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Erik Johnson edited this page Mar 26, 2018 · 8 revisions

lrose-soloii Docker Usage

The ncareol/soloii Docker image is hosted on Docker Hub:



Docker must be installed and running.


  • Docker is typically available as the docker package in Linux distributions' package managers. In RHEL 6 and the 6 series of RHEL-derived distributions, e.g. CentOS 6 and Scientific Linux 6, Docker is available as the docker-io package.

  • Start Docker:

    • For distributions w/ systemd-based init systems:

      sudo systemctl enable docker
      sudo systemctl start docker
    • For distributions w/ Sys-V-based init systems:

      sudo service docker start

      To set Docker to start on boot in Sys-V-based init systems:

      sudo chkconfig --add docker
  • Create docker group and add your user to it:

    sudo groupadd docker
    sudo usermod -aG docker `whoami`

    You will then need to restart Docker and open a new shell session for your user to recognize that it has been added to the docker group.


Install Docker for Mac and open


Install and run Docker for Windows


An X window server must be installed. If you are running a desktop environment, e.g. GNOME or KDE, then this prerequisite is satisfied.

macOS: XQuartz is a popular X window system for macOS that has been used to run lrose-soloii on macOS. Please see the X11 section below for authorizing X11 connections. must be started when for lrose-soloii to run as an X application.

Windows: a variety of X window systems are available, including:

soloii-docker Helper Script

The easiest way to run lrose-soloii on Linux and macOS is via the soloii-docker helper script. Download the script, make it executable, and then run it w/ the path to a directory containing data files. E.g.

curl -O
chmod +x soloii-docker
./soloii-docker /path/to/data

The soloii version can be specified as a second, optional argument to the soloii-docker script, e.g.

./soloii-docker /path/to/data 1.18

At this time, 1.20 is the latest and default version, while only 1.18 is available as an alternate version. For a complete list of versions of Docker soloii that are available, see


This image provides an entrypoint that can accept a directory as an argument.

Running the image w/ -h or --help as argument will display help instructions:

docker run ncareol/soloii -h

start soloii
INPUT (OPTIONAL): directory path from which to invoke soloii

Passing a directory as an argument will cause the container to cd to that directory and then start soloii. E.g.

docker run ncareol/soloii /data


For X11 on macOS:

Install XQuartz

Start XQuartz.

Enable X11 connections:

  • Under Preferences in XQuartz, in the Security tab, ensure that the Authenticate connections and Allow connections from network clients checkboxes are selected.


Determine the IP address of the macOS host machine:

ip=$(ifconfig en0 | grep inet | awk '$1=="inet" {print $2}')


Provide docker run w/ the following:

  • set the DISPLAY for X11 w/ -e
  • mount the ~/.Xauthority file as a volume w/ -v
  • mount a data volume w/ another -v
  • specify the Docker image, ncareol/soloii
  • optionally, specify a path to a data directory within the container, e.g. /data


docker run \
  -v $HOME/.Xauthority:/root/.Xauthority \
  -e DISPLAY=$ip:0 \
  -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
  -v /Users/ej/rsf:/data \
  ncareol/soloii /data

If more than one X11 server has been running, such as running both socat and XQuartz, then XQuartz may not be running on display number 0. This can be determined by running xauth list:

xauth list

myhost/unix:0  MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 ...
myhost/unix:1  MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1  ...  MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1  ...

If there are entries other than :0, the display number for one of those entries may need to be used.

XQuartz' display number can be more explicitly determined by running a more verbose series of commands:

ps -e | grep 'Xquartz :\d'|grep -v xinit

 2104 ??         0:00.00 /opt/X11/bin/Xquartz :1 -listen tcp -iglx -auth /Users/myuser/.serverauth.1955

where the entry immediately after XQuartz specifies the display number in this example as 1.

Based on the above examples w/ :1, DISPLAY would be set w/ 1 as the display number via:

  -e DISPLAY=$ip:1

Further information



"Unable to load font %s"

If soloii fails to start and returns an error w/ message "Unable to load font %s", this can be resolved by installing the required fonts on the host.

On CentOS, RHEL-derived Linux, install ISO8859-1 packages:

sudo yum install xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-*
Ubuntu, Debian and its derivatives