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Frontiers FLIM Denoising

This is the folder contains all the results used in the pre-trained CNN for FLIM lifetime denoising and phasor denoising.

Installation of the plugins

Simple Instructions

#For fluoresence microscopy image denoising using ImageJ plugin:

We use these (DnCNN and Noise2Noise) CNN models as pre-trained CNNs for denoising FLIM lifetime and phasor denoising.

#For K-means segmentation:

In Vivo imaging

Phasor images

Noisy Input phasor: 3D zebrafish sample

Denoised Output Phasor: From Neural network:

Image segmentation: K-means clustering

Noisy segments: 2D Mouse Kidney shows the microtubules

Denoised segments: 2D Mouse Kidney shows the microtubules show the upstream and downstream microtubules.

Results shown in the Journal paper

Details: plant sample1 Input: 2D single channel image from plant images dataset: (from our custom made InstantFLIM FD-MPM-FLIM system at excitaiton: 800nm and sample: bean leaf plant in vivo imaging) Denoised: Image denoising using our ImageJ plugin (using pre-trained DnCNN CNN model): (time: 80 ms in GPU, image size: 512x512) Target: Target image generated by taking average of 5 noisy images in the same FOV:

Input Noisy HSV lifetime Median HSV filtering DnCNN HSV denoising Target HSV lifetime
Input Noisy lifetime Median filtering DnCNN denoising Plugin Target Image
Input Noisy lifetime histogram Median filtering DnCNN denoising Target HSV lifetime
Input Noisy HSV lifetime Median HSV filtering DnCNN HSV denoising Target HSV lifetime

Details: plant sample2 Input: 2D single channel image from plant images dataset: upper epidermis layer: (from our custom made InstantFLIM FD-MPM-FLIM system at excitaiton: 800nm and sample: bean leaf plant in vivo imaging) Denoised: Image denoising using our ImageJ plugin (using pre-trained DnCNN CNN model): (time: 80 ms in GPU, image size: 512x512) Target: Target image generated by taking average of 5 noisy images in the same FOV:

Input Noisy HSV lifetime Median HSV filtering DnCNN HSV denoising Target HSV lifetime
Input Noisy lifetime Median filtering DnCNN denoising Plugin Target Image
Input Noisy HSV lifetime Median HSV filtering DnCNN HSV denoising Target HSV lifetime

Ex Vivo imaging

Details: BPAE sample1 Input: 2D single channel image from BPAE images: (from our custom made InstantFLIM FD-MPM-FLIM system at excitaiton: 800nm and sample: BPAE ex vivo imaging) Denoised: Image denoising using our ImageJ plugin (using pre-trained DnCNN CNN model): (time: 80 ms in GPU, image size: 512x512) Target: Target image generated by taking average of 5 noisy images in the same FOV:

Input intensity Noisy HSV lifetime DnCNN HSV denoising Target HSV lifetime
Noisy lifetime Phasor DnCNN lifetime Phasor Target lifetime Phasor

Details: Mouse Kidney sample1 Input: 2D single channel image from fixed Mouse Kidney images: (from our custom made InstantFLIM FD-MPM-FLIM system at excitaiton: 800nm and sample: fixed mouse kideny ex vivo imaging) Denoised: Image denoising using our ImageJ plugin (using pre-trained DnCNN CNN model): (time: 80 ms in GPU, image size: 512x512) Target: Target image generated by taking average of 5 noisy images in the same FOV:

Input intensity Noisy HSV lifetime DnCNN HSV denoising Target HSV lifetime
Noisy lifetime Phasor DnCNN lifetime Phasor Target lifetime Phasor

Details: BPAE sample3: large FOV Input: 2D single channel image from BPAE images: (from our custom made InstantFLIM FD-MPM-FLIM system at excitaiton: 800nm and sample: BPAE ex vivo imaging) Denoised: Image denoising using our ImageJ plugin (using pre-trained DnCNN CNN model): (time: ~90 ms in GPU, image size: 560x560) Target: Target image generated by taking average of 5 noisy images in the same FOV:

Input intensity Noisy HSV lifetime DnCNN HSV denoising Target HSV lifetime

Details: Mouse Kidney sample4: large FOV Input: 2D single channel image from fixed Mouse Kidney images: (from our custom made InstantFLIM FD-MPM-FLIM system at excitaiton: 800nm and sample: fixed mouse kideny ex vivo imaging) Denoised: Image denoising using our ImageJ plugin (using pre-trained DnCNN CNN model): (time: ~90 ms in GPU, image size: 560x560) Target: Target image generated by taking average of 5 noisy images in the same FOV:

Input intensity Noisy HSV lifetime DnCNN HSV denoising Target HSV lifetime

Noise2Noise pre-trained CNN results

Details: Input: 2D single channel FLIM image of FLIM BPAE sample captured using our Instant FLIM system: FLIM Image denoising using our ImageJ plugin (from pre-trained Noise2Noise image denoising model): (time: <80 ms in GPU, image size: 512x512) Target: Target image generated by taking average of 5 noisy images in the same FOV: The improvement in PSNR in the denoised lifetime image is 8.26 dB compared to the noisy input lifetime image.

Figure Caption: From left to right: noisy composite lifetime, denoised composite lifetime, target composite lifetime. Composite lifetime is the hue saturation value (HSV) representation of intensity and lifetime images together, where intensity and the fluorescence lifetimes are mapped to the pixels’ brightness and hue, respectively. The top row indicates a field of view (FOV) of 512 $\times$ 512 size, and the bottom row shows the region of interest (ROI) from the FOV (as shown in the yellow box) of size 100 $\times$ 100. The selected ROI indicates nuclei and mitochondria in green and light-blue colors, respectively. Scale bar: 20 $\mathrm{\mu}$m.

Comparison of BM3D image denoising vs pre-trained CNN results:

Details: Input: 2D single channel FLIM image of FLIM BPAE sample captured using our Instant FLIM system: FLIM Image denoising using our ImageJ plugin (from pre-trained DnCNN ML model): (time: <80 ms in GPU, image size: 512x512) Target: Target image generated by taking average of 5 noisy images in the same FOV:

Figure Caption: From left to right: Fluorescence intensity image (a), noisy composite lifetime (b), BM3D image denoised composite lifetime (c), Pre-trained DnCNN denoised composite lifetime (d), target composite lifetime (e). Composite lifetime is the hue saturation value (HSV) representation of intensity and lifetime images together, where intensity and the fluorescence lifetimes are mapped to the pixels’ brightness and hue, respectively. The top row indicates a field of view (FOV) of 512 $\times$ 512 size (a)-(e), and the bottom row shows the region of interest (ROI) from the FOV (as shown in the yellow box) of size 125 $\times$ 125 (f-j). The selected ROI indicates nuclei and mitochondria in green and light-blue colors, respectively. Scale bar: 20 $\mathrm{\mu}$m.


#Images: The testing dataset of in vivo Zebrafish and in vio mouse kidney images are given in this folder and for the BAPE sample images can be downloaded from here Additional images are added from the instant FLIM and commertial FLIM systems in the datasets folder. Fixed BPAE cells and fixed mouse kidney cells are imaged using Instant FLIM system the data is provided in the Datasets folder.

#Citation for dataset: Please cite the Fluorescence Microscopy Lifetime Denoising (FMLD) dataset using the following format: Mannam, Varun. 2020. “Fluorescence Microscopy Lifetime Denoising (FMLD) Dataset.” Notre Dame.


© 2019 Varun Mannam, University of Notre Dame


Licensed under the GPL


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