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Richard Bruskiewich edited this page Feb 10, 2018 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the translator-knowledge-beacon wiki!

Heh Knowledge Beacon Fans! We'd like to start leveraging this site to:

  1. Create more detailed summary pages documenting progress on each of the currently deployed AND proposed-for-development beacons. Such pages could summarize what coding is completed to date (if any); what technical approaches were taken (languages, algorithms, libraries used, etc.); what unique bits of code in the given beacon wrapper could be extracted for generic reuse; what lessons were learned; road blocks to completion (of non-deployed beacons); etc.

  2. Create a "cookbook" for beacon wrapping and for using the beacon ecosystem (e.g. more details on "how to go about things" including beacon validation, etc.)

Directly using the Knowledge Beacon API

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