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Presentation and Explanation of Autonomous Backup Script

This script aims to facilitate the automatic backup of a PostgreSQL database (in this example, the Zabbix database) to a remote TrueNAS server. It follows the following steps:

Source Server (Debian)


  • Installation of Utilities:
    • postgresql-client: Command-line tool to interact with PostgreSQL You can do this with any type of DB!.
    • rsync: File synchronization utility.
    • sshpass: Allows providing a password when SSHing.
    • cron: Task scheduling system.

Step 1: Installation of mysqldump Utility

sudo apt update
sudo apt install postgresql-client rsync sshpass cron -y

Step 2: Creation of a Backup Script

Create a script ( to automate the backup process:


# Setting Parameters
DATE=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")

# Creating Backup
PGPASSWORD=$DB_PASS pg_dump -U $DB_USER -d $DB_NAME -h localhost -w > $BACKUP_FILE

# Transfer to TrueNAS using rsync with the sauv account
rsync -avz --progress -e "sshpass -p 'root' ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" $BACKUP_FILE sauv@

Explanation of Script Parts:

  • DB_USER: Database user.
  • DB_PASS: Database user's password.
  • DB_NAME: The database name.
  • BACKUP_DIR: Directory where the backup will temporarily be stored on your Debian server.
  • PGPASSWORD=$DB_PASS pg_dump -U $DB_USER -d $DB_NAME > $BACKUP_FILE: Exports the PostgreSQL database to a SQL file.
  • rsync:
    • -avz --progress -e "sshpass -p 'backup-server-user-password' ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" $BACKUP_FILE backup-server-user@backup-server-ip:/path/to/backup/folder: Uses rsync to transfer the backup file to your backup server.

Step 3: Making the Script Executable

chmod +x

Backup Server (TrueNAS)

Step 1: Share Configuration

Ensure you have a share configured on your TrueNAS, accessible from your Debian server. Note the share path (e.g., /mnt/TrueNASBackup).

Step 2: Mounting the Share on Debian Server

Mount the TrueNAS share on your Debian server so the script can copy the backups there:

sudo mkdir /mnt/truenas_backup
sudo mount -t cifs //trueNAS_ip_address/share_name /mnt/truenas_backup -o username=your_username,password=your_password,uid=$(id -u),gid=$(id -g),vers=3.0

Explanation of Mount Options:

  • -t cifs: Specifies the filesystem type as CIFS.
  • // The IP address of your TrueNAS and the name of the share you want to mount.
  • /mnt/truenas_backup: The mount directory on your Debian system.
  • -o: Specifies mount options:
  • username=sauv: The username to connect to the CIFS share.
  • password=root: The password to connect to the CIFS share (in this example, it's "root", make sure to replace with the correct password).
  • uid=$(id -u): Ensures the logged-in user is the owner of the mount point (optional, can be replaced with the desired user's UID).
  • gid=$(id -g): Ensures the logged-in group is the owner of the mount point (optional, can be replaced with the desired group's GID).
  • vers=3.0: Specifies the version of the CIFS protocol to use. This may be necessary depending on the version of TrueNAS you're using.

Step 3: Granting Permissions on Backup Folder

sudo chmod -R 770 /path/to/SAUV-01

Testing the Script

Run the script to check its functionality:


Then, verify that the operation completed successfully.

Step 4: Automating Backups with Cron

Add a cron task to execute the backup script at regular intervals:

crontab -e

Add the following line for a daily backup at 2 AM, for example:

0 2 * * * /path/to/your/script/


A weekly backup at 2 AM every Sunday:

0 2 * * 0 /path/to/your/script/

Also, verify that the operation completed successfully after automation.

Checking the Configuration:

  • To check if the Cron task was configured correctly, you can display your crontab using the following command:

    crontab -l
  • You should see the line you added, confirming that the backup task is scheduled to run automatically every 7 days.

These steps should enable you to set up an automatic backup system for your PostgreSQL database to your TrueNAS server, ensuring the security and availability of your data.


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