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First Installation or New Folder!

MwSpace LLC edited this page May 29, 2020 · 3 revisions

Redy set go! 😁 Welcome and thanks to download and use LaraveX project. First installation is very important because .exe app write your system at the first time. If u want use laravex command, composer, php, node, npm and mysql from prompt u must execute first time after downloaded it directly.

Example, in this case i've downloaded the package and I keep it where I want it,

for example C:\Program Files\LaraveX


Then, i must run an prompt with admin privileges for run in this folder (program have many execution with privileges, and this programs folder have only access as administrator)


Now U can change dir to laravex exe and run laravex (or duble click on the LaraveX.exe). If the system ask firewall, u must share access for correct work


!! For stop program correctly, open another prompt and type `CTRL+C:
