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6. Whitelisting

Nisha Sharma edited this page Mar 26, 2024 · 5 revisions

Why do you need a whitelist?

Due to security concerns (minor - cross-communication between browser tabs), the public instance of the nmrium-react-wrapper whitelists the domains that could integrate this.

How to get whitelisted?

Provide the following details via an email or raise a GitHub issue.

  • Domain:
  • Organisation:
  • Contact person (Name/Email):
  • Usage details (Optional):

Emailing us at or

Raise an issue on GitHub -

Chemotion Integration

STEP 1: Whitelist your domain by contacting us.

STEP 2: Update config/spectra.yml, manually point yml file to nmrium spectra.yml.example#L17

For local installation, standalone & NMRium-react-wrapper refer to

To whitelist a domain follow the below steps:

  • Switch to development branch.
  • Add the new domain to /src/allowed-origins.json file with the protocol (HTTP or HTTPS).
  • Commit the changes and then merge the changes to the main branch without creating the release.
  • At the end don't forget to document the domain details in the whitelisting doc.