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What is ImapJunkExporter

This program exports the junk folder of a given mail server.


I am using mailcow with an encrypted mail storage. Using it encrypted is secure but removes the possibility of auto learning spam mails in rspamd. So I wrote this to:

  • export the junk folder to a local folder
  • run a console command to learn all exported mails as junk

How it works


You can let this tool run once or by defining a cron job.


You can configure the tool as needed using the appsettings.json. For more details see the Configuration part in this readme.


  1. Iterate through all provided mailboxes
  2. Check if Junk subfolder for learned mails is existing, create it if not (and subscribe to it)
  3. Check all mails in this folder
  4. If the mail was already detected by the spam system ignore it (continue with next mail)
  5. Export it to the given filesystem path, if the given file already exists the mail gets ignored (but still moved to the Learned subfolder)
  6. Move the mail to the Learned subfolder, this prevents a reprocessing

Export filename

The exported filename is always {UniqueId}.eml. So if the UniqueId is 4711 the export name would be 4711.eml. If you export multiple mails to the same folder you should use the TargetFilenamePrefix. Using it result into {TargetFilenamePrefix}{UniqueId}.eml. So if you add the prefix Test_ to the exmple above it would result into Test_4711.eml.


You need to configure the mailboxes in the appsettings.json.


  "Schedule": {
    "Schedule": "0 0/15 * ? * * *",
    "RunOnce": false
  "Worker": {
    "ProtocolEmlBaseInformation": true
  "Mailboxes": [
      "ImapHost": "",
      "ImapPort": 993,
      "ImapUseSsl": true,
      "ImapUsername": "",
      "ImapPassword": "base64_encoded_password",
      "ImapLearnedFolderName": "Learned",
      "TargetLocalFolder": "/path/to/where/extract/junk/mails",
      "TargetFilenamePrefix": "info_your_email_",
      "IgnoreSpamMessages": true
      "ImapHost": "",
      "ImapPort": 993,
      "ImapUseSsl": true,
      "ImapUsername": "",
      "ImapPassword": "base64_encoded_password",
      "ImapLearnedFolderName": "Learned",
      "TargetLocalFolder": "/path/to/where/extract/junk/mails",
      "TargetFilenamePrefix": "support_your_email_",
      "IgnoreSpamMessages": true


In the description below the path to configuration elements is written as a string. This string represents the hierarchical position of the element in the config (see above).

Path Default Description
Schedule -> Cron 0 0/15 * ? * * * Quartz cron expression when to run an export, configuration help can be found here:
Schedule -> RunOnce false true: run once and stops the program, false: runs every time specified in Cron -> Schedule
Worker -> ProtocolEmlBaseInformation true Writes one protocol entry for each exported eml file including the unique id and subject
Mailboxes List of mail accounts to export the junk mails from
Mailboxes[] -> ImapHost The server hostname to connect to (usually the external name)
Mailboxes[] -> ImapPort The imap port to connect to
Mailboxes[] -> ImapUsername The username to login, usually the E-Mail address
Mailboxes[] -> ImapPassword The password for this account, this needs to be Base64 encoded to also support special characters. Keep in mind this is NOT an encryption of your password. See below how to convert it to Base64
Mailboxes[] -> ImapLearnedFolderName Name of the Junk subfolder, all exported mails are going to be moved there to avoid double processing. Do not use special characters.
Mailboxes[] -> TargetLocalFolder Folder to save the eml files to, already exported eml files get skipped
Mailboxes[] -> TargetFilenamePrefix If you export multiple accounts you should give each one its own prefix
Mailboxes[] -> IgnoreSpamMessages true: do not export messages which already got flagges by rspamd as spam, false: export all messages, even already detected spam messages

Environment variables

You can also specify configurations using environment variables. This can be useful to run the program with different settings. The program always reads the configuration in the following order. Last one setting a variable wins:

  1. appsettings.json
  2. environment variables.

So using environment variables will always win.


Environment key=value pair Description
Schedule__Cron=*/10 * * ? * * * changes the cron interval to every 10 seconds
Schedule__RunOnce=true changes from cron to run only once
Mailboxes:0:ImapHost changes the ImapHost for the first element in the mailboxes list
(Instead of __ you can also use : like Schedule__Cron can also be written Schedule:Cron.)


Using Base64 you can encoded a string to a Base64 format. It is used in the configuration for the password. This gives a better possibility to use passwords with special characters without breaking the json format.

Where can I convert my password to Base64?

As it is your password I would suggest to use tools on you local computer to convert it. There are some tools in the internet but a lot of them are processing the input on their servers. As I would not suggest sending them your password I can recommend this page:'A-Za-z0-9%2B/%3D')&input=SW5zZXJ0IHlvdXIgdGV4dCBoZXJlLCB0aGUgb3V0cHV0IGluIEJhc2U2NCBpcyBzaG93biBiZWxvdy4 Simply replace the text on the upper right and you get the Base64 string below. CyberChef uses only javascript which runs inside your browser - so nothing is sent here.

Why could it break the json format?

Json has a pre defined format to store information in. If the password contains special characters like double quotes it can easily break the file and is no longer readable by the program. As Base64 only uses only some basic characters (A-Za-z0-9+/=) is is not going to break this format.

So Base64 is a secure way to store password?

NO DEFINITLY NOT! A base 64 encoded string is in no way secure as it can be decoded by anyone.

As an example, you can see here how a Base64 string is decoded back into a normal string without providing anything:'A-Za-z0-9%2B/%3D',true,false)&input=U1c1elpYSjBJSGx2ZFhJZ2RHVjRkQ0JvWlhKbExDQjBhR1VnYjNWMGNIVjBJR2x1SUVKaGMyVTJOQ0JwY3lCemFHOTNiaUJpWld4dmR5ND0


If you want to use it in combination with mailcow I suggest:

Example bash script: This example does the following steps:

  1. iterate through all files in /opt/spam_to_learn (change to the folder where your exported mails are in)
  2. let rspamd learns those messages as spam
  3. deletes the eml file which got learned


cd /opt/mailcow-dockerized # path where your mailcow docker-compose.yaml file lives

for file in `find "$junkFolder" -name "*.eml" -type f`; do
        docker exec -i $(docker compose ps -q rspamd-mailcow) rspamc learn_spam < "$file"
        rm "$file"

cd -


If you want or need to change the logging you simply need to change the file /app/build/NLog.config. I highly suggest to not edit it inside the container but to overwrite it with a linked file (like appsettings.json).




Environment variables

Not needed by default but see configuration above. For the correct usage of timezones I suggest setting the TZ environment parameter.


Volume Type Description
/app/build/logging Folder log files
/app/build/appsettings.json File configuration file
/app/build/NLog.config File NLog configuration for logging

Example docker-compose.yaml

version: '3'
    image: ruepp/imapjunkexporter
    container_name: junkexporter
    restart: unless-stopped
      - ./log:/app/build/logging
      - ./appsettings.json:/app/build/appsettings.json
      # - ./NLog.config:/app/build/NLog.config
      - ./junk:/export
      TZ: Europe/Berlin
      # CRON__RUNONCE: false

Example docker run

This example runs the container and removes it directly after it finished.

docker run --rm -v ./log:/app/build/logging -v ./appsettings.json:/app/build/appsettings.json -e TZ=Europe/Berlin -e Schedule__RunOnce=true ruepp/imapjunkexporter


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