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WebApollo Single Sign On

What is WebApollo SSO?

The basic idea in SSO is to provide handy user interface and make WebApollo user more like a community. In order to accomplish those ideas, we try to transfer management jobs from WebApollo to SSO. SSO gives the coordinators more authority to manage their members who can annotating and grant the priviledges on their own.

In SSO, we seperate users into three different roles.

  • First, the ADMIN who actually owns 'admin priviledge' in WebApollo, can manage users/groups/eroll event.
  • Second, the COORDINATOR who belong to group GROUP_(Organism_short_name(OSN))_ADMIN, can manage membership in specific (Organism).
  • Last, the remaining users are in USER. They can make request to join (or leave) different organism team. Once be recuited in, user will pertain to group GROUP_(OSN)_USER.

SSO make a virtual role COORDINATOR by exploiting a conventional group name GROUP_(OSN)_ADMIN and the user in the team would be in group GROUP_(OSN)_USER.

Role\ WebApollo Single Sign On (SSO)
ADMIN Global Admin Global Admin
COORDINATOR Admin permission in GROUP_()_ADMIN
USER RWE permission in GROUP_()_USER with RWE permission


Mapping between full organism name and short organism name are stored in django-blast app. Full organism name is the real name in WebApollo and short name is a abbreviation used in django-blast app.

Framework Overview

SSO was implemented in Django and JQuery. Conceptually, SSO is a proxy service for delegating user request to appropriate WebApollo service. The main advantage here is that SSO could provides more social utilities for the I5K community.


Database Schema (UserMapping)

Apollo_user_id Apollo_user_name Apollo_user_pwd django_user last_date
1 Chris (AES encrpted pwd) Christopher  
2 Monica (AES encrpted pwd) Monica  
3 Mei (AES encrpted pwd) NULL  

SSO records the mapping between Apollo_user and django_user in table UserMapping. Apollo_user_id and django_user are unique attribute and this makes mapping a one to one relationship. (apollo_user_name could be changed and is not unique)

In above table, record 1 and 2 tell a formal relationship but record 3 describes an Apollo user doesn't belong to any django user. User can claim it by re-register process. (mentioned below)


SSO uses a pre-assigned admin Apollo account to communiate with Apollo server. The account must be create on apollo server first. Two URLs address of i5k server and apollo server are used to identify each others' locations. In order to secure user password, SSO encrpt it before saving password into database.

WebApollo SSO configuration in django

# WebApollo SSO robot account

#URL of i5k workspace and webapollo

# cookie can be seen in Apollo-prod and Gmod-prod

#Encypt webapollo user password in SSO database.
#AES key must be either 16, 24, or 32 bytes long.

Register WebApollo

There are three ways to make connection between i5k account to apollo account.


  • When registering an new i5k account, SSO also create an apollo account(same ID).

  • When entering SSO, if SSO doesn't have mapping record of user,

    • it asks user to create a new apollo account
    • or register his account info into SSO.
  • When entering SSO, if SSO has mapping record of user but login failed, it asks user to re-enter his password into SSO.


There are six individual tab pages, three of them are general and others are specific for Admin user.

Utilities only for Admin

Tab\ Function Descriptions
User(Admin) View/Create/Delete/Update/Disconnect Apollo User
Group(Admin) View/Create/Delete Apollo Group
PReq(Admin) View Pending request

General Utilities

Tab\ Function Descriptions
My Organism Manage organism which you joined in / Go WebApollo
My Request Make request to join/leave a organism community
My Info User basic information