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Bump github action versions (#95) #121

Bump github action versions (#95)

Bump github action versions (#95) #121

Triggered via push March 18, 2024 21:54
Status Failure
Total duration 1m 22s
Matrix: Bless
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22 errors and 4 warnings
Bless (1.7.4, 21.3, 22.6.0): test/spear_test.exs#L629
test given no prior state a subscription to the end of the :all stream will pickup a new event (SpearTest)
Bless (1.7.4, 21.3, 22.6.0): test/spear_test.exs#L296
test given a stream contains events info about a psub can be fetched (SpearTest)
Bless (1.7.4, 21.3, 22.6.0): test/spear_test.exs#L240
test given a stream contains events a psub can be ack-ed and nack-ed (SpearTest)
Bless (1.7.4, 21.3, 22.6.0): test/spear_test.exs#L122
test given a stream contains events subscribing to the end of the stream emits no events in the stream (SpearTest)
Bless (1.7.4, 21.3, 22.6.0): test/spear_test.exs#L408
test given a subscription to a stream a keep-alive timeout disconnects the conn and the conn reconnects (SpearTest)
Bless (1.7.4, 21.3, 22.6.0): test/spear_test.exs#L1080
test given no prior state the server's implemented RPCs can be determined with get_supported_rpcs/2 (SpearTest)
Bless (1.7.4, 21.3, 22.6.0): test/spear_test.exs#L762
test given no prior state the cluster info shows one active node on localhost (SpearTest)
Bless (1.7.4, 21.3, 22.6.0): test/spear_test.exs#L1075
test given no prior state the server version can be determined with get_server_version/2 (SpearTest)
Bless (1.7.4, 21.3, 22.6.0): test/spear_test.exs#L391
test given a subscription to a stream appending an event emits a message to the subscription (SpearTest)
Bless (1.7.4, 21.3, 22.6.0): test/spear_test.exs#L423
test given no prior state attempting to append an infinite stream of events fails with a gRPC error (SpearTest)
Bless (1.12.3, 24.0, 22.6.0): test/spear_test.exs#L40
test given a stream contains events the :from option for reading is inclusive (SpearTest)
Bless (1.12.3, 24.0, 22.6.0): test/spear_test.exs#L34
test given a stream contains events the stream evens may be read in chunks with stream!/3 (SpearTest)
Bless (1.12.3, 24.0, 22.6.0): test/spear_test.exs#L417
test given no prior state streaming a non-existing stream results in an empty list (SpearTest)
Bless (1.12.3, 24.0, 22.6.0): test/spear_test.exs#L112
test given a stream contains events subscribing at the beginning of a stream emits all of the events (SpearTest)
Bless (1.12.3, 24.0, 22.6.0): test/spear_test.exs#L792
test given no prior state you cannot create a persistent subscription that already exists (SpearTest)
Bless (1.12.3, 24.0, 22.6.0): test/spear_test.exs#L459
test given no prior state if we try to write a gigantic event, we get a gRPC error (SpearTest)
Bless (1.12.3, 24.0, 22.6.0): test/spear_test.exs#L323
test given a stream contains events fetched info about a psub contains connections info (SpearTest)
Bless (1.12.3, 24.0, 22.6.0): test/spear_test.exs#L821
test given no prior state you cannot delete a persistent subscription that does not exist (SpearTest)
Bless (1.12.3, 24.0, 22.6.0): test/spear_test.exs#L310
test given a stream contains events info about a psub to :all can be fetched (SpearTest)
Bless (1.12.3, 24.0, 22.6.0): test/spear_test.exs#L927
test given no prior state append_batch/5 appends a batch of events (SpearTest)
Bless (1.7.4, 21.3, 20.10.2): test/spear_test.exs#L542
test given no prior state a subscription can pick up from where it left off with a Spear.Event (SpearTest)
Bless (1.7.4, 21.3, 20.10.2)
Process completed with exit code 1.
Bless (1.7.4, 21.3, 22.6.0): test/spear/connection_test.exs#L97
redefining module Spear.ConnectionTest.MfaTest (current version defined in memory)
Bless (1.12.3, 24.0, 22.6.0): test/spear/connection_test.exs#L80
redefining module Spear.ConnectionTest.MfaTest (current version defined in memory)
Bless (1.7.4, 21.3, 20.10.2): test/spear/connection_test.exs#L97
redefining module Spear.ConnectionTest.MfaTest (current version defined in memory)
Bless (1.12.3, 24.0, 20.10.2): test/spear/connection_test.exs#L97
redefining module Spear.ConnectionTest.MfaTest (current version defined in memory)