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (96, 46, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (182, 17, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (88, 37, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (106, 22, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (64, 45, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (161, 30, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (119, 21, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (146, 1, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (184, 4, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (90, 31, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (13, 34, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (39, 20, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (79, 16, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (112, 17, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (117, 16, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (176, 22, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (118, 21, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (188, 35, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (109, 46, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (147, 7, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (122, 24, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (70, 21, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (147, 8, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (47, 10, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (84, 23, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (129, 43, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (102, 25, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (184, 47, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (71, 41, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (184, 25, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (25, 29, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (35, 47, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (40, 33, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (31, 36, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (147, 16, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (87, 36, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (17, 45, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (61, 18, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (66, 41, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (195, 39, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (194, 42, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (167, 4, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (94, 35, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (188, 27, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (78, 20, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (153, 26, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (51, 11, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (37, 9, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (93, 47, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (12, 20, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (48, 23, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (14, 20, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (80, 29, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (172, 6, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (180, 34, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (194, 40, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (65, 17, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (102, 12, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (165, 1, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (59, 7, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (165, 46, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (72, 3, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (54, 28, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (151, 38, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (197, 23, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (28, 27, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (7, 43, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (27, 36, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (5, 48, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (124, 24, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (122, 48, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (93, 5, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (200, 21, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (46, 13, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (91, 19, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (3, 36, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (28, 33, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (43, 49, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (75, 11, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (36, 23, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (67, 6, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (43, 3, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (176, 34, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (169, 7, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (139, 33, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (137, 26, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (17, 38, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (22, 31, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (76, 39, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (43, 16, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (56, 33, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (3, 29, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (109, 27, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (44, 40, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (186, 15, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (155, 48, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (52, 30, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (42, 26, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (44, 15, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (138, 48, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (191, 7, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (154, 22, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (181, 32, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (56, 25, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (70, 9, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (55, 4, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (32, 49, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (41, 10, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (23, 7, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (87, 10, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (93, 18, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (184, 32, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (105, 6, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (105, 18, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (155, 26, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (1, 5, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (45, 34, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (153, 1, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (60, 11, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (180, 40, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (99, 17, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (23, 19, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (56, 4, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (76, 47, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (4, 23, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (66, 19, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (93, 6, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (66, 13, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (3, 35, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (196, 45, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (14, 12, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (149, 43, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (110, 17, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (109, 2, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (200, 7, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (151, 9, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (157, 8, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (102, 6, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (166, 15, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (113, 35, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (83, 17, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (193, 2, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (105, 14, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (188, 32, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (61, 35, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (118, 30, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (146, 50, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (196, 25, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (33, 43, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (10, 35, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (83, 3, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (16, 43, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (24, 9, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (26, 14, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (83, 12, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (170, 17, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (177, 10, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (114, 31, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (112, 43, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (180, 47, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (147, 19, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (129, 44, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (172, 28, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (2, 43, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (34, 36, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (168, 4, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (134, 6, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (105, 13, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (181, 46, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (129, 24, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (87, 15, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (23, 2, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (3, 30, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (116, 35, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (120, 48, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (52, 22, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (25, 45, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (181, 23, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (33, 40, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (190, 7, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (77, 8, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (182, 20, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (11, 11, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (58, 46, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (55, 45, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (157, 12, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (63, 29, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (62, 32, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (6, 48, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (50, 25, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (106, 17, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (2, 46, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (27, 34, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (114, 9, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (17, 44, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (123, 41, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (129, 7, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (158, 1, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (142, 37, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (121, 24, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (58, 50, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (97, 31, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (130, 47, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (153, 14, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (90, 7, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (27, 25, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (167, 34, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (96, 19, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (54, 44, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (42, 10, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (83, 18, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (38, 46, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (193, 34, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (99, 30, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (118, 24, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (19, 49, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (109, 49, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (169, 12, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (143, 9, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (143, 31, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (114, 23, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (162, 10, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (32, 18, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (62, 35, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (55, 44, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (13, 7, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (110, 21, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (134, 24, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (93, 50, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (33, 2, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (180, 20, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (108, 14, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (122, 12, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (164, 12, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (181, 30, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (144, 15, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (88, 4, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (12, 37, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (135, 14, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (1, 5, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (4, 30, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (160, 6, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (6, 9, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (149, 24, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (178, 38, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (74, 47, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (15, 19, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (168, 44, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (110, 4, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (187, 30, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (10, 23, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (96, 45, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (24, 16, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (127, 45, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (144, 46, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (167, 44, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (93, 20, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (13, 35, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (146, 24, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (124, 28, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (168, 9, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (80, 27, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (106, 44, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (141, 12, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (166, 15, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (189, 48, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (151, 29, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (168, 44, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (82, 18, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (65, 24, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (136, 46, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (62, 50, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (96, 24, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (64, 35, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (4, 17, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (33, 5, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (57, 24, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (152, 25, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (127, 19, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (69, 30, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (31, 11, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (56, 8, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (79, 46, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (105, 30, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (111, 42, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (200, 40, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (178, 28, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (42, 16, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (153, 45, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (197, 46, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (174, 38, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (30, 4, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (73, 47, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (32, 13, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (42, 14, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (175, 4, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (119, 22, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (94, 43, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (115, 17, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (188, 25, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (192, 21, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (23, 12, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (30, 33, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (129, 22, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (34, 4, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (153, 29, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (80, 2, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (162, 45, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (130, 22, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (158, 6, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (178, 37, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (50, 33, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (138, 45, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (164, 43, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (140, 31, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (89, 25, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (150, 50, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (192, 23, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (68, 20, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (22, 6, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (29, 15, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (152, 23, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (6, 12, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (174, 27, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (82, 11, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (18, 29, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (123, 36, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (88, 2, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (63, 2, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (12, 40, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (145, 11, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (142, 36, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (91, 40, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (77, 10, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (52, 12, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (159, 40, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (72, 27, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (2, 19, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (189, 30, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (17, 7, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (163, 49, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (15, 48, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (23, 28, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (151, 48, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (179, 18, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (194, 33, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (110, 44, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (58, 20, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (132, 40, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (185, 23, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (188, 37, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (182, 29, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (20, 34, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (55, 24, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (67, 1, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (88, 18, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (77, 6, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (184, 43, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (54, 31, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (62, 38, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (133, 48, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (150, 7, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (65, 22, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (166, 48, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (128, 47, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (120, 33, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (8, 29, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (58, 42, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (166, 15, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (2, 49, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (37, 9, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (196, 11, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (89, 23, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (153, 3, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (123, 46, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (194, 45, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (151, 38, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (126, 26, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (133, 28, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (109, 29, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (46, 47, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (55, 41, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (3, 11, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (7, 40, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (59, 44, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (77, 47, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (112, 18, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (90, 46, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (138, 37, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (39, 37, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (137, 29, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (32, 7, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (138, 36, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (30, 49, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (128, 45, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (100, 43, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (15, 5, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (85, 3, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (11, 21, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (138, 29, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (131, 17, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (66, 32, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (103, 48, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (121, 30, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (186, 22, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (158, 24, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (77, 19, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (84, 38, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (89, 10, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (133, 46, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (32, 38, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (93, 2, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (78, 18, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (72, 40, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (119, 13, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (105, 38, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (97, 17, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (78, 15, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (16, 7, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (46, 33, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (65, 42, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (171, 13, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (58, 36, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (88, 6, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (152, 7, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (151, 42, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (170, 37, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (98, 18, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (12, 48, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (74, 35, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (157, 38, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (178, 45, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (142, 29, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (84, 32, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (121, 34, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (174, 16, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (117, 33, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (14, 1, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (187, 48, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (147, 23, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (200, 37, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (137, 20, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (37, 46, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (67, 35, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (156, 25, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (159, 23, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (119, 7, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (79, 4, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (140, 2, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (197, 12, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (87, 17, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (197, 8, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (125, 31, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (170, 36, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (21, 43, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (152, 11, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (39, 19, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (122, 37, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (84, 49, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (173, 4, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (24, 19, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (83, 27, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (101, 11, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (33, 22, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (39, 11, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (137, 32, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (83, 24, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (161, 32, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (153, 2, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (62, 50, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (155, 16, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (136, 21, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (64, 24, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (95, 19, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (118, 28, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (43, 22, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (49, 18, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (42, 7, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (108, 43, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (193, 20, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (114, 41, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (193, 11, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (11, 1, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (187, 1, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (56, 2, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (145, 23, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (151, 33, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (176, 37, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (103, 40, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (91, 18, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (122, 42, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (50, 5, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (139, 5, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (102, 16, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (100, 42, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (12, 44, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (47, 38, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (194, 25, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (56, 27, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (43, 25, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (75, 2, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (196, 11, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (81, 41, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (39, 18, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (99, 26, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (126, 44, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (110, 38, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (90, 44, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (97, 50, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (130, 33, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (71, 8, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (138, 35, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (73, 12, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (103, 6, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (163, 13, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (182, 40, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (82, 18, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (180, 35, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (127, 49, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (46, 16, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (150, 40, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (56, 7, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (39, 14, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (101, 7, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (142, 6, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (153, 1, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (33, 19, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (123, 43, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (138, 20, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (174, 34, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (199, 35, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (134, 3, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (197, 23, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (93, 12, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (170, 10, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (155, 5, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (86, 29, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (152, 36, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (66, 10, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (159, 50, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (145, 17, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (173, 12, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (82, 26, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (76, 4, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (18, 31, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (78, 10, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (28, 35, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (141, 24, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (97, 34, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (40, 12, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (7, 19, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (134, 40, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (99, 46, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (120, 39, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (51, 17, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (182, 10, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (27, 31, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (173, 21, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (197, 27, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (105, 40, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (79, 11, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (111, 34, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (73, 47, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (57, 37, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (118, 29, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (164, 1, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (57, 15, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (7, 14, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (179, 46, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (156, 32, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (11, 13, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (145, 38, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (134, 15, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (110, 21, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (103, 21, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (27, 11, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (115, 14, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (97, 26, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (173, 44, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (87, 40, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (172, 37, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (42, 32, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (58, 6, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (58, 43, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (190, 20, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (32, 8, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (16, 41, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (128, 20, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (23, 34, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (66, 25, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (30, 2, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (48, 49, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (134, 47, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (3, 3, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (45, 23, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (164, 4, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (94, 42, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (93, 14, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (174, 4, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (197, 13, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (189, 19, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (163, 7, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (15, 43, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (189, 23, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (185, 41, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (116, 25, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (116, 48, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (156, 9, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (58, 7, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (94, 21, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (24, 30, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (48, 25, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (62, 34, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (115, 29, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (128, 6, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (132, 24, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (5, 23, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (166, 41, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (56, 37, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (16, 20, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (84, 17, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (69, 28, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (27, 26, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (166, 16, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (36, 14, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (105, 19, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (151, 15, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (104, 31, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (12, 30, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (107, 2, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (13, 42, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (77, 22, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (21, 21, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (102, 40, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (64, 21, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (156, 12, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (144, 36, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (185, 2, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (120, 6, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (7, 44, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (1, 48, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (90, 21, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (133, 38, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (133, 3, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (14, 15, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (38, 39, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (180, 39, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (15, 8, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (196, 25, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (33, 28, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (39, 49, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (105, 6, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (100, 27, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (17, 10, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (44, 1, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (22, 32, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (149, 11, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (100, 31, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (43, 17, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (75, 44, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (70, 12, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (109, 25, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (24, 48, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (72, 13, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (36, 48, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (60, 47, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (148, 12, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (130, 21, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (78, 4, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (81, 10, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (70, 27, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (53, 27, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (45, 15, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (40, 44, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (53, 32, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (195, 35, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (66, 30, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (76, 19, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (101, 21, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (26, 29, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (155, 2, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (192, 27, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (119, 31, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (191, 8, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (130, 5, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (58, 12, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (11, 40, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (185, 17, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (92, 36, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (184, 28, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (156, 22, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (50, 3, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (135, 43, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (84, 20, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (112, 26, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (23, 29, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (32, 45, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (107, 3, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (172, 1, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (84, 38, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (99, 19, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (80, 4, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (176, 32, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (115, 40, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (141, 38, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (45, 23, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (199, 11, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (3, 9, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (154, 37, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (102, 41, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (47, 39, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (185, 43, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (193, 43, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (91, 33, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (168, 9, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (12, 31, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (112, 4, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (134, 33, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (48, 25, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (51, 6, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (67, 14, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (191, 15, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (104, 2, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (109, 38, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (133, 15, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (192, 28, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (146, 6, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (70, 29, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (89, 8, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (1, 37, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (12, 47, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (151, 41, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (35, 39, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (44, 20, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (194, 40, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (62, 22, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (193, 36, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (181, 31, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (152, 15, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (75, 17, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (170, 7, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (151, 30, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (72, 3, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (24, 24, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (192, 44, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (134, 34, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (21, 24, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (159, 25, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (183, 39, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (64, 22, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (119, 18, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (112, 39, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (168, 17, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (172, 44, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (82, 30, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (109, 36, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (34, 26, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (70, 22, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (45, 2, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (143, 48, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (168, 11, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (141, 29, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (120, 24, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (134, 27, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (11, 14, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (116, 19, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (89, 6, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (96, 23, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (131, 31, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (29, 19, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (73, 41, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (177, 1, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (100, 31, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (168, 41, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (139, 1, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (84, 34, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (22, 50, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (68, 35, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (164, 22, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (64, 43, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (76, 22, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (151, 26, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (70, 21, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (183, 5, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (78, 22, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (65, 22, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (120, 13, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (8, 47, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (95, 37, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (182, 10, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (177, 19, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (111, 27, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (164, 2, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (140, 15, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (177, 43, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (42, 19, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (187, 24, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (188, 50, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (29, 36, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (190, 46, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (147, 49, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (159, 13, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (28, 47, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (68, 50, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (87, 36, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (158, 50, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (192, 30, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (89, 33, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (193, 39, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (106, 12, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (126, 41, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (55, 45, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (46, 35, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (75, 45, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (102, 49, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (87, 50, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (113, 35, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (34, 19, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (40, 49, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (8, 16, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (28, 29, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (155, 29, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (101, 31, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (135, 49, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (28, 12, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (125, 48, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (131, 33, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (128, 3, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (39, 17, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (30, 43, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (77, 17, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (164, 48, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (185, 17, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (78, 18, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (51, 48, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (42, 14, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (5, 30, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (43, 29, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (10, 27, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (39, 11, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (2, 33, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (132, 12, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (186, 33, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (6, 10, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (21, 49, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (150, 48, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (130, 5, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (120, 11, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (111, 50, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (134, 44, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (177, 9, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (79, 33, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (131, 46, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (16, 17, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (94, 8, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (83, 45, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (160, 20, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (141, 17, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (128, 27, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (55, 25, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (21, 13, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (172, 35, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (67, 47, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (43, 15, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (186, 33, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (165, 45, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (34, 43, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (20, 35, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (180, 49, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (98, 27, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (70, 44, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (27, 19, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (83, 47, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (8, 12, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (78, 4, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (168, 16, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (154, 3, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (17, 5, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (44, 43, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (86, 9, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (116, 34, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (21, 21, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (94, 13, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (147, 28, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (91, 26, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (151, 41, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (180, 49, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (112, 35, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (128, 13, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (17, 34, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (115, 13, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (11, 12, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (158, 5, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (119, 4, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (59, 37, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (117, 47, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (100, 14, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (183, 50, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (198, 10, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (11, 6, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (134, 22, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (164, 16, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (176, 3, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (27, 22, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (194, 24, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (25, 7, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (51, 31, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (142, 50, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (127, 6, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (133, 18, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (186, 5, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (23, 9, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (149, 35, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (18, 23, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (60, 8, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (156, 37, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (90, 6, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (30, 31, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (192, 30, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (199, 28, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (199, 31, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (180, 22, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (178, 19, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (87, 20, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (119, 21, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (60, 46, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (142, 34, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (51, 31, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (188, 12, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (45, 39, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (141, 50, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (35, 12, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (115, 5, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (68, 48, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (38, 12, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (10, 30, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (58, 6, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (81, 10, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (123, 29, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (26, 34, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (97, 47, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (33, 11, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (120, 35, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (14, 16, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (63, 39, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (102, 47, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (21, 48, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (32, 48, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (153, 15, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (102, 41, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (26, 17, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (173, 4, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (52, 27, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (145, 29, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (144, 33, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (128, 48, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (51, 10, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (120, 44, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (112, 1, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (129, 29, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (102, 25, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (25, 11, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (46, 31, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (135, 2, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (150, 21, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (147, 26, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (168, 28, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (59, 31, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (187, 2, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (32, 40, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (7, 12, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (49, 18, 2);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (125, 49, 3);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (125, 13, 1);
insert into orderedProduct (id_buyer, id_product, quantity) values (155, 33, 2);

Revision history

GROUP2173, 21/04/2021