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This package requires the ControlzEx package in order to use the custom window title bar features.

You can install using Nuget.

This package adds two new styles in addition to the standard windows styles.

Windows 11 style is designed to look close to the the default but with rounded corners and a few minor color changes. Dark mode is the same rounded corner with dark colors.

The rounded windows 11 styles are specifically designed to keep the same size, margins, and padding as the default style. This should enable adding the style without messing up our layouts.


Here is a list of controls that have been styled so far.

  1. CheckBox
  2. Button
  3. ScrollBar/ScrollViewer
  4. TextBox
  5. RichTextBox
  6. PasswordBox
  7. ComboBox
  8. Menu, ContextMenu, MenuItem, Separator
  9. Label, TextBlock
  10. GroupBox
  11. RadioButton
  12. ProgressBar
  13. TabControl, TabItem
  14. Expander
  15. ToolTip
  16. DatePicker, Calendar
  17. DataGrid
  18. Slider
  19. ListBox

The following controls have not been styled

  1. DocumentViewer
  2. StatusBar
  3. ToolBar
  4. TreeView