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Welcome, friends!


Rovers are special smart contracts that are created and deployed trough BasedGod.sol, which acts as a Rover Factory. There are 3 types of Rover deployments: RoverVault (rVault), FarmingRover, and FarmingRover/RewardPool.

All Rovers are subject to the same 1-year linear vesting schedule. This means that only a fraction of the underlying asset can be gradually swapped out over the course of year. The asset is swapped for an equivalent amount of $BASED and the resulting $BASED is distributed proportionally within the Moonbase.

The total amount of assets that can be swapped at a given time is calculated according to this formula:

withdrawableTokenQuantity = secondsSinceRoverStart/(365 * 24 * 60 * 60) * totalTokensReceived - totalTokensWithdrawn


Probably rVault, as this is the easiest to use, but really, it varies from project to project. Below, we describe the 3 different types and provide instructions on how to use them.


1. RoverVault (rVault)**

You deploy it and transfer tokens to it. This can be a lump sum that is deposited all at once or multiple sums that are deposited over an arbitrary period of time, even after the Rover is live.

How to deploy a RoverVault (rVault):

Step 1: From BasedGod.sol, call:

function createNewRoverVault(
    address _rewardToken,
    string calldata _pair

Where _rewardToken is the address of your asset and _pair is ether "sUSD" or "WETH" as a string value. This _pair is referenced during a swap in order to create the appropriate path between you asset and $BASED via Uniswap.

Step 2: Deposit tokens.

Step 3: When you're ready to launch, call:

function startRover() on the Rover contract to start the Rover.

Step 4: Ape in.

2. FarmingRover**

The Rover mints 1 unique token which is then staked in a custom pool that you've made specifically for this token. All rewards from this yield go into the Rover.

How to deploy a FarmingRover:

Step 1: From BasedGod.sol, call:

function createNewFarmingRover(
    address _rewardToken,
    string calldata _pair

Where the input values are the same as those provided in RoverVault.

Step 2: Set up your reward pool using Rover as LP token.

Step 3: When you're ready to launch, call:

function startRover(address _rewardPool)

Where _rewardPool is the address of your existing reward pool.

Step 4: Stay BASED.

3. FarmingRover + RewardPool**

Deploys a FarmingRover and a custom distribution reward pool in one transaction. This option is provided for convenience. The distribution reward pool is based on the Synthetix StakingRewards.sol contract.

How to deploy a FarmingRover + RewardPool:

Step 1: From BasedGod.sol, call:

function createNewFarmingRoverAndPool(
    address _rewardToken,
    address _distributor,
    string calldata _pair,
    uint256 _duration

Where _distributor is the address that notifies the reward pool of new rewards. This address can be an account, multisig, DAO, or whatever else.

Step 2: Deposit asset in RewardPool and then call the following function on _rewardPool from _distributor to notify _rewardPool of incoming rewards:

function notifyRewardAmount(uint256 reward)

Step 3: Call function startRover(address _rewardPool on Rover to initiate.

Step 4: Just market buy.