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COVID-19 Tracker

Tracking the Spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in the Worldwide.


Live Link


alt text

Tech Stack

  • React
  • Typescript
  • Material UI 5
  • React hooks
  • ChartJS


  • Shows total number of cases, active cases, recoveries and deaths.
  • Shows Total Cases, Deaths, Critical, Recovered, Today's Cases, Today's Deaths for each country in full responsive table
  • Search in Table with highlighting
  • Table pagination
  • Shows infected, deaths and recovered cases in chart for globally as well as country wise

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone

Go to the project directory

  cd covid-19-tracker-typescript

Install dependencies and dev dependencies

  yarn install

To install only dependencies without dev dependencies and without generating yarn.lock file

  yarn install --production --frozen-lockfile

Start the server

  yarn start

Deploying a React app with Surge (from Create React App format)

Deploy from local

1. Make sure you have surge installed globally

  • npm install -g surge or yarn global add surge

2. Run the Create React App build

  • cd your-react-project
  • yarn build

3. Change into build directory

  • cd build

4. Run surge

  • surge
  • Log in with your email and password, hit enter
  • Enter the correct path to your project, hit enter
  • Change the url to your custom url or use the default, hit enter
  • Surge will run deploy

Adding deploy script to package.json

  • In package.json under "scripts" add this line:
  • "deploy": "yarn build && surge ./build/"
  • Update your-surge-url with your url
  • yarn deploy (this will need to be run from your project root, not the build directory!)

Deploy from GitHub Action

1. Make sure you have surge installed globally

  • npm install -g surge or yarn global add surge

2. Get Surge Token

  • surge token

3. Add Token in GitHub repository

  • GitHub repository > Settings > Secrets
  • Click 'New repository secret'
  • Give this secret a name and copy that name. Add the token in 'Value' input box

3. Add secret in workflow




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