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Minor release

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@forslund forslund released this 18 Dec 17:59
· 2920 commits to dev since this release

New text parsing util fuzzy_matching #1315

The function matches similar text like "orange" and "oranges" and gives a score 0-1.0.

Translate namedvalues #1313

the MycroftSkill class now has a translate_namedvalues() method returning a dict with keys in the current language. The dict is read from a csv file in the `/xx-xx/File.values looking something like:

# List colors and their hex RGB values
alice blue, #F0F8FF
antique white, #FAEBD7
aqua, #00FFFF


  • improved standard of README generated by script and improve some text resources #1311
  • Fix PgUp and PgDn for VT100 #1310