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Tadas Krivickas edited this page Apr 9, 2019 · 54 revisions

Running node

Running node as docker image on TestNet

What are system requirements to run a node

What OpenVPN version is required?

Common issues

I am getting "403 Forbidden" error

Can You whitelist my node's IP for Testnet?

What client software to use with Mysterium Network node?

I launched a node, how to know if it is working?

In logs I see client's attempts, but it does not fully connect

I suspect that my firewall blocks access, what to do?

I suspect that my hosting provider blocks ports, what to do?

Every time I reboot a host, I see unneeded firewall rules

I want to backup / restore my identity, how should I do that?

How should I generate identity for my node?

VPN speed through my node is really low, what can I do?

Running node as docker image on Testnet

Ensure that You have the latest version:

# docker pull mysteriumnetwork/myst

Run node with VPN service on port 1194

# docker run --cap-add NET_ADMIN --net host --name myst --rm mysteriumnetwork/myst service --agreed-terms-and-conditions --openvpn.port 1194

Note1. By adding --agreed-terms-and-conditions command line option you accept our Terms & Conditions

Note2. It's mandatory to run container with --net host to correctly detect VPN service ip which needs to be published to clients, assuming that host has external interface with public ip

Note3. It's mandatory to run container with --net default --publish "1194:1194/udp", assuming that host machines is Windows/OSX. We support --net host only if host machine is Linux.

Note4. It's mandatory to run container with --net default --publish "1194:1194/udp" and do port forwarding PUBLIC_IP:1194 -> NODE_IP:1194, assuming that host doesn't have external interface with public ip. E.g. My publicly visible ip is [78.X.Y.Z] and my laptop's local ip [], so I port forwarded 78.X.Y.Z:1194 -> in router, which I have access to.

Node system requirements

Current node binaries should run on x86-64 linux architecture. Other architectures might work, but are not being tested. We test our docker images on Ubuntu 16.04, Debian 9 and CentOS 7.

To be able to run docker image, Your OS should support docker. This usually means that Your OS should have linux kernel version >= 3.10

Since Mysterium Network node is written in go its memory footprint is quite small. Most of the resources will be consumed by OpenVPN, Ethereum wallet (integrated into our binary) and system itself.

Minimum resources we tested with was 1GB of RAM.

It is suggested to run a node on a decent network connection to give VPN users best experiance.

What OpenVPN version is required?

If You compiled a node or client on Your own, check that OpenVPN version on Your system is >= 2.4.4

I am getting "403 Forbidden" error

If you see the message "identity is not registered" for the 403 error, that means that you are trying to connect with an unregistered identity.

You need to finish registration process for your identity to be accepted.

This error might also mean that you are connecting to discovery service which is closed for Your IP, either because someone from your IP was abusing the service or due to load issues.

Can You whitelist my node's IP for Testnet?

Discovery is already open for all nodes willing to test the service.

What client software to use with Mysterium Network node?

Mysterium team created client software called Mysterium VPN and it is available here.

You can fill out a form for our alpha test client.

You can also use lightweight CLI client available from Mysterium Node repository. If you have node sources you can try running:

# cd
# ./bin/client_build; ./bin/client_run_cli

I launched a node, how to know if it is working?

Best is to test with a client. Still there are other ways to be reasonably sure. If you run your node via docker, check its status and logs:

# docker ps
# docker logs -f myst

You should see myst container running. If not, check the logs. You should see something like this:

[Mysterium.api] Identity registered: 0x4cd126119cd14e38c90e34dd8b6e0e2174b71123
[Mysterium.api] Proposal pinged for node: 0x4cd126119cd14e38c90e34dd8b6e0e2174b71123

It means that node successfully registered to discovery and its service proposal is available for mysterium network clients.

In logs I see client's attempts, but it does not fully connect

There might be many things, but most frequent is firewall. If You run node via docker image, check that ip_forwarding is enabled on a host and that UDP service port (specified by openvpn.port flag) is allowed from outside.

check ip_forward status:

# cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

enable ip_forward if disabled:

# sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1

It also might be that default firewall forward policy is set to DROP. In that case try setting it to ACCEPT. Generic way to do it, provided there are no other interfering rules:

# iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT

I suspect that my hosting provider blocks ports, what to do?

For some hosting providers it is common to open just some pre-defined ports that are commonly used. Try setting any random service to test if incoming UDP port (specified by openvpn.port flag) is open. You can try using custom port using openvpn.port=1234 option.

Sometimes hosting providers block most UDP ports altogether, even outgoing ones. In that case You can still run a node using TCP protocol. You can do that using -openvpn.proto=TCP option.

I suspect that my firewall blocks access, what to do?

You can check all firewall rules with these commands:

# iptables -L -n
# iptables -L -n -t nat

To completely strip host of firewall rules and chains You can do:

# iptables -F
# iptables -t nat -F
# iptables -X

Every time I reboot a host, I see unneeded firewall rules

Depending on Linux distribution You run, there might be different default firewall policies. Sometimes You might need to change / disable certain default policies. See respective firewall documentation of Your OS.

In some cases, firewall rules that are being introduced by docker package might interfere with Mysterium Network node rules (such as in Centos7 for example). In that case try changing conflicting rules or disable extended firewall rules by docker altogether. This might be achieved passing --iptables=false option before starting docker service.

I want to backup / restore my identity, how should I do that?

On the first run node generates its identity automatically. Later this identity is reused each time node is started. If You run Mysterium Network node from sources, binaries or deb packages You can find Your identity in keystore directory in Your home directory (i.e. ~/.keystore).

If You use docker image, it is strongly recommended not to store identity inside docker container (since You might need to remove container in order to upgrade), but to mount Your keystore from Your host to container using -v host_volume:container_volume option as follows:

# docker run --cap-add NET_ADMIN --net host --publish "1194:1194" -v /home/mysterium-node:/var/lib/mysterium-node --name myst -d mysteriumnetwork/myst service --identity.passphrase=your_passphrase_here

Now You can copy and safely store /home/mysterium-node/keystore directory to backup all Your identities. Don't forget to save your passphrase that was used with generated identity, otherwise You will not be able to use that identity or access its wallet.

How should I set a passphrase for node identity?

By default, generated identity is not protected with any password, that is password is an empty string. If You want to generate a password protected identity You can add --identity.passphrase to running command:

# docker run --cap-add NET_ADMIN --net host --publish "1194:1194" --name myst -d mysteriumnetwork/myst service --identity.passphrase=your_passphrase_here

If You have multiple identities, You can choose exact identity using --identity option. If no identity exists, new one will be created automatically.

After node restart, if no --identity option is present, last one used will be reused.

VPN speed through my node is really low, what can I do?

Speed is affected by many things. Things to check:

  • What is the speed between Your desktop and server host without VPN?
  • What is delay from Your desktop to host?
  • Does Your hosting provider guarantees You a certain minimal throughput?
  • Does the speed depends on the time of day?
  • Do You have free resources on Your host? (idle CPU / free memory)

To achieve best results, client (desktop computer) has to be as close (low delay) as possible. Try a different hosting if speed is constantly low.

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