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Dengue Lamps & Minimal covering circle API

Build Status Known Vulnerabilities Code Climate Coverage Status FOSSA Status JavaScript Style Guide



  • v0.9.3 (Todo Features)

    • Add Tables: lamps_meta, notification
    • Use pm2 deploy
  • v0.9.2.4 (Todo Features)

    • Modify
      • Modify Point Size Function
    • Add
      • get counts just by hour
  • v0.9.2.3 (Master Branch)

    • Refactoring
      • request validation error handling
    • Add
      • get counts by hashID (formatByDate)
      • Return Body when Put Item
    • Fix
      • cannot Get lamps By too short wrong hashID
      • Return 400 when Post with null value
      • change GET Lamps attributes constantly
  • v0.9.2.2

    • Add Zapper Front end display
    • Set lamp data No return Wifi code
    • Set 6 characters lamp hash validation in post comment
  • v0.9.2.1

    • Fix 0.9.2 formatByDate error
    • Set sample admin pw to env variable
  • v0.9.2 (found query error, use

    • Auth

      • New Tables: user, roles
      • New Session Auth of post, put, delete request
    • Support

      • Add get counts format by hour and limit days
      • Add post new comment by hash id
      • Add get lamp by hash id
  • v0.9.1

    • With RESTFul API of Lamps, Places, Counts, States, Mcc, Rules, Comments
    • With Lamp MQTT message Subscribe



  • Node.js: '^7.6.0'
  • PostgreSQL: '^9.3'

1. Install Dependency

$ yarn install // or npm install

2. Setup Secret Data

  • Create Dev DB & user. Check here
  • Setup your environment variables DATABASE, USER, PASSWORD in config/lampDevConfig.js & config/lampProdConfig.js

3. Initialize Dev Tables

It will Drop Dev tables if these already exist

$ node config/dbInitialize.js

4. Run Locally (Dev)

  • Use dev database
$ npm start
// or use pm2 
$ pm2 start ecosystem.config.js

5. Run Test

  • Test Each RESTful API
$ npm test

Run Locally (Prod)

Use Production Database

$ export NODE_ENV=production
$ npm run prod
// or 
$ pm2 start ecosystem.config.js --env production

Run Lamp Mqtt Subscribe

$ npm install -g pm2
$ cd mqttSub
$ pm2 start   ecosystem.config.js --only Lamp_Sub
  • check Mqtt Log
$ pm2 logs Lamp_Sub

API Document

Modify API Document Site

  • Modify api.apib
  • Generate api doc site
$ npm install -g aglio
$ npm run doc

Database Diagram

Database diagram

Table Overview

  • v0.9.1 Tables(7)
Table Name Description Remarks
lamps 捕蚊燈相關資料
lamp_places 捕蚊燈部署店家相關資料
lamp_counts 捕蚊燈捕獲數目
lamp_states 捕蚊燈狀態
lamp_mcc 密集處包含圓
lamp_mcc_rules 包含圓產生規則
lamp_comments 捕蚊燈店家留言

Table Details

Table: lamps

Field Type Null Key Default Remarks
lamp_id varchar(25) PRI
lamp_hash_id varchar(64) SHA-256 with secret
lamp_location [double precision]
lamp_deployed_date date YES NULL 捕蚊燈部署日期
lamp_wifi_ssid varchar(25) YES NULL
lamp_wifi_password varchar(25) YES NULL
place_id integer IND
created_at timestamp
updated_at timestamp


Keyname Type Field
lamp_id PRIMARY lamp_id
place_id INDEX place_id

Table: lamp_places

Field Type Null Key Default Extra Remarks
place_id integer PRI auto_increment
place_name varchar(25)
place_address varchar(50)
place_contact_person varchar(10) YES NULL 聯絡人
place_phone varchar(25) YES NULL
created_at timestamp
updated_at timestamp


Keyname Type Field
place_id PRIMARY place_id

Table: lamp_counts

Field Type Null Key Default Extra Remarks
count_id integer PRI auto_increment
lamp_id varchar(25) IND
counts integer
created_at timestamp IND


Keyname Type Field
count_id PRIMARY count_id
lamp_id INDEX lamp_id
created_at INDEX created_at

Table: lamp_states

Field Type Null Key Default Extra Remarks
state_id integer PRI auto_increment
lamp_id varchar(25) IND
lamp_state integer IND 捕蚊燈狀態: 2: 檢查中, 1: 異常待查, 0: 正常
lamp_check_date date YES NULL 檢查日期
lamp_check_person varchar(10) YES NULL 檢查者
state_description text YES NULL 異常狀況
state_reason text YES NULL 異常原因
created_at timestamp
updated_at timestamp


Keyname Type Field
state_id PRIMARY state_id
lamp_id INDEX lamp_id
lamp_state INDEX lamp_state

Table: lamp_mcc

Field Type Null Key Default Extra Remarks
mcc_id integer PRI auto_increment
mcc_keys [varchar(25)] 包含圓邊界點
mcc_points [varchar(25)] 包含圓包含點
mcc_center [double] 包含圓中心座標
rule_id integer
created_at timestamp IND


Keyname Type Field
mcc_id PRIMARY mcc_id
created_at IND created_at

Table: lamp_mcc_rules

Field Type Null Key Default Extra Remarks
rule_id integer PRI auto_increment
timeline_upper_limit integer 幾天內
distance_lower_limit integer 圓半徑
points_lower_limit integer 最少點數目
counts_lower_limit integer 單一點最少捕獲數目
created_at timestamp
updated_at timestamp


Keyname Type Field
rule_id PRIMARY rule_id

Table: lamp_comments

Field Type Null Key Default Extra Remarks
comment_id integer PRI auto_increment
lamp_id varchar(25) IND
comment_content text
created_at timestamp 留言日期


Keyname Type Field
comment_id PRIMARY comment_id
lamp_id INDEX lamp_id



Field Type Null Key Default Remarks
user_id varchar(15) PRI
email varchar(64) UNI
password varchar(64) Bcrypt with Salt
first_name varchar(15) YES NULL
last_name varchar(15) YES NULL
phone varchar(25) YES NULL
mail_subscription boolean TRUE
role_id varchar(25) IND
created_at timestamp
updated_at timestamp


Keyname Type Field
user_id PRIMARY user_id
role_id INDEX role_id


Field Type Null Key Default Extra Remarks
role_id varchar(25) PRI
role_description TEXT
role_permissions TEXT JSON Stringify
created_at timestamp
updated_at timestamp


Keyname Type Field
role_id PRIMARY user_id


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