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Releases: MxOrbulent/GrizzlyBearMob

Version 1.0.0 for Minecraft 1.16.5 - Fabric

14 Aug 11:17
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Finally, after some back and forth work and quite some testing, I'm ready to release GrizzlyBearMod - MxOrbulent Fork edition into the wild.
Versioning have been reset to Version 1.0.0, with the idea being that you increase the middle number by 1 if you migrate to a new 1.16.x (1.17.x and so on) version OR a feature is introduced. The last one for bugfixes. And the first number is increased if you migrate to a entirely new version of minecraft. For example when it's migrated to 1.17, it will be released as 2.0.0

What's New?
-Configure options for the bears attributes (MaxHealth, Attack Damage, Movement Speed and Follow range, Follow range is used for the rage mechanic and is named simply Range in the config).
-A entirely new game mechanic to make bears way more dangerous. When bears are below 7.5 hearts of health, there's a roughly 25% chance that the bear will enrage. (Hint: Bears in rage mode have red eyes, and it's adviseable to observe them at a distance with a telescope to see when they are safe to approach again, A shield is highly recommended if you intend to fight a grizzlybear with a weapon to weak to 1 hit kill from 7.5 hearts).

This mechanic does two things: If the bear currently has no target and is in rage mode, it will target any player that enters it's follow range.
Secondly (can be set to simply 0 in order to not buff) it increases the bears movement speed by the value in the config. I personally think 25 (25%, but do not write any %D etc symbols) is a good start.
You can also choose at which difficulty the bear starts to use the rage mode. I suggest keeping it at hard since they get quite a bit more dangerous being hyper agressive and moving much faster.

I did consider giving the bear regeneration 1, but that's starting to creep to much into fantasy territory, the increased speed and hyper agressive behaviour makes escaping more difficult, and more twitchy to fight as it is. It's a fricking bear after all, not a mage. :P

NOTE: Already spawned bears will not be affected by the config values if you change them and restart the server, only bears that are a fresh spawn after saving the config file and restarting the server will use the new attributes. This means that you'd need to go around and kill off all the grizzly bears on the server.

This does not apply to the following settings and they start applying for any and all bears as soon as you restart the server after changing them and saving the config:


1.2.0 MxOrbulent Edition for Minecraft 1.16

06 Jul 17:37
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First binary for 1.16 of my modifications to the Grizzly bear.
You should not be testing this on production for now.
No warranties bla bla your own risk.

NOTE: I tought tags was unique for branches. Seems like it's not. So the jar file will say 1.2.0 but the tag for 1.16 on github is 1.9.0


1.2.0 MxOrbulent Edition for Minecraft 1.17

06 Jul 17:28
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First binary for 1.17 of my modifications to the Grizzly bear.
You should not be testing this on production for now.
No warranties bla bla your own risk.