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File metadata and controls

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Setup Guide (MacOS)

This setup guide is tested in MacOS Sierra (10.12.6) with django 1.8.12.

Note: The following variables may be used in path names; substitute as appropriate:

<user>      :  the name of the user doing a set up.
<user-home> :  the user's home directory, e.g., /home/<user>
<git-home>  :  the directory containing the genomics-workspace, and `.git/` folder for `git` will be there.

Project Applications

Clone or refresh the genomics-workspace:

git clone

# Or if the  repository exists:
cd <git-home>
git fetch


We recommend to use Homebrew as package manager. Installation steps can be found at


Install virtualenv:

pip install virtualenv

Build a separate virtualenv:

# Make root dir for virtualenv and cd into it:
cd genomics-workspace

# Create a virtual environment called py2.7 and activate:
virtualenv -p python2.7 py2.7
source py2.7/bin/activate


Install and run RabbitMQ Server:

brew install rabbitmq
# Make sure /usr/local/sbin is in your $PATH


Install and activate memcached:

brew install memcached


Install PostgreSQL:

brew install postgres
psql postgres

# At the prompt 'postgres=#' enter:
create database django;
create user django;
grant all on database django to django;

# Connect to django database:
\c django

# Create extension hstore:
create extension hstore;

# Exit psql and postgres user:

Python Modules and Packages

Install additional Python packages:

cd <git-home>
pip install -r requirements.txt

Chrome Driver


Configure celery:

# Run celery manually
celery -A i5k worker --loglevel=info --concurrency=3
# Run celery beat maually as well
celery -A i5k beat --loglevel=info

Migrate Schema to to PostgreSQL

Run migrate:

cd <git-home>
# create log files
sudo mkdir /var/log/django/
sudo touch /var/log/django/django.log
sudo chmod 666 /var/log/django/django.log
sudo touch /var/log/django/i5k.log
sudo chmod 666 /var/log/django/i5k.log
python migrate

Install BLAST binary

To instll blast binary:


Start development server

To run developement server:

cd <git-home>
python collectstatic
python runserver

This section documents the procedure to load organisms into the BLAST database.


Storage: At least 32 GB of disk space.
Memory:  At least 10 GB of memory in the system or VM.

To add organism to BLAST you need to download the relevant database files to the application 'media' directory.

If for example you want to copy the BLAST databases from gmod-dev, make sure you have at least 32 GB of free disk space.

Also, to run the tool that populates the sequence table you need to have at least 10 GB of system or VM memory.

In your VM:

cd <genomics-workspace-dir>/media

rsync gmod-dev:/usr/local/i5k/media/blast/db/* .

Organisms must be added one at a time using the Django app admin interface.

You need access to a user id with admin privileges. To do that you must alter the Postgres database to add such privileges to a normal user.

sudo su postgres
psql django

First clear any entries that prevent login.

delete from  axes_accessattempt where username='<user_name';

Set your id as superuser

update auth_user set is_staff = 't', is_active = 't' where username = '<user_name>';

Now you should be able to login as admin and navigate to


And then to:

Home » App » Organisms » Add organism

For each organism:

Enter the organism name in the field, 'Display Name'.

Click in the 'Short Name' and 'Description' fields to have them populated automatically.

Enter the organism NCBI Taxonomy ID, and click 'SAVE'

Click on:  BLAST databases 'Add'

Now you must add the databases that correspond to each organism, from those located in:


Navigate to:

Home » BLAST » BLAST databases

On this screen for each organism:

1. From the top three dropdown lists, select the organism, the type of database type being
   loaded, and 'yes' for 'is_shown.'

2. Select the database files being loaded in the tabular list of database files.

3. From the dropdown list next to the 'Go' button, select, 'Populate the sequence table...'
and click go.

4. After a while, the three tick marks on each selected row should turn green.