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Gordon Maclean edited this page Jan 22, 2021 · 70 revisions

NIDAS: NCAR InSitu Data Acquisition Software


See Introduction.

API Documentation

Source API documentation is available at:

Also see the nidas-doxygen package at NIDAS Packages, which places doxygen html files on /opt/nidas/doxygen/html.

NIDAS on RedHat x86_64 Systems

Installing pre-built RPMs

Building NIDAS on RedHat

NIDAS on Debian Systems

Raspberry Pi, ARMv7

Debian 8 has very good support for the armhf architecture. The Pi 2 is an ARMv7 armhf. The Pi 1 is an ARMv6, and requires Raspbian packages, since ARMv6 is not compatible with Debian armhf binaries.

Based on a hunch that the wider Debian armhf distribution will have a longer lifetime than Raspbian, we have chosen to standardize on armhf and so are using Pi 2's for NIDAS rather than Pi 1s.

ARMv5 Systems

Our older systems are ARMv5, with PC104 expansion buses.

Installing pre-built NIDAS packages on Debian

This following procedure applies to Debian x86_64, ARMv7 and ARMv5 systems.

Building NIDAS on Debian

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