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🎟️ Raffle NFT Contracts to be deployed on L2 Arbitrum to gamify and engage new user bases via NFT and raffle entries as a distribution mechanism.

Rationale: Entering raffles on L2 is 100X more gas effective than L1, why would anyone partcipate when L2 can offer a undeniably better solution and user experience?

NFTEarth Raffles

Inspired by the LooksRare contracts.

Note: These contracts are NOT in their final state and refinements still need to be completed before deployment.

To Do:

  1. Smart contract testing.
  2. Customize use case to NFTEarth and L2 user-base.
  3. Complete a frontend similar to LooksRare for easy entry into the Rafflers, and add a native Mobile application fully integrated via Firebase in order to have Web/Android/iOS fully synchronized.

Notice: This repository may contain changes that are under development. Make sure the correct commit is referenced when reviewing specific deployed contract.

Deployed contracts on Arbitrum

Contracts Address Module
Chainlink VRFCoordinatorV2 0x41034678D6C633D8a95c75e1138A360a28bA15d1 Infrastructure
Chainlink VRF Subscription ID 21 VRF ID 21
Chainlink Consumer Contract TBD Consumer
Raffle - Arbitrum TBD Contract
NFTE 0xb261104a83887ae92392fb5ce5899fcfe5481456 Token
ARB 0x912CE59144191C1204E64559FE8253a0e49E6548 Token