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My-Random-Thoughts edited this page Oct 28, 2017 · 1 revision

sys-18-check-current-ou (Enabled)

Check that the current server OU path is not in the default location(s). The list of OUs should contain at least the default "Computers" OU, and must be the full distinguished name of the locations.

Input Values

  • NoInTheseOUs - "LIST" - Full distinguished OU names (minus domain) that the servers should not be located in.


NoInTheseOUs = @('cn=Computers', 'ou=Quarantine')

Input Descriptions

  • None

Result And Messages

  • PASS
    Server not in default location

    This is a work group server, is this correct.?

  • FAIL
    Server is in default location


  • NA

Applies To

  • All Servers

Required Functions

  • None
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